# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rubocop_spec_helper' require_relative '../../../../rubocop/cop/graphql/id_type' RSpec.describe RuboCop::Cop::Graphql::IDType do it 'adds an offense when GraphQL::Types::ID is used as a param to #argument' do expect_offense(<<~TYPE) argument :some_arg, GraphQL::Types::ID, some: other, params: do_not_matter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Do not use GraphQL::Types::ID, use a specific GlobalIDType instead TYPE end context 'whitelisted arguments' do RuboCop::Cop::Graphql::IDType::WHITELISTED_ARGUMENTS.each do |arg| it "does not add an offense for calls to #argument with #{arg} as argument name" do expect_no_offenses(<<~TYPE.strip) argument #{arg}, GraphQL::Types::ID, some: other, params: do_not_matter TYPE end end end it 'does not add an offense for calls to #argument without GraphQL::Types::ID' do expect_no_offenses(<<~TYPE.strip) argument :some_arg, ::Types::GlobalIDType[::Awardable], some: other, params: do_not_matter TYPE end end