import { GlDropdownItem } from '@gitlab/ui'; import axios from 'axios'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import { shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import SidebarAssignee from '~/vue_shared/alert_details/components/sidebar/sidebar_assignee.vue'; import SidebarAssignees from '~/vue_shared/alert_details/components/sidebar/sidebar_assignees.vue'; import AlertSetAssignees from '~/vue_shared/alert_details/graphql/mutations/alert_set_assignees.mutation.graphql'; import mockAlerts from '../mocks/alerts.json'; const mockAlert = mockAlerts[0]; describe('Alert Details Sidebar Assignees', () => { let wrapper; let mock; const mockPath = '/-/autocomplete/users.json'; const mockUsers = [ { avatar_url: '', id: 1, name: 'User 1', username: 'root', webUrl: 'https://gitlab:3443/root', }, { avatar_url: '', id: 2, name: 'User 2', username: 'not-root', webUrl: 'https://gitlab:3443/non-root', }, ]; const findAssigned = () => wrapper.findByTestId('assigned-users'); const findDropdown = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlDropdownItem); const findSidebarIcon = () => wrapper.findByTestId('assignees-icon'); const findUnassigned = () => wrapper.findByTestId('unassigned-users'); function mountComponent({ data, users = [], isDropdownSearching = false, sidebarCollapsed = true, loading = false, stubs = {}, } = {}) { wrapper = shallowMountExtended(SidebarAssignees, { data() { return { users, isDropdownSearching, }; }, propsData: { alert: { ...mockAlert },, sidebarCollapsed, projectPath: 'projectPath', projectId: '1', }, mocks: { $apollo: { mutate: jest.fn(), queries: { alert: { loading, }, }, }, }, stubs, }); } afterEach(() => { if (wrapper) { wrapper.destroy(); } mock.restore(); }); describe('sidebar expanded', () => { const mockUpdatedMutationResult = { data: { alertSetAssignees: { errors: [], alert: { assigneeUsernames: ['root'], }, }, }, }; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockPath).replyOnce(200, mockUsers); mountComponent({ data: { alert: mockAlert }, sidebarCollapsed: false, loading: false, users: mockUsers, stubs: { SidebarAssignee, }, }); }); it('renders a unassigned option', async () => { // setData usage is discouraged. See for details // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax wrapper.setData({ isDropdownSearching: false }); await nextTick(); expect(findDropdown().text()).toBe('Unassigned'); }); it('does not display the collapsed sidebar icon', () => { expect(findSidebarIcon().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('calls `$apollo.mutate` with `AlertSetAssignees` mutation and variables containing `iid`, `assigneeUsernames`, & `projectPath`', async () => { jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$apollo, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue(mockUpdatedMutationResult); // setData usage is discouraged. See for details // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax wrapper.setData({ isDropdownSearching: false }); await nextTick(); wrapper.findComponent(SidebarAssignee).vm.$emit('update-alert-assignees', 'root'); expect(wrapper.vm.$apollo.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ mutation: AlertSetAssignees, variables: { iid: '1527542', assigneeUsernames: ['root'], fullPath: 'projectPath', }, }); }); it('emits an error when request contains error messages', async () => { // setData usage is discouraged. See for details // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax wrapper.setData({ isDropdownSearching: false }); const errorMutationResult = { data: { issuableSetAssignees: { errors: ['There was a problem for sure.'], alert: {}, }, }, }; jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$apollo, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue(errorMutationResult); await nextTick(); const SideBarAssigneeItem = wrapper.findAllComponents(SidebarAssignee).at(0); await SideBarAssigneeItem.vm.$emit('update-alert-assignees'); expect(wrapper.emitted('alert-error')).toBeDefined(); }); it('stops updating and cancels loading when the request fails', () => { jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$apollo, 'mutate').mockReturnValue(Promise.reject(new Error())); wrapper.vm.updateAlertAssignees('root'); expect(findUnassigned().text()).toBe('assign yourself'); }); it('shows a user avatar, username and full name when a user is set', () => { mountComponent({ data: { alert: mockAlerts[1] }, sidebarCollapsed: false, loading: false, stubs: { SidebarAssignee, }, }); expect(findAssigned().find('img').attributes('src')).toBe('/url'); expect(findAssigned().find('.dropdown-menu-user-full-name').text()).toBe('root'); expect(findAssigned().find('.dropdown-menu-user-username').text()).toBe('@root'); }); }); describe('sidebar collapsed', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockPath).replyOnce(200, mockUsers); mountComponent({ data: { alert: mockAlert }, loading: false, users: mockUsers, stubs: { SidebarAssignee, }, }); }); it('does not display the status dropdown', () => { expect(findDropdown().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('does display the collapsed sidebar icon', () => { expect(findSidebarIcon().exists()).toBe(true); }); }); });