import discussionWithTwoUnresolvedNotes from 'test_fixtures/merge_requests/resolved_diff_discussion.json'; import { DESC, ASC } from '~/notes/constants'; import * as getters from '~/notes/stores/getters'; import { notesDataMock, userDataMock, noteableDataMock, individualNote, collapseNotesMock, discussionMock, discussion1, discussion2, discussion3, resolvedDiscussion1, authoritativeDiscussionFile, unresolvableDiscussion, draftComments, draftReply, draftDiffDiscussion, } from '../mock_data'; // Helper function to ensure that we're using the same schema across tests. const createDiscussionNeighborParams = (discussionId, diffOrder, step) => ({ discussionId, diffOrder, step, }); const asDraftDiscussion = (x) => ({ ...x, individual_note: true }); const createRootState = () => { return { diffs: { diffFiles: [ { ...authoritativeDiscussionFile }, { ...authoritativeDiscussionFile, ...{ id: 'abc2', file_identifier_hash: 'discfile2', order: 1 }, }, { ...authoritativeDiscussionFile, ...{ id: 'abc3', file_identifier_hash: 'discfile3', order: 2 }, }, ], }, }; }; describe('Getters Notes Store', () => { let state; beforeEach(() => { state = { discussions: [individualNote], targetNoteHash: 'hash', lastFetchedAt: 'timestamp', isNotesFetched: false, notesData: notesDataMock, userData: userDataMock, noteableData: noteableDataMock, descriptionVersions: 'descriptionVersions', discussionSortOrder: DESC, }; }); describe('showJumpToNextDiscussion', () => { it('should return true if there are 2 or more unresolved discussions', () => { const localGetters = { unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDate: ['123', '456'], allResolvableDiscussions: [], }; expect(getters.showJumpToNextDiscussion(state, localGetters)()).toBe(true); }); it('should return false if there are 1 or less unresolved discussions', () => { const localGetters = { unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDate: ['123'], allResolvableDiscussions: [], }; expect(getters.showJumpToNextDiscussion(state, localGetters)()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('discussions', () => { let batchComments = null; const getDiscussions = () => getters.discussions(state, {}, { batchComments }); describe('without batchComments module', () => { it('should return all discussions in the store', () => { expect(getDiscussions()).toEqual([individualNote]); }); it('should transform discussion to individual notes in timeline view', () => { state.discussions = [discussionMock]; state.isTimelineEnabled = true; const discussions = getDiscussions(); expect(discussions.length).toEqual(discussionMock.notes.length); discussions.forEach((discussion) => { expect(discussion.individual_note).toBe(true); expect([0].id); expect(discussion.created_at).toBe(discussion.notes[0].created_at); }); }); }); describe('with batchComments', () => { beforeEach(() => { batchComments = { drafts: [...draftComments, draftReply, draftDiffDiscussion] }; }); it.each` discussionSortOrder | expectation ${ASC} | ${[individualNote,]} ${DESC} | ${[...draftComments.reverse().map(asDraftDiscussion), individualNote]} `( 'only appends draft comments (discussionSortOrder=$discussionSortOrder)', ({ discussionSortOrder, expectation }) => { state.discussionSortOrder = discussionSortOrder; expect(getDiscussions()).toEqual(expectation); }, ); }); }); describe('hasDrafts', () => { it.each` rootGetters | expected ${{}} | ${false} ${{ 'batchComments/hasDrafts': true }} | ${true} ${{ 'batchComments/hasDrafts': false }} | ${false} `('with rootGetters=$rootGetters, returns $expected', ({ rootGetters, expected }) => { expect(getters.hasDrafts({}, {}, {}, rootGetters)).toBe(expected); }); }); describe('resolvedDiscussionsById', () => { it('ignores unresolved system notes', () => { const [discussion] = discussionWithTwoUnresolvedNotes; discussion.notes[0].resolved = true; discussion.notes[1].resolved = false; state.discussions.push(discussion); expect(getters.resolvedDiscussionsById(state)).toEqual({ []: discussion, }); }); }); describe('Collapsed notes', () => { const stateCollapsedNotes = { discussions: collapseNotesMock, targetNoteHash: 'hash', lastFetchedAt: 'timestamp', notesData: notesDataMock, userData: userDataMock, noteableData: noteableDataMock, }; it('should return a single system note when a description was updated multiple times', () => { expect(getters.discussions(stateCollapsedNotes, {}, {}).length).toEqual(1); }); }); describe('targetNoteHash', () => { it('should return `targetNoteHash`', () => { expect(getters.targetNoteHash(state)).toEqual('hash'); }); }); describe('getNotesData', () => { it('should return all data in `notesData`', () => { expect(getters.getNotesData(state)).toEqual(notesDataMock); }); }); describe('getNoteableData', () => { it('should return all data in `noteableData`', () => { expect(getters.getNoteableData(state)).toEqual(noteableDataMock); }); }); describe('getUserData', () => { it('should return all data in `userData`', () => { expect(getters.getUserData(state)).toEqual(userDataMock); }); }); describe('notesById', () => { it('should