import { GlLink, GlLabel, GlIcon, GlFormCheckbox, GlSprintf } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import { useFakeDate } from 'helpers/fake_date'; import { shallowMountExtended as shallowMount } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import IssuableItem from '~/vue_shared/issuable/list/components/issuable_item.vue'; import IssuableAssignees from '~/issuable/components/issue_assignees.vue'; import { mockIssuable, mockRegularLabel } from '../mock_data'; const createComponent = ({ hasScopedLabelsFeature = false, issuableSymbol = '#', issuable = mockIssuable, showCheckbox = true, slots = {}, } = {}) => shallowMount(IssuableItem, { propsData: { hasScopedLabelsFeature, issuableSymbol, issuable, showDiscussions: true, showCheckbox, }, slots, stubs: { GlSprintf, }, }); const MOCK_GITLAB_URL = ''; describe('IssuableItem', () => { // The mock data is dependent that this is after our default date useFakeDate(2020, 11, 11); const mockLabels = mockIssuable.labels.nodes; const mockAuthor =; const originalUrl = gon.gitlab_url; let wrapper; const findTimestampWrapper = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="issuable-timestamp"]'); beforeEach(() => { gon.gitlab_url = MOCK_GITLAB_URL; }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); gon.gitlab_url = originalUrl; }); describe('computed', () => { describe('author', () => { it('returns `` reference', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); expect(; }); }); describe('authorId', () => { it.each` authorId | returnValue ${1} | ${1} ${'1'} | ${1} ${'gid://gitlab/User/1'} | ${1} ${'foo'} | ${null} `( 'returns $returnValue when value of `` is $authorId', async ({ authorId, returnValue }) => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, author: { ...mockAuthor, id: authorId, }, }, }); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.vm.authorId).toBe(returnValue); }, ); }); describe('isIssuableUrlExternal', () => { it.each` issuableWebUrl | urlType | returnValue ${'/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/issues/2'} | ${'relative'} | ${false} ${`${MOCK_GITLAB_URL}/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/issues/1`} | ${'absolute and internal'} | ${false} ${''} | ${'external'} | ${true} ${''} | ${'external'} | ${true} `( 'returns $returnValue when `issuable.webUrl` is $urlType', async ({ issuableWebUrl, returnValue }) => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, webUrl: issuableWebUrl, }, }); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.vm.isIssuableUrlExternal).toBe(returnValue); }, ); }); describe('labels', () => { it('returns `issuable.labels.nodes` reference when it is available', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); expect(wrapper.vm.labels).toEqual(mockLabels); }); it('returns `issuable.labels` reference when it is available', async () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, labels: mockLabels, }, }); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.vm.labels).toEqual(mockLabels); }); it('returns empty array when none of `issuable.labels.nodes` or `issuable.labels` are available', async () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, labels: null, }, }); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.vm.labels).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('assignees', () => { it('returns `issuable.assignees` reference when it is available', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); expect(wrapper.vm.assignees).toBe(mockIssuable.assignees); }); }); describe('timestamp', () => { it('returns string containing date and time based on `issuable.updatedAt` when the issue is open', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); expect(findTimestampWrapper().attributes('title')).toBe('Sep 10, 2020 11:41am UTC'); }); it('returns string containing timeago string based on `issuable.closedAt` when the issue is closed', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, closedAt: '2020-06-18T11:30:00Z', state: 'closed' }, }); expect(findTimestampWrapper().attributes('title')).toBe('Jun 18, 2020 11:30am UTC'); }); }); describe('formattedTimestamp', () => { it('returns string containing timeago string based on `issuable.updatedAt` when the issue is open', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); expect(findTimestampWrapper().text()).toContain('updated'); expect(findTimestampWrapper().text()).toContain('ago'); }); it('returns string containing timeago string based on `issuable.closedAt` when the issue is closed', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, closedAt: '2020-06-18T11:30:00Z', state: 'closed' }, }); expect(findTimestampWrapper().text()).toContain('closed'); expect(findTimestampWrapper().text()).toContain('ago'); }); }); describe('showDiscussions', () => { it.each` userDiscussionsCount | returnValue ${0} | ${true} ${1} | ${true} ${undefined} | ${false} ${null} | ${false} `( 'returns $returnValue when issuable.userDiscussionsCount is $userDiscussionsCount', ({ userDiscussionsCount, returnValue }) => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuableSymbol: '#', issuable: { ...mockIssuable, userDiscussionsCount, }, }); expect(wrapper.findByTestId('issuable-discussions').exists()).toBe(returnValue); }, ); }); }); describe('methods', () => { describe('labelTitle', () => { it.each` label | propWithTitle | returnValue ${{ title: 'foo' }} | ${'title'} | ${'foo'} ${{ name: 'foo' }} | ${'name'} | ${'foo'} `('returns string value of `label.