# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::MailRoom do let(:default_port) { 143 } let(:log_path) { Rails.root.join('log', 'mail_room_json.log').to_s } let(:fake_redis_queues) do double( url: "localhost", db: 99, sentinels: [{ host: 'localhost', port: 1234 }], sentinels?: true ) end let(:yml_config) do { enabled: true, host: 'mail.example.com', address: 'address@example.com', user: 'user@example.com', password: 'password', port: default_port, ssl: false, start_tls: false, mailbox: 'inbox', idle_timeout: 60, log_path: log_path, expunge_deleted: false } end let(:custom_config) { {} } let(:incoming_email_config) { yml_config.merge(custom_config) } let(:service_desk_email_config) { yml_config.merge(custom_config) } let(:configs) do { incoming_email: incoming_email_config, service_desk_email: service_desk_email_config } end before do allow(Gitlab::Redis::Queues).to receive(:new).and_return(fake_redis_queues) allow(described_class).to receive(:load_yaml).and_return(configs) described_class.instance_variable_set(:@enabled_configs, nil) end after do described_class.instance_variable_set(:@enabled_configs, nil) end describe '#enabled_configs' do let(:first_value) { described_class.enabled_configs.each_value.first } context 'when both email and address is set' do it 'returns email configs' do expect(described_class.enabled_configs.size).to eq(2) end end context 'when the yml file cannot be found' do before do allow(described_class).to receive(:config_file).and_return('not_existing_file') end it 'returns an empty list' do expect(described_class.enabled_configs).to be_empty end end context 'when email is disabled' do let(:custom_config) { { enabled: false } } it 'returns an empty list' do expect(described_class.enabled_configs).to be_empty end end context 'when email is enabled but address is not set' do let(:custom_config) { { enabled: true, address: '' } } it 'returns an empty list' do expect(described_class.enabled_configs).to be_empty end end context 'when a config value is missing from the yml file' do let(:yml_config) { {} } let(:custom_config) { { enabled: true, address: 'address@example.com' } } it 'overwrites missing values with the default' do expect(first_value[:port]).to eq(Gitlab::MailRoom::DEFAULT_CONFIG[:port]) end end context 'when only incoming_email config is present' do let(:configs) { { incoming_email: incoming_email_config } } it 'returns only encoming_email' do expect(described_class.enabled_configs.size).to eq(1) expect(first_value[:worker]).to eq('EmailReceiverWorker') end end describe 'setting up redis settings' do it 'sets delivery method to Sidekiq by default' do config = first_value expect(config).to include( delivery_method: 'sidekiq' ) end it 'sets redis config' do config = first_value expect(config).to include( redis_url: 'localhost', redis_db: 99, sentinels: [{ host: 'localhost', port: 1234 }] ) end end describe 'setting up the log path' do context 'if the log path is a relative path' do let(:custom_config) { { log_path: 'tiny_log.log' } } it 'expands the log path to an absolute value' do new_path = Pathname.new(first_value[:log_path]) expect(new_path.absolute?).to be_truthy end end context 'if the log path is absolute path' do let(:custom_config) { { log_path: '/dev/null' } } it 'leaves the path as-is' do expect(first_value[:log_path]).to eq '/dev/null' end end end end describe '#enabled_mailbox_types' do context 'when all mailbox types are enabled' do it 'returns the mailbox types' do expect(described_class.enabled_mailbox_types).to match(%w[incoming_email service_desk_email]) end end context 'when an mailbox_types is disabled' do let(:incoming_email_config) { yml_config.merge(enabled: false) } it 'returns the mailbox types' do expect(described_class.enabled_mailbox_types).to match(%w[service_desk_email]) end end context 'when email is disabled' do let(:custom_config) { { enabled: false } } it 'returns an empty array' do expect(described_class.enabled_mailbox_types).to match_array([]) end end end describe '#worker_for' do context 'matched mailbox types' do it 'returns the constantized worker class' do expect(described_class.worker_for('incoming_email')).to eql(EmailReceiverWorker) expect(described_class.worker_for('service_desk_email')).to eql(ServiceDeskEmailReceiverWorker) end end context 'non-existing mailbox_type' do it 'returns nil' do