# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop:disable Rails/ActiveRecordAliases class WikiPage include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize PageChangedError = Class.new(StandardError) PageRenameError = Class.new(StandardError) FrontMatterTooLong = Class.new(StandardError) include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::Conversion include StaticModel extend ActiveModel::Naming delegate :content, :front_matter, to: :parsed_content def self.primary_key 'slug' end def self.model_name ActiveModel::Name.new(self, nil, 'wiki') end def eql?(other) return false unless other.present? && other.is_a?(self.class) slug == other.slug && wiki.container == other.wiki.container end alias_method :==, :eql? def self.unhyphenize(name) name.gsub(/-+/, ' ') end def to_key [:slug] end validates :title, presence: true validate :validate_path_limits, if: :title_changed? validate :validate_content_size_limit, if: :content_changed? # The GitLab Wiki instance. attr_reader :wiki delegate :container, to: :wiki # The raw Gitlab::Git::WikiPage instance. attr_reader :page # The attributes Hash used for storing and validating # new Page values before writing to the raw repository. attr_accessor :attributes def hook_attrs Gitlab::HookData::WikiPageBuilder.new(self).build end # Construct a new WikiPage # # @param [Wiki] wiki # @param [Gitlab::Git::WikiPage] page def initialize(wiki, page = nil) @wiki = wiki @page = page @attributes = {}.with_indifferent_access set_attributes if persisted? end # The escaped URL path of this page. def slug attributes[:slug].presence || wiki.wiki.preview_slug(title, format) end alias_method :id, :slug # required to use build_stubbed alias_method :to_param, :slug def human_title return 'Home' if title == Wiki::HOMEPAGE title end # The formatted title of this page. def title attributes[:title] || '' end # Sets the title of this page. def title=(new_title) attributes[:title] = new_title end def raw_content attributes[:content] ||= page&.text_data end # The hierarchy of the directory this page is contained in. def directory wiki.page_title_and_dir(slug)&.last.to_s end # The markup format for the page. def format attributes[:format] || :markdown end # The commit message for this page version. def message version.try(:message) end # The GitLab Commit instance for this page. def version return unless persisted? @version ||= @page.version end def path return unless persisted? @path ||= @page.path end # Returns a CommitCollection # # Queries the commits for current page's path, equivalent to # `git log path/to/page`. Filters and options supported: # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/-/blob/master/proto/commit.proto#L322-344 def versions(options = {}) return [] unless persisted? default_per_page = Kaminari.config.default_per_page offset = [options[:page].to_i - 1, 0].max * options.fetch(:per_page, default_per_page) wiki.repository.commits('HEAD', path: page.path, limit: options.fetch(:limit, default_per_page), offset: offset) end def count_versions return [] unless persisted? wiki.wiki.count_page_versions(page.path) end def last_version @last_version ||= versions(limit: 1).first end def last_commit_sha last_version&.sha end # Returns boolean True or False if this instance # is an old version of the page. def historical? return false unless last_commit_sha && version page.historical? && last_commit_sha != version.sha end # Returns boolean True or False if this instance # is the latest commit version of the page. def latest? !historical? end # Returns boolean True or False if this instance # has been fully created on disk or not. def persisted? page.present? end # Creates a new Wiki Page. # # attr - Hash of attributes to set on the new page. # :title - The title (optionally including dir) for the new page. # :content - The raw markup content. # :format - Optional symbol representing the # content format. Can be any type # listed in the Wiki::MARKUPS # Hash. # :message - Optional commit message to set on # the new page. # # Returns the String SHA1 of the newly created page # or False if the save was unsuccessful. def create(attrs = {}) update_attributes(attrs) save do wiki.create_page(title, content, format, attrs[:message]) end end # Updates an existing Wiki Page, creating a new version. # # attrs - Hash of attributes to be updated on the page. # :content - The raw markup content to replace the existing. # :format - Optional symbol representing the content format. # See Wiki::MARKUPS Hash for available formats. # :message - Optional commit message to set on the new version. # :last_commit_sha - Optional last commit sha to validate the page unchanged. # :title - The Title (optionally including dir) to replace existing title # # Returns the String SHA1 of the newly created page # or False if the save was unsuccessful. def