# frozen_string_literal: true # This service downloads and links lfs objects from a remote URL module Projects module LfsPointers class LfsDownloadService < BaseService SizeError = Class.new(StandardError) OidError = Class.new(StandardError) attr_reader :lfs_download_object delegate :oid, :size, :credentials, :sanitized_url, to: :lfs_download_object, prefix: :lfs def initialize(project, lfs_download_object) super(project) @lfs_download_object = lfs_download_object end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def execute return unless project&.lfs_enabled? && lfs_download_object return error("LFS file with oid #{lfs_oid} has invalid attributes") unless lfs_download_object.valid? return if LfsObject.exists?(oid: lfs_oid) wrap_download_errors do download_lfs_file! end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord private def wrap_download_errors(&block) yield rescue SizeError, OidError, StandardError => e error("LFS file with oid #{lfs_oid} could't be downloaded from #{lfs_sanitized_url}: #{e.message}") end def download_lfs_file! with_tmp_file do |tmp_file| download_and_save_file!(tmp_file) project.all_lfs_objects << LfsObject.new(oid: lfs_oid, size: lfs_size, file: tmp_file) success end end def download_and_save_file!(file) digester = Digest::SHA256.new response = Gitlab::HTTP.get(lfs_sanitized_url, download_headers) do |fragment| digester << fragment file.write(fragment) raise_size_error! if file.size > lfs_size end raise StandardError, "Received error code #{response.code}" unless response.success? raise_size_error! if file.size != lfs_size raise_oid_error! if digester.hexdigest != lfs_oid end def download_headers { stream_body: true }.tap do |headers| if lfs_credentials[:user].present? || lfs_credentials[:password].present? # Using authentication headers in the request headers[:basic_auth] = { username: lfs_credentials[:user], password: lfs_credentials[:password] } end end end def with_tmp_file create_tmp_storage_dir File.open(tmp_filename, 'wb') do |file| yield file rescue StandardError => e # If the lfs file is successfully downloaded it will be removed # when it is added to the project's lfs files. # Nevertheless if any excetion raises the file would remain # in the file system. Here we ensure to remove it File.unlink(file) if File.exist?(file) raise e end end def tmp_filename File.join(tmp_storage_dir, lfs_oid) end def create_tmp_storage_dir FileUtils.makedirs(tmp_storage_dir) unless Dir.exist?(tmp_storage_dir) end def tmp_storage_dir @tmp_storage_dir ||= File.join(storage_dir, 'tmp', 'download') end def storage_dir @storage_dir ||= Gitlab.config.lfs.storage_path end def raise_size_error! raise SizeError, 'Size mistmatch' end def raise_oid_error! raise OidError, 'Oid mismatch' end def error(message, http_status = nil) log_error(message) super end end end end