return the note for the given id', () => { expect(getters.notesById(state)).toEqual({ 1390: individualNote.notes[0] }); }); }); describe('getCurrentUserLastNote', () => { it('should return the last note of the current user', () => { expect(getters.getCurrentUserLastNote(state)).toEqual(individualNote.notes[0]); }); }); describe('openState', () => { it('should return the issue state', () => { expect(getters.openState(state)).toEqual(noteableDataMock.state); }); }); describe('isNotesFetched', () => { it('should return the state for the fetching notes', () => { expect(getters.isNotesFetched(state)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('allResolvableDiscussions', () => { it('should return only resolvable discussions in same order', () => { state.discussions = [ discussion3, unresolvableDiscussion, discussion1, unresolvableDiscussion, discussion2, ]; expect(getters.allResolvableDiscussions(state)).toEqual([ discussion3, discussion1, discussion2, ]); }); it('should return empty array if there are no resolvable discussions', () => { state.discussions = [unresolvableDiscussion, unresolvableDiscussion]; expect(getters.allResolvableDiscussions(state)).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDiff', () => { it('should return all discussions IDs in diff order', () => { const localGetters = { allResolvableDiscussions: [discussion3, discussion1, discussion2], }; const rootState = createRootState(); expect(getters.unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDiff(state, localGetters, rootState)).toEqual([ 'abc1', 'abc2', 'abc3', ]); }); // This is the same test as above, but it exercises the sorting algorithm // for a "strange" Diff File ordering. The intent is to ensure that even if lots // of shuffling has to occur, everything still works it('should return all discussions IDs in unusual diff order', () => { const localGetters = { allResolvableDiscussions: [discussion3, discussion1, discussion2], }; const rootState = { diffs: { diffFiles: [ // 2 is first, but should sort 2nd { ...authoritativeDiscussionFile, ...{ id: 'abc2', file_identifier_hash: 'discfile2', order: 1 }, }, // 1 is second, but should sort 3rd { ...authoritativeDiscussionFile, ...{ order: 2 } }, // 3 is third, but should sort 1st { ...authoritativeDiscussionFile, ...{ id: 'abc3', file_identifier_hash: 'discfile3', order: 0 }, }, ], }, }; expect(getters.unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDiff(state, localGetters, rootState)).toEqual([ 'abc3', 'abc2', 'abc1', ]); }); it("should use the discussions array order if the files don't have explicit order values", () => { const localGetters = { allResolvableDiscussions: [discussion3, discussion1, discussion2], // This order is used! }; const auth1 = { ...authoritativeDiscussionFile }; const auth2 = { ...authoritativeDiscussionFile, ...{ id: 'abc2', file_identifier_hash: 'discfile2' }, }; const auth3 = { ...authoritativeDiscussionFile, ...{ id: 'abc3', file_identifier_hash: 'discfile3' }, }; const rootState = { diffs: { diffFiles: [auth2, auth1, auth3] }, // This order is not used! }; delete auth1.order; delete auth2.order; delete auth3.order; expect(getters.unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDiff(state, localGetters, rootState)).toEqual([ 'abc3', 'abc1', 'abc2', ]); }); it('should return empty array if all discussions have been resolved', () => { const localGetters = { allResolvableDiscussions: [resolvedDiscussion1], }; const rootState = createRootState(); expect(getters.unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDiff(state, localGetters, rootState)).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDate', () => { it('should return all discussions in date ascending order', () => { const localGetters = { allResolvableDiscussions: [discussion3, discussion1, discussion2], }; expect(getters.unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDate(state, localGetters)).toEqual([ 'abc2', 'abc1', 'abc3', ]); }); it('should return empty array if all discussions have been resolved', () => { const localGetters = { allResolvableDiscussions: [resolvedDiscussion1], }; expect(getters.unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDate(state, localGetters)).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('unresolvedDiscussionsIdsOrdered', () => { const localGetters = { unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDate: ['123', '456'], unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDiff: ['abc', 'def'], }; it('should return IDs ordered by diff when diffOrder param is true', () => { expect(getters.unresolvedDiscussionsIdsOrdered(state, localGetters)(true)).toEqual([ 'abc', 'def', ]); }); it('should return IDs ordered by date when diffOrder param is not true', () => { expect(getters.unresolvedDiscussionsIdsOrdered(state, localGetters)(false)).toEqual([ '123', '456', ]); expect(getters.unresolvedDiscussionsIdsOrdered(state, localGetters)(undefined)).toEqual([ '123', '456', ]); }); }); describe('isLastUnresolvedDiscussion', () => { const localGetters = { unresolvedDiscussionsIdsOrdered: () => ['123', '456', '789'], }; it('should return true if the discussion id provided is the last', () => { expect(getters.isLastUnresolvedDiscussion(state, localGetters)('789')).toBe(true); }); it('should return false if the discussion id provided is not the last', () => { expect(getters.isLastUnresolvedDiscussion(state, localGetters)('123')).toBe(false); expect(getters.isLastUnresolvedDiscussion(state, localGetters)('456')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('findUnresolvedDiscussionIdNeighbor', () => { let localGetters; beforeEach(() => { localGetters = { unresolvedDiscussionsIdsOrdered: () => ['123', '456', '789'], }; }); [ { step: 1, id: '123', expected: '456' }, { step: 1, id: '456', expected: '789' }, { step: 1, id: '789', expected: '123' }, { step: -1, id: '123', expected: '789' }, { step: -1, id: '456', expected: '123' }, { step: -1, id: '789', expected: '456' }, ].forEach(({ step, id, expected }) => { it(`with step ${step} and id ${id}, returns next value`, () => { const params = createDiscussionNeighborParams(id, true, step); expect(getters.findUnresolvedDiscussionIdNeighbor(state, localGetters)(params)).toBe( expected, ); }); }); describe('with 1 unresolved discussion', () => { beforeEach(() => { localGetters = { unresolvedDiscussionsIdsOrdered: () => ['123'], }; }); [ { step: 1, id: '123', expected: '123' }, { step: -1, id: '123', expected: '123' }, ].forEach(({ step, id, expected }) => { it(`with step ${step} and match, returns only value`, () => { const params = createDiscussionNeighborParams(id, true, step); expect(getters.findUnresolvedDiscussionIdNeighbor(state, localGetters)(params)).toBe( expected, ); }); }); it('with no match, returns only value', () => { const params = createDiscussionNeighborParams('bogus', true, 1); expect(getters.findUnresolvedDiscussionIdNeighbor(state, localGetters)(params)).toBe('123'); }); }); describe('with 0 unresolved discussions', () => { beforeEach(() => { localGetters = { unresolvedDiscussionsIdsOrdered: () => [], }; }); [{ step: 1 }, { step: -1 }].forEach(({ step }) => { it(`with step ${step}, returns undefined`, () => { const params = createDiscussionNeighborParams('bogus', true, step); expect( getters.findUnresolvedDiscussionIdNeighbor(state, localGetters)(params), ).toBeUndefined(); }); }); }); }); describe('findUnresolvedDiscussionIdNeighbor aliases', () => { let neighbor; let findUnresolvedDiscussionIdNeighbor; let localGetters; beforeEach(() => { neighbor = {}; findUnresolvedDiscussionIdNeighbor = jest.fn(() => neighbor); localGetters = { findUnresolvedDiscussionIdNeighbor }; }); describe('nextUnresolvedDiscussionId', () => { it('should return result of find neighbor', () => { const expectedParams = createDiscussionNeighborParams('123', true, 1); const result = getters.nextUnresolvedDiscussionId(state, localGetters)('123', true); expect(findUnresolvedDiscussionIdNeighbor).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedParams); expect(result).toBe(neighbor); }); }); describe('previosuUnresolvedDiscussionId', () => { it('should return result of find neighbor', () => { const expectedParams = createDiscussionNeighborParams('123', true, -1); const result = getters.previousUnresolvedDiscussionId(state, localGetters)('123', true); expect(findUnresolvedDiscussionIdNeighbor).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedParams); expect(result).toBe(neighbor); }); }); }); describe('firstUnresolvedDiscussionId', () => { const localGetters = { unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDate: ['123', '456'], unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDiff: ['abc', 'def'], }; it('should return the first discussion id by diff when diffOrder param is true', () => { expect(getters.firstUnresolvedDiscussionId(state, localGetters)(true)).toBe('abc'); }); it('should return the first discussion id by date when diffOrder param is not true', () => { expect(getters.firstUnresolvedDiscussionId(state, localGetters)(false)).toBe('123'); expect(getters.firstUnresolvedDiscussionId(state, localGetters)(undefined)).toBe('123'); }); it('should be falsy if all discussions are resolved', () => { const localGettersFalsy = { unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDiff: [], unresolvedDiscussionsIdsByDate: [], }; expect(getters.firstUnresolvedDiscussionId(state, localGettersFalsy)(true)).toBeUndefined(); expect(getters.firstUnresolvedDiscussionId(state, localGettersFalsy)(false)).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('getDiscussion', () => { it('returns discussion by ID', () => { state.discussions.push({ id: '1' }); expect(getters.getDiscussion(state)('1')).toEqual({ id: '1' }); }); }); describe('descriptionVersions', () => { it('should return `descriptionVersions`', () => { expect(getters.descriptionVersions(state)).toEqual('descriptionVersions'); }); }); describe('sortDirection', () => { it('should return `discussionSortOrder`', () => { expect(getters.sortDirection(state)).toBe(DESC); }); }); });