update(attrs = {}) last_commit_sha = attrs.delete(:last_commit_sha) if last_commit_sha && last_commit_sha != self.last_commit_sha raise PageChangedError, s_( 'WikiPageConflictMessage|Someone edited the page the same time you did. Please check out %{wikiLinkStart}the page%{wikiLinkEnd} and make sure your changes will not unintentionally remove theirs.') end update_attributes(attrs) if title.present? && title_changed? && wiki.find_page(title, load_content: false).present? attributes[:title] = page.title raise PageRenameError, s_('WikiEdit|There is already a page with the same title in that path.') end save do wiki.update_page( page, content: raw_content, format: format, message: attrs[:message], title: title ) end end # Destroys the Wiki Page. # # Returns boolean True or False. def delete if wiki.delete_page(page) true else false end end # Relative path to the partial to be used when rendering collections # of this object. def to_partial_path '../shared/wikis/wiki_page' end def sha page.version&.sha end def title_changed? if persisted? # A page's `title` will be returned from Gollum/Gitaly with any +<> # characters changed to -, whereas the `path` preserves these characters. path_without_extension = Pathname(page.path).sub_ext('').to_s old_title, old_dir = wiki.page_title_and_dir(self.class.unhyphenize(path_without_extension)) new_title, new_dir = wiki.page_title_and_dir(self.class.unhyphenize(title)) new_title != old_title || (title.include?('/') && new_dir != old_dir) else title.present? end end def content_changed? if persisted? # gollum-lib always converts CRLFs to LFs in Gollum::Wiki#normalize, # so we need to do the same here. # Also see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/21431 raw_content.delete("\r") != page&.text_data else raw_content.present? end end # Updates the current @attributes hash by merging a hash of params def update_attributes(attrs) attrs[:title] = process_title(attrs[:title]) if attrs[:title].present? update_front_matter(attrs) attrs.slice!(:content, :format, :message, :title) clear_memoization(:parsed_content) if attrs.has_key?(:content) attributes.merge!(attrs) end def to_ability_name 'wiki_page' end def version_commit_timestamp version&.commit&.committed_date end def diffs(diff_options = {}) Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::WikiPage.new(self, diff_options: diff_options) end private def serialize_front_matter(hash) return '' unless hash.present? YAML.dump(hash.transform_keys(&:to_s)) + "---\n" end def update_front_matter(attrs) return unless attrs.has_key?(:front_matter) fm_yaml = serialize_front_matter(attrs[:front_matter]) raise FrontMatterTooLong if fm_yaml.size > Gitlab::WikiPages::FrontMatterParser::MAX_FRONT_MATTER_LENGTH attrs[:content] = fm_yaml + (attrs[:content].presence || content) end def parsed_content strong_memoize(:parsed_content) do Gitlab::WikiPages::FrontMatterParser.new(raw_content).parse end end # Process and format the title based on the user input. def process_title(title) return if title.blank? title = deep_title_squish(title) current_dirname = File.dirname(title) if persisted? return title[1..] if current_dirname == '/' return File.join([directory.presence, title].compact) if current_dirname == '.' end title end # This method squishes all the filename # i.e: ' foo / bar / page_name' => 'foo/bar/page_name' def deep_title_squish(title) components = title.split(File::SEPARATOR).map(&:squish) File.join(components) end def set_attributes attributes[:slug] = @page.url_path attributes[:title] = @page.title attributes[:format] = @page.format end def save return false unless valid? unless yield errors.add(:base, wiki.error_message) return false end @page = wiki.find_page(title).page set_attributes true end def validate_path_limits return unless title.present? *dirnames, filename = title.split('/') if filename && filename.bytesize > Gitlab::WikiPages::MAX_TITLE_BYTES errors.add(:title, _("exceeds the limit of %{bytes} bytes") % { bytes: Gitlab::WikiPages::MAX_TITLE_BYTES }) end invalid_dirnames = dirnames.select { |d| d.bytesize > Gitlab::WikiPages::MAX_DIRECTORY_BYTES } invalid_dirnames.each do |dirname| errors.add(:title, _('exceeds the limit of %{bytes} bytes for directory name "%{dirname}"') % { bytes: Gitlab::WikiPages::MAX_DIRECTORY_BYTES, dirname: dirname }) end end def validate_content_size_limit current_value = raw_content.to_s.bytesize max_size = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.wiki_page_max_content_bytes return if current_value <= max_size errors.add(:content, _('is too long (%{current_value}). The maximum size is %{max_size}.') % { current_value: ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_human_size(current_value), max_size: ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_human_size(max_size) }) end end WikiPage.prepend_mod