# frozen_string_literal: true require 'set' require 'rubocop' require 'yaml' require_relative '../todo_dir' module RuboCop module Formatter # This formatter dumps a YAML configuration file per cop rule # into `.rubocop_todo/**/*.yml` which contains detected offenses. # # For example, this formatter stores offenses for `RSpec/VariableName` # in `.rubocop_todo/rspec/variable_name.yml`. class TodoFormatter < BaseFormatter # Disable a cop which exceeds this limit. This way we ensure that we # don't enable a cop by accident when moving it from # .rubocop_todo.yml to .rubocop_todo/. # We keep the cop disabled if it has been disabled previously explicitly # via `Enabled: false` in .rubocop_todo.yml or .rubocop_todo/. MAX_OFFENSE_COUNT = 15 Todo = Struct.new(:cop_name, :files, :offense_count) do def initialize(cop_name) super(cop_name, Set.new, 0) @cop_class = RuboCop::Cop::Registry.global.find_by_cop_name(cop_name) end def record(file, offense_count) files << file self.offense_count += offense_count end def autocorrectable? @cop_class&.support_autocorrect? end end def initialize(output, options = {}) directory = options.delete(:rubocop_todo_dir) || TodoDir::DEFAULT_TODO_DIR @todos = Hash.new { |hash, cop_name| hash[cop_name] = Todo.new(cop_name) } @todo_dir = TodoDir.new(directory) @config_inspect_todo_dir = load_config_inspect_todo_dir(directory) @config_old_todo_yml = load_config_old_todo_yml(directory) check_multiple_configurations! super end def file_finished(file, offenses) return if offenses.empty? file = relative_path(file) offenses.map(&:cop_name).tally.each do |cop_name, offense_count| @todos[cop_name].record(file, offense_count) end end def finished(_inspected_files) @todos.values.sort_by(&:cop_name).each do |todo| yaml = to_yaml(todo) path = @todo_dir.write(todo.cop_name, yaml) output.puts "Written to #{relative_path(path)}\n" end end private def relative_path(path) parent = File.expand_path('..', @todo_dir.directory) path.delete_prefix("#{parent}/") end def to_yaml(todo) yaml = [] yaml << '---' yaml << '# Cop supports --auto-correct.' if todo.autocorrectable? yaml << "#{todo.cop_name}:" if previously_disabled?(todo) && offense_count_exceeded?(todo) yaml << " # Offense count: #{todo.offense_count}" yaml << ' # Temporarily disabled due to too many offenses' yaml << ' Enabled: false' end yaml << ' Exclude:' files = todo.files.sort.map { |file| " - '#{file}'" } yaml.concat files yaml << '' yaml.join("\n") end def offense_count_exceeded?(todo) todo.offense_count > MAX_OFFENSE_COUNT end def check_multiple_configurations! cop_names = @config_inspect_todo_dir.keys & @config_old_todo_yml.keys return if cop_names.empty? list = cop_names.sort.map { |cop_name| "- #{cop_name}" }.join("\n") raise "Multiple configurations found for cops:\n#{list}\n" end def previously_disabled?(todo) cop_name = todo.cop_name config = @config_old_todo_yml[cop_name] || @config_inspect_todo_dir[cop_name] || {} return false if config.empty? config['Enabled'] == false end def load_config_inspect_todo_dir(directory) @todo_dir.list_inspect.each_with_object({}) do |path, combined| config = YAML.load_file(path) combined.update(config) if Hash === config end end # Load YAML configuration from `.rubocop_todo.yml`. # We consider this file already old, obsolete, and to be removed soon. def load_config_old_todo_yml(directory) path = File.expand_path(File.join(directory, '../.rubocop_todo.yml')) config = YAML.load_file(path) if File.exist?(path) config || {} end end end end