$propWithTitle`', ({ label, returnValue }) => { wrapper = createComponent(); expect(wrapper.vm.labelTitle(label)).toBe(returnValue); }); }); describe('labelTarget', () => { it('returns target string for a provided label param', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); expect(wrapper.vm.labelTarget(mockRegularLabel)).toBe( '?label_name[]=Documentation%20Update', ); }); }); }); describe('template', () => { it.each` gitlabWebUrl | webUrl | expectedHref | expectedTarget ${undefined} | ${`${MOCK_GITLAB_URL}/issue`} | ${`${MOCK_GITLAB_URL}/issue`} | ${undefined} ${undefined} | ${''} | ${''} | ${'_blank'} ${'/gitlab-org/issue'} | ${''} | ${'/gitlab-org/issue'} | ${undefined} `( 'renders issuable title correctly when `gitlabWebUrl` is `$gitlabWebUrl` and webUrl is `$webUrl`', async ({ webUrl, gitlabWebUrl, expectedHref, expectedTarget }) => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, webUrl, gitlabWebUrl, }, }); await nextTick(); const titleEl = wrapper.find('[data-testid="issuable-title"]'); expect(titleEl.exists()).toBe(true); expect(titleEl.find(GlLink).attributes('href')).toBe(expectedHref); expect(titleEl.find(GlLink).attributes('target')).toBe(expectedTarget); expect(titleEl.find(GlLink).text()).toBe(mockIssuable.title); }, ); it('renders checkbox when `showCheckbox` prop is true', async () => { wrapper = createComponent({ showCheckbox: true, }); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.find(GlFormCheckbox).exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(GlFormCheckbox).attributes('checked')).not.toBeDefined(); wrapper.setProps({ checked: true, }); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.find(GlFormCheckbox).attributes('checked')).toBe('true'); }); it('renders issuable title with `target` set as "_blank" when issuable.webUrl is external', async () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, webUrl: '', }, }); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.find('[data-testid="issuable-title"]').find(GlLink).attributes('target')).toBe( '_blank', ); }); it('renders issuable confidential icon when issuable is confidential', async () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, confidential: true, }, }); await nextTick(); const confidentialEl = wrapper.find('[data-testid="issuable-title"]').find(GlIcon); expect(confidentialEl.exists()).toBe(true); expect(confidentialEl.props('name')).toBe('eye-slash'); expect(confidentialEl.attributes()).toMatchObject({ title: 'Confidential', arialabel: 'Confidential', }); }); it('renders spam icon when issuable is hidden', async () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, hidden: true } }); const hiddenIcon = wrapper.findComponent(GlIcon); expect(hiddenIcon.props('name')).toBe('spam'); expect(hiddenIcon.attributes()).toMatchObject({ title: 'This issue is hidden because its author has been banned', arialabel: 'Hidden', }); }); it('renders task status', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); const taskStatus = wrapper.find('[data-testid="task-status"]'); const expected = `${mockIssuable.taskCompletionStatus.completedCount} of ${mockIssuable.taskCompletionStatus.count} tasks completed`; expect(taskStatus.text()).toBe(expected); }); it('renders issuable reference', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); const referenceEl = wrapper.find('[data-testid="issuable-reference"]'); expect(referenceEl.exists()).toBe(true); expect(referenceEl.text()).toBe(`#${mockIssuable.iid}`); }); it('renders issuable reference via slot', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuableSymbol: '#', issuable: mockIssuable, slots: { reference: ` ${mockIssuable.iid} `, }, }); const referenceEl = wrapper.find('.js-reference'); expect(referenceEl.exists()).toBe(true); expect(referenceEl.text()).toBe(`${mockIssuable.iid}`); }); it('renders issuable createdAt info', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); const createdAtEl = wrapper.find('[data-testid="issuable-created-at"]'); expect(createdAtEl.exists()).toBe(true); expect(createdAtEl.attributes('title')).toBe('Jun 29, 2020 1:52pm UTC'); expect(createdAtEl.text()).toBe(wrapper.vm.createdAt); }); it('renders issuable author info', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); const authorEl = wrapper.find('[data-testid="issuable-author"]'); expect(authorEl.exists()).toBe(true); expect(authorEl.attributes()).toMatchObject({ 'data-user-id': `${wrapper.vm.authorId}`, 'data-username': mockAuthor.username, 'data-name':, 'data-avatar-url': mockAuthor.avatarUrl, href: mockAuthor.webUrl, }); expect(authorEl.text()).toBe(; }); it('renders issuable author info via slot', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuableSymbol: '#', issuable: mockIssuable, slots: { reference: ` ${} `, }, }); const authorEl = wrapper.find('.js-author'); expect(authorEl.exists()).toBe(true); expect(authorEl.text()).toBe(; }); it('renders timeframe via slot', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuableSymbol: '#', issuable: mockIssuable, slots: { timeframe: ` Jan 1, 2020 - Mar 31, 2020 `, }, }); const timeframeEl = wrapper.find('.js-timeframe'); expect(timeframeEl.exists()).toBe(true); expect(timeframeEl.text()).toBe('Jan 1, 2020 - Mar 31, 2020'); }); it('renders gl-label component for each label present within `issuable` prop', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); const labelsEl = wrapper.findAll(GlLabel); expect(labelsEl.exists()).toBe(true); expect(labelsEl).toHaveLength(mockLabels.length); expect({ backgroundColor: mockLabels[0].color, title: mockLabels[0].title, description: mockLabels[0].description, scoped: false, target: wrapper.vm.labelTarget(mockLabels[0]), size: 'sm', }); }); it('renders issuable status via slot', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuableSymbol: '#', issuable: mockIssuable, slots: { status: ` ${mockIssuable.state} `, }, }); const statusEl = wrapper.find('.js-status'); expect(statusEl.exists()).toBe(true); expect(statusEl.text()).toBe(`${mockIssuable.state}`); }); it('renders discussions count', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); const discussionsEl = wrapper.find('[data-testid="issuable-discussions"]'); expect(discussionsEl.exists()).toBe(true); expect(discussionsEl.find(GlLink).attributes()).toMatchObject({ title: 'Comments', href: `${mockIssuable.webUrl}#notes`, }); expect(discussionsEl.find(GlIcon).props('name')).toBe('comments'); expect(discussionsEl.find(GlLink).text()).toContain('2'); }); it('renders issuable-assignees component', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); const assigneesEl = wrapper.find(IssuableAssignees); expect(assigneesEl.exists()).toBe(true); expect(assigneesEl.props()).toMatchObject({ assignees: mockIssuable.assignees, iconSize: 16, maxVisible: 4, }); }); it('renders issuable updatedAt info', () => { wrapper = createComponent(); const timestampEl = wrapper.find('[data-testid="issuable-timestamp"]'); expect(timestampEl.attributes('title')).toBe('Sep 10, 2020 11:41am UTC'); expect(timestampEl.text()).toBe(wrapper.vm.formattedTimestamp); }); describe('when issuable is closed', () => { it('renders issuable card with a closed style', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, closedAt: '2020-12-10', state: 'closed' }, }); expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('closed'); }); it('renders issuable closedAt info and does not render updatedAt info', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, closedAt: '2022-06-18T11:30:00Z', state: 'closed' }, }); const timestampEl = wrapper.find('[data-testid="issuable-timestamp"]'); expect(timestampEl.attributes('title')).toBe('Jun 18, 2022 11:30am UTC'); expect(timestampEl.text()).toBe(wrapper.vm.formattedTimestamp); }); }); describe('when issuable was created within the past 24 hours', () => { it('renders issuable card with a recently-created style', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, createdAt: '2020-12-10T12:34:56' }, }); expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('today'); }); }); describe('when issuable was created earlier than the past 24 hours', () => { it('renders issuable card without a recently-created style', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ issuable: { ...mockIssuable, createdAt: '2020-12-09' } }); expect(wrapper.classes()).not.toContain('today'); }); }); describe('scoped labels', () => { describe.each` description | labelPosition | hasScopedLabelsFeature | scoped ${'when label is not scoped and there is no scoped_labels feature'} | ${0} | ${false} | ${false} ${'when label is scoped and there is no scoped_labels feature'} | ${1} | ${false} | ${false} ${'when label is not scoped and there is scoped_labels feature'} | ${0} | ${true} | ${false} ${'when label is scoped and there is scoped_labels feature'} | ${1} | ${true} | ${true} `('$description', ({ hasScopedLabelsFeature, labelPosition, scoped }) => { it(`${scoped ? 'renders' : 'does not render'} as scoped label`, () => { wrapper = createComponent({ hasScopedLabelsFeature }); expect(wrapper.findAllComponents(GlLabel).at(labelPosition).props('scoped')).toBe(scoped); }); }); }); }); });