expect(described_class.worker_for('another_mailbox_type')).to be(nil) end end end describe 'config/mail_room.yml' do let(:mail_room_template) { ERB.new(File.read(Rails.root.join("./config/mail_room.yml"))).result } let(:mail_room_yml) { YAML.safe_load(mail_room_template, permitted_classes: [Symbol]) } shared_examples 'renders mail-specific config file correctly' do it 'renders mail room config file correctly' do expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes]).to be_an(Array) expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes].length).to eq(2) expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes]).to all( match( a_hash_including( host: 'mail.example.com', port: default_port, ssl: false, start_tls: false, email: 'user@example.com', password: 'password', idle_timeout: 60, logger: { log_path: log_path }, name: 'inbox', delete_after_delivery: true, expunge_deleted: false ) ) ) end end shared_examples 'renders arbitration options correctly' do it 'renders arbitration options correctly' do expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes]).to be_an(Array) expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes].length).to eq(2) expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes]).to all( match( a_hash_including( arbitration_method: "redis", arbitration_options: { redis_url: "localhost", namespace: "mail_room:gitlab", sentinels: [{ host: "localhost", port: 1234 }] } ) ) ) end end shared_examples 'renders the sidekiq delivery method and options correctly' do it 'renders the sidekiq delivery method and options correctly' do expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes]).to be_an(Array) expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes].length).to eq(2) expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes][0]).to match( a_hash_including( delivery_method: 'sidekiq', delivery_options: { redis_url: "localhost", redis_db: 99, namespace: "resque:gitlab", queue: "default", worker: "EmailReceiverWorker", sentinels: [{ host: "localhost", port: 1234 }] } ) ) expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes][1]).to match( a_hash_including( delivery_method: 'sidekiq', delivery_options: { redis_url: "localhost", redis_db: 99, namespace: "resque:gitlab", queue: "default", worker: "ServiceDeskEmailReceiverWorker", sentinels: [{ host: "localhost", port: 1234 }] } ) ) end end context 'when delivery_method is implicit' do it_behaves_like 'renders mail-specific config file correctly' it_behaves_like 'renders arbitration options correctly' it_behaves_like 'renders the sidekiq delivery method and options correctly' end context 'when delivery_method is explicitly sidekiq' do let(:custom_config) { { delivery_method: 'sidekiq' } } it_behaves_like 'renders mail-specific config file correctly' it_behaves_like 'renders arbitration options correctly' it_behaves_like 'renders the sidekiq delivery method and options correctly' end context 'when delivery_method is webhook (internally postback in mail_room)' do let(:custom_config) do { delivery_method: 'webhook', gitlab_url: 'http://gitlab.example', secret_file: '/path/to/secret/file' } end it_behaves_like 'renders mail-specific config file correctly' it_behaves_like 'renders arbitration options correctly' it 'renders the webhook (postback) delivery method and options correctly' do expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes]).to be_an(Array) expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes].length).to eq(2) expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes][0]).to match( a_hash_including( delivery_method: 'postback', delivery_options: { delivery_url: "http://gitlab.example/api/v4/internal/mail_room/incoming_email", content_type: "text/plain", jwt_auth_header: Gitlab::MailRoom::INTERNAL_API_REQUEST_HEADER, jwt_issuer: Gitlab::MailRoom::INTERNAL_API_REQUEST_JWT_ISSUER, jwt_algorithm: 'HS256', jwt_secret_path: '/path/to/secret/file' } ) ) expect(mail_room_yml[:mailboxes][1]).to match( a_hash_including( delivery_method: 'postback', delivery_options: { delivery_url: "http://gitlab.example/api/v4/internal/mail_room/service_desk_email", content_type: "text/plain", jwt_auth_header: Gitlab::MailRoom::INTERNAL_API_REQUEST_HEADER, jwt_issuer: Gitlab::MailRoom::INTERNAL_API_REQUEST_JWT_ISSUER, jwt_algorithm: 'HS256', jwt_secret_path: '/path/to/secret/file' } ) ) end end end end