# frozen_string_literal: true class Member < ApplicationRecord include EachBatch include AfterCommitQueue include Sortable include Importable include CreatedAtFilterable include Expirable include Gitlab::Access include Presentable include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize include FromUnion include UpdateHighestRole include RestrictedSignup AVATAR_SIZE = 40 ACCESS_REQUEST_APPROVERS_TO_BE_NOTIFIED_LIMIT = 10 attr_accessor :raw_invite_token belongs_to :created_by, class_name: "User" belongs_to :user belongs_to :source, polymorphic: true # rubocop:disable Cop/PolymorphicAssociations delegate :name, :username, :email, to: :user, prefix: true validates :expires_at, allow_blank: true, future_date: true validates :user, presence: true, unless: :invite? validates :source, presence: true validates :user_id, uniqueness: { scope: [:source_type, :source_id], message: "already exists in source", allow_nil: true } validate :higher_access_level_than_group, unless: :importing? validates :invite_email, presence: { if: :invite? }, devise_email: { allow_nil: true }, uniqueness: { scope: [:source_type, :source_id], allow_nil: true } validate :signup_email_valid?, on: :create, if: ->(member) { member.invite_email.present? } validates :user_id, uniqueness: { message: _('project bots cannot be added to other groups / projects') }, if: :project_bot? scope :in_hierarchy, ->(source) do groups = source.root_ancestor.self_and_descendants group_members = Member.default_scoped.where(source: groups) projects = source.root_ancestor.all_projects project_members = Member.default_scoped.where(source: projects) Member.default_scoped.from_union([ group_members, project_members ]).merge(self) end # This scope encapsulates (most of) the conditions a row in the member table # must satisfy if it is a valid permission. Of particular note: # # * Access requests must be excluded # * Blocked users must be excluded # * Invitations take effect immediately # * expires_at is not implemented. A background worker purges expired rows scope :active, -> do is_external_invite = arel_table[:user_id].eq(nil).and(arel_table[:invite_token].not_eq(nil)) user_is_active = User.arel_table[:state].eq(:active) user_ok = Arel::Nodes::Grouping.new(is_external_invite).or(user_is_active) left_join_users .where(user_ok) .non_request .non_minimal_access .reorder(nil) end scope :blocked, -> do is_external_invite = arel_table[:user_id].eq(nil).and(arel_table[:invite_token].not_eq(nil)) user_is_blocked = User.arel_table[:state].eq(:blocked) left_join_users .where(user_is_blocked) .where.not(is_external_invite) .non_request .non_minimal_access .reorder(nil) end scope :connected_to_user, -> { where.not(user_id: nil) } # This scope is exclusively used to get the members # that can possibly have project_authorization records # to projects/groups. scope :authorizable, -> do connected_to_user .non_request .non_minimal_access end # Like active, but without invites. For when a User is required. scope :active_without_invites_and_requests, -> do left_join_users .where(users: { state: 'active' }) .without_invites_and_requests .reorder(nil) end scope :without_invites_and_requests, -> do non_request .non_invite .non_minimal_access end scope :invite, -> { where.not(invite_token: nil) } scope :non_invite, -> { where(invite_token: nil) } scope :request, -> { where.not(requested_at: nil) } scope :non_request, -> { where(requested_at: nil) } scope :not_accepted_invitations, -> { invite.where(invite_accepted_at: nil) } scope :not_accepted_invitations_by_user, -> (user) { not_accepted_invitations.where(created_by: user) } scope :not_expired, -> (today = Date.current) { where(arel_table[:expires_at].gt(today).or(arel_table[:expires_at].eq(nil))) } scope :created_today, -> do now = Date.current where(created_at: now.beginning_of_day..now.end_of_day) end scope :last_ten_days_excluding_today, -> (today = Date.current) { where(created_at: (today - 10).beginning_of_day..(today - 1).end_of_day) } scope :has_access, -> { active.where('access_level > 0') } scope :guests, -> { active.where(access_level: GUEST) } scope :reporters, -> { active.where(access_level: REPORTER) } scope :developers, -> { active.where(access_level: DEVELOPER) } scope :maintainers, -> { active.where(access_level: MAINTAINER) } scope :non_guests, -> { where('members.access_level > ?', GUEST) } scope :non_minimal_access, -> { where('members.access_level > ?', MINIMAL_ACCESS) } scope :owners, -> { active.where(access_level: OWNER) } scope :owners_and_maintainers, -> { active.where(access_level: [OWNER, MAINTAINER]) } scope :with_user, -> (user) { where(user: user) } scope :with_user_by_email, -> (email) { left_join_users.where(users: { email: email } ) } scope :preload_user_and_notification_settings, -> { preload(user: :notification_settings) } scope :with_source_id, ->(source_id) { where(source_id: source_id) } scope :including_source, -> { includes(:source) } scope :distinct_on_user_with_max_access_level, -> do distinct_members = select('DISTINCT ON (user_id, invite_email) *') .order('user_id, invite_email, access_level DESC, expires_at DESC, created_at ASC') unscoped.from(distinct_members, :members) end scope :order_name_asc, -> { left_join_users.reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('users.name', 'ASC')) } scope :order_name_desc, -> { left_join_users.reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('users.name', 'DESC')) } scope :order_recent_sign_in, -> { left_join_users.reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('users.last_sign_in_at', 'DESC')) } scope :order_oldest_sign_in, -> { left_join_users.reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('users.last_sign_in_at', 'ASC')) } scope :on_project_and_ancestors, ->(project) { where(source: [project] + project.ancestors) } before_validation :generate_invite_token, on: :create, if: -> (member) { member.invite_email.present? } after_create :send_invite, if: :invite?, unless: :importing? after_create :send_request, if: :request?, unless: :importing? after_create :create_notification_setting, unless: [:pending?, :importing?] after_create :post_create_hook, unless: [:pending?, :importing?], if: :hook_prerequisites_met? after_update :post_update_hook, unless: [:pending?, :importing?], if: :hook_prerequisites_met? after_destroy :destroy_notification_setting after_destroy :post_destroy_hook, unless: :pending?, if: :hook_prerequisites_met? after_save :log_invitation_token_cleanup after_commit :refresh_member_authorized_projects default_value_for :notification_level, NotificationSetting.levels[:global] class << self def search(query) joins(:user).merge(User.search(query)) end def search_invite_email(query) invite.where(['invite_email ILIKE ?', "%#{query}%"]) end def filter_by_2fa(value) case value when 'enabled' left_join_users.merge(User.with_two_factor) when 'disabled' left_join_users.merge(User.without_two_factor) else all end end def sort_by_attribute(method) case method.to_s when 'access_level_asc' then reorder(access_level: :asc) when 'access_level_desc' then reorder(access_level: :desc) when 'recent_sign_in' then order_recent_sign_in when 'oldest_sign_in' then order_oldest_sign_in when 'last_joined' then order_created_desc when 'oldest_joined' then order_created_asc else order_by(method) end end def left_join_users users = User.arel_table members = Member.arel_table member_users = members.join(users, Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin) .on(members[:user_id].eq(users[:id])) .join_sources joins(member_users) end def access_for_user_ids(user_ids) where(user_id: user_ids).has_access.pluck(:user_id, :access_level).to_h end def find_by_invite_token(raw_invite_token) invite_token = Devise.token_generator.digest(self, :invite_token, raw_invite_token) find_by(invite_token: invite_token) end def valid_email?(email) Devise.email_regexp.match?(email) end end def real_source_type source_type end def access_field access_level end def invite? self.invite_token.present? end def request? requested_at.present? end def pending? invite? || request? end def hook_prerequisites_met? # It is essential that an associated user record exists # so that we can successfully fire any member related hooks/notifications. user.present? end def accept_request return false unless request? updated = self.update(requested_at: nil) after_accept_request if updated updated end def accept_invite!(new_user) return false unless invite? self.invite_token = nil self.invite_accepted_at = Time.current.utc self.user = new_user saved = self.save after_accept_invite if saved saved end def decline_invite! return false unless invite? destroyed = self.destroy after_decline_invite if destroyed destroyed end def generate_invite_token raw, enc = Devise.token_generator.generate(self.class, :invite_token) @raw_invite_token = raw self.invite_token = enc end def generate_invite_token! generate_invite_token && save(validate: false) end def resend_invite return unless invite? generate_invite_token! unless @raw_invite_token send_invite end def send_invitation_reminder(reminder_index) return unless invite? generate_invite_token! unless @raw_invite_token run_after_commit_or_now { notification_service.invite_member_reminder(self, @raw_invite_token, reminder_index) } end def create_notification_setting user.notification_settings.find_or_create_for(source) end def destroy_notification_setting notification_setting&.destroy end def notification_setting @notification_setting ||= user&.notification_settings_for(source) end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def notifiable?(type, opts = {}) # always notify when there isn't a user yet return true if user.blank? NotificationRecipients::BuildService.notifiable?(user, type, notifiable_options.merge(opts)) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass # Find the user's group member with a highest access level def highest_group_member strong_memoize(:highest_group_member) do next unless user_id && source&.ancestors&.any? GroupMember.where(source: source.ancestors, user_id: user_id).order(:access_level).last end end def invite_to_unknown_user? invite? && user_id.nil? end def created_by_name created_by&.name end private def send_invite # override in subclass end def send_request notification_service.new_access_request(self) end def post_create_hook system_hook_service.execute_hooks_for(self, :create) end def post_update_hook system_hook_service.execute_hooks_for(self, :update) end def post_destroy_hook system_hook_service.execute_hooks_for(self, :destroy) end # Refreshes authorizations of the current member. # # This method schedules a job using Sidekiq and as such **must not** be called # in a transaction. Doing so can lead to the job running before the # transaction has been committed, resulting in the job either throwing an # error or not doing any meaningful work. # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def refresh_member_authorized_projects UserProjectAccessChangedService.new(user_id).execute end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def after_accept_invite post_create_hook end def after_decline_invite # override in subclass end def after_accept_request post_create_hook end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def system_hook_service SystemHooksService.new end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def notification_service NotificationService.new end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def notifiable_options {} end def higher_access_level_than_group if highest_group_member && highest_group_member.access_level > access_level error_parameters = { access: highest_group_member.human_access, group_name: highest_group_member.group.name } errors.add(:access_level, s_("should be greater than or equal to %{access} inherited membership from group %{group_name}") % error_parameters) end end def signup_email_valid? error = validate_admin_signup_restrictions(invite_email) errors.add(:user, error) if error end def update_highest_role? return unless user_id.present? previous_changes[:access_level].present? || destroyed? end def update_highest_role_attribute user_id end def project_bot? user&.project_bot? end def log_invitation_token_cleanup return true unless Gitlab.com? && invite? && invite_accepted_at? error = StandardError.new("Invitation token is present but invite was already accepted!") Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_exception(error, attributes.slice(%w["invite_accepted_at created_at source_type source_id user_id id"])) end end Member.prepend_mod_with('Member')