# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Projects::ContainerRepository::ThirdParty::CleanupTagsService, :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax include_context 'for a cleanup tags service' let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project, reload: true) { create(:project, :private) } let(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :root, project: project) } let(:service) { described_class.new(container_repository: repository, current_user: user, params: params) } let(:tags) { %w[latest A Ba Bb C D E] } before do project.add_maintainer(user) if user stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true) stub_container_registry_tags( repository: repository.path, tags: tags ) stub_tag_digest('latest', 'sha256:configA') stub_tag_digest('A', 'sha256:configA') