# GitLab Pages Administration > **Notes:** > - [Introduced][ee-80] in GitLab EE 8.3. > - Custom CNAMEs with TLS support were [introduced][ee-173] in GitLab EE 8.5. > - GitLab Pages were ported to Community Edition in GitLab 8.16. --- This document describes how to set up the _latest_ GitLab Pages feature. Make sure to read the [changelog](#changelog) if you are upgrading to a new GitLab version as it may include new features and changes needed to be made in your configuration. If you are looking for ways to upload your static content in GitLab Pages, you probably want to read the [user documentation](README.md). ## Overview GitLab Pages makes use of the [GitLab Pages daemon], a simple HTTP server written in Go that can listen on an external IP address and provide support for custom domains and custom certificates. It supports dynamic certificates through SNI and exposes pages using HTTP2 by default. You are encouraged to read its [README][pages-readme] to fully understand how it works. --- In the case of custom domains, the Pages daemon needs to listen on ports `80` and/or `443`. For that reason, there is some flexibility in the way which you can set it up: 1. Run the pages daemon in the same server as GitLab, listening on a secondary IP 1. Run the pages daemon in a separate server. In that case, the [Pages path](#change-storage-path) must also be present in the server that the pages daemon is installed, so you will have to share it via network. 1. Run the pages daemon in the same server as GitLab, listening on the same IP but on different ports. In that case, you will have to proxy the traffic with a loadbalancer. If you choose that route note that you should use TCP load balancing for HTTPS. If you use TLS-termination (HTTPS-load balancing) the pages will not be able to be served with user provided certificates. For HTTP it's OK to use HTTP or TCP load balancing. In this document, we will proceed assuming the first option. ## Prerequisites Before proceeding with the Pages configuration, you will need to: 1. Have a separate domain under which the GitLab Pages will be served 1. (Optional) Have a wildcard certificate for that domain if you decide to serve Pages under HTTPS 1. Configure a wildcard DNS record 1. (Optional but recommended) Enable [Shared runners](../ci/runners/README.md) so that your users don't have to bring their own ### DNS configuration GitLab Pages expect to run on their own virtual host. In your DNS server/provider you need to add a [wildcard DNS A record][wiki-wildcard-dns] pointing to the host that GitLab runs. For example, an entry would look like this: ``` *.example.io. 1800 IN A ``` where `example.io` is the domain under which GitLab Pages will be served and `` is the IP address of your GitLab instance. > **Note:** You should not use the GitLab domain to serve user pages. For more information see the [security section](#security). [wiki-wildcard-dns]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildcard_DNS_record ## Configuration Depending on your needs, you can install GitLab Pages in four different ways. ### Option 1. Custom domains with HTTPS support | URL scheme | Wildcard certificate | Custom domain with HTTP support | Custom domain with HTTPS support | Secondary IP | | --- |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | `https://page.example.io` and `https://page.com` | yes | redirects to HTTPS | yes | yes | Pages enabled, daemon is enabled AND pages has external IP support enabled. In that case, the pages daemon is running, NGINX still proxies requests to the daemon but the daemon is also able to receive requests from the outside world. Custom domains and TLS are supported. **Source installations:** 1. Install the Pages daemon: ``` cd /home/git sudo -u git -H git clone https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages.git cd gitlab-pages sudo -u git -H git checkout v0.2.1 sudo -u git -H make ``` 1. Edit `gitlab.yml` to look like the example below. You need to change the `host` to the FQDN under which GitLab Pages will be served. Set `external_http` and `external_https` to the secondary IP on which the pages daemon will listen for connections: ```yaml ## GitLab Pages pages: enabled: true # The location where pages are stored (default: shared/pages). # path: shared/pages host: example.io port: 443 https: true external_http: external_https: ``` 1. Edit `/etc/default/gitlab` and set `gitlab_pages_enabled` to `true` in order to enable the pages daemon. In `gitlab_pages_options` the `-pages-domain`, `-listen-http` and `-listen-https` must match the `host`, `external_http` and `external_https` settings that you set above respectively. The `-root-cert` and `-root-key` settings are the wildcard TLS certificates of the `example.io` domain: ``` gitlab_pages_enabled=true gitlab_pages_options="-pages-domain example.io -pages-root $app_root/shared/pages -listen-proxy -listen-http -listen-https -root-cert /path/to/example.io.crt -root-key /path/to/example.io.key ``` 1. Copy the `gitlab-pages-ssl` Nginx configuration file: ```bash sudo cp lib/support/nginx/gitlab-pages-ssl /etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab-pages-ssl.conf sudo ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-{available,enabled}/gitlab-pages-ssl.conf ``` Replace `gitlab-pages-ssl` with `gitlab-pages` if you are not using SSL. 1. Edit all GitLab related configs in `/etc/nginx/site-available/` and replace `` with ``, where `` the primary IP where GitLab listens to. 1. Restart NGINX 1. [Restart GitLab][restart] --- **Omnibus installations:** 1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`: ```ruby pages_external_url "https://example.io" nginx['listen_addresses'] = [''] pages_nginx['enable'] = false gitlab_pages['cert'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/example.io.crt" gitlab_pages['cert_key'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/example.io.key" gitlab_pages['external_http'] = '' gitlab_pages['external_https'] = '' ``` where `` is the primary IP address that GitLab is listening to and `` the secondary IP where the GitLab Pages daemon listens to. 1. [Reconfigure GitLab][reconfigure] ### Option 2. Custom domains without HTTPS support | URL scheme | Wildcard certificate | Custom domain with HTTP support | Custom domain with HTTPS support | Secondary IP | | --- |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | `http://page.example.io` and `http://page.com` | no | yes | no | yes | Pages enabled, daemon is enabled AND pages has external IP support enabled. In that case, the pages daemon is running, NGINX still proxies requests to the daemon but the daemon is also able to receive requests from the outside world. Custom domains and TLS are supported. **Source installations:** 1. Install the Pages daemon: ``` cd /home/git sudo -u git -H git clone https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages.git cd gitlab-pages sudo -u git -H git checkout v0.2.1 sudo -u git -H make ``` 1. Edit `gitlab.yml` to look like the example below. You need to change the `host` to the FQDN under which GitLab Pages will be served. Set `external_http` to the secondary IP on which the pages daemon will listen for connections: ```yaml pages: enabled: true # The location where pages are stored (default: shared/pages). # path: shared/pages host: example.io port: 80 https: false external_http: ``` 1. Edit `/etc/default/gitlab` and set `gitlab_pages_enabled` to `true` in order to enable the pages daemon. In `gitlab_pages_options` the `-pages-domain` and `-listen-http` must match the `host` and `external_http` settings that you set above respectively: ``` gitlab_pages_enabled=true gitlab_pages_options="-pages-domain example.io -pages-root $app_root/shared/pages -listen-proxy -listen-http" ``` 1. Copy the `gitlab-pages-ssl` Nginx configuration file: ```bash sudo cp lib/support/nginx/gitlab-pages-ssl /etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab-pages-ssl.conf sudo ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-{available,enabled}/gitlab-pages-ssl.conf ``` Replace `gitlab-pages-ssl` with `gitlab-pages` if you are not using SSL. 1. Edit all GitLab related configs in `/etc/nginx/site-available/` and replace `` with ``, where `` the primary IP where GitLab listens to. 1. Restart NGINX 1. [Restart GitLab][restart] --- **Omnibus installations:** 1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`: ```ruby pages_external_url "http://example.io" nginx['listen_addresses'] = [''] pages_nginx['enable'] = false gitlab_pages['external_http'] = '' ``` where `` is the primary IP address that GitLab is listening to and `` the secondary IP where the GitLab Pages daemon listens to. 1. [Reconfigure GitLab][reconfigure] ### Option 3. Wildcard HTTPS domain without custom domains | URL scheme | Wildcard certificate | Custom domain with HTTP support | Custom domain with HTTPS support | Secondary IP | | --- |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | `https://page.example.io` | yes | no | no | no | Pages enabled, daemon is enabled and NGINX will proxy all requests to the daemon. Pages daemon doesn't listen to the outside world. **Source installations:** 1. Install the Pages daemon: ``` cd /home/git sudo -u git -H git clone https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages.git cd gitlab-pages sudo -u git -H git checkout v0.2.1 sudo -u git -H make ``` 1. In `gitlab.yml`, set the port to `443` and https to `true`: ```bash ## GitLab Pages pages: enabled: true # The location where pages are stored (default: shared/pages). # path: shared/pages host: example.io port: 443 https: true ``` 1. Copy the `gitlab-pages-ssl` Nginx configuration file: ```bash sudo cp lib/support/nginx/gitlab-pages-ssl /etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab-pages-ssl.conf sudo ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-{available,enabled}/gitlab-pages-ssl.conf ``` Replace `gitlab-pages-ssl` with `gitlab-pages` if you are not using SSL. --- **Omnibus installations:** 1. Place the certificate and key inside `/etc/gitlab/ssl` 1. In `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` specify the following configuration: ```ruby pages_external_url 'https://example.io' pages_nginx['redirect_http_to_https'] = true pages_nginx['ssl_certificate'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/pages-nginx.crt" pages_nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/pages-nginx.key" ``` where `pages-nginx.crt` and `pages-nginx.key` are the SSL cert and key, respectively. 1. [Reconfigure GitLab][reconfigure] ### Option 4. Wildcard HTTP domain without custom domains | URL scheme | Wildcard certificate | Custom domain with HTTP support | Custom domain with HTTPS support | Secondary IP | | --- |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | `http://page.example.io` | no | no | no | no | Pages enabled, daemon is enabled and NGINX will proxy all requests to the daemon. Pages daemon doesn't listen to the outside world. **Source installations:** 1. Install the Pages daemon: ``` cd /home/git sudo -u git -H git clone https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages.git cd gitlab-pages sudo -u git -H git checkout v0.2.1 sudo -u git -H make ``` 1. Go to the GitLab installation directory: ```bash cd /home/git/gitlab ``` 1. Edit `gitlab.yml` and under the `pages` setting, set `enabled` to `true` and the `host` to the FQDN under which GitLab Pages will be served: ```yaml ## GitLab Pages pages: enabled: true # The location where pages are stored (default: shared/pages). # path: shared/pages host: example.io port: 80 https: false ``` 1. Copy the `gitlab-pages-ssl` Nginx configuration file: ```bash sudo cp lib/support/nginx/gitlab-pages-ssl /etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab-pages-ssl.conf sudo ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-{available,enabled}/gitlab-pages-ssl.conf ``` Replace `gitlab-pages-ssl` with `gitlab-pages` if you are not using SSL. 1. Restart NGINX 1. [Restart GitLab][restart] --- **Omnibus installations:** 1. Set the external URL for GitLab Pages in `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`: ```ruby pages_external_url 'http://example.io' ``` 1. [Reconfigure GitLab][reconfigure] ## NGINX caveats >**Note:** The following information applies only for installations from source. Be extra careful when setting up the domain name in the NGINX config. You must not remove the backslashes. If your GitLab pages domain is `example.io`, replace: ```bash server_name ~^.*\.YOUR_GITLAB_PAGES\.DOMAIN$; ``` with: ``` server_name ~^.*\.example\.io$; ``` If you are using a subdomain, make sure to escape all dots (`.`) except from the first one with a backslash (\). For example `pages.example.io` would be: ``` server_name ~^.*\.pages\.example\.io$; ``` ## Set maximum pages size The maximum size of the unpacked archive per project can be configured in the Admin area under the Application settings in the **Maximum size of pages (MB)**. The default is 100MB. ## Change storage path **Source installations:** 1. Pages are stored by default in `/home/git/gitlab/shared/pages`. If you wish to store them in another location you must set it up in `gitlab.yml` under the `pages` section: ```yaml pages: enabled: true # The location where pages are stored (default: shared/pages). path: /mnt/storage/pages ``` 1. [Restart GitLab][restart] **Omnibus installations:** 1. Pages are stored by default in `/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/pages`. If you wish to store them in another location you must set it up in `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`: ```ruby gitlab_rails['pages_path'] = "/mnt/storage/pages" ``` 1. [Reconfigure GitLab][reconfigure] ## Backup Pages are part of the [regular backup][backup] so there is nothing to configure. ## Security You should strongly consider running GitLab pages under a different hostname than GitLab to prevent XSS attacks. ## Changelog GitLab Pages were first introduced in GitLab EE 8.3. Since then, many features where added, like custom CNAME and TLS support, and many more are likely to come. Below is a brief changelog. If no changes were introduced or a version is missing from the changelog, assume that the documentation is the same as the latest previous version. --- **GitLab 8.16 ([documentation][8-16-docs])** - GitLab Pages were ported to Community Edition in GitLab 8.16. - Documentation was refactored to be more modular and easy to follow. **GitLab 8.5 ([documentation][8-5-docs])** - In GitLab 8.5 we introduced the [gitlab-pages][] daemon which is now the recommended way to set up GitLab Pages. - The [NGINX configs][] have changed to reflect this change. So make sure to update them. - Custom CNAME and TLS certificates support. - Documentation was moved to one place. --- **GitLab 8.3 ([documentation][8-3-docs])** - GitLab Pages feature was introduced. [8-3-docs]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/blob/8-3-stable-ee/doc/pages/administration.md [8-5-docs]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/blob/8-5-stable-ee/doc/pages/administration.md [8-16-docs]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/8-16-stable-ce/doc/pages/administration.md [backup]: ../raketasks/backup_restore.md [ee-80]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/merge_requests/80 [ee-173]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/merge_requests/173 [gitlab pages daemon]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages [NGINX configs]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/tree/8-5-stable-ee/lib/support/nginx [pages-readme]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages/blob/master/README.md [reconfigure]: ../administration/restart_gitlab.md#omnibus-gitlab-reconfigure [restart]: ../administration/restart_gitlab.md#installations-from-source [gitlab-pages]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages/tree/v0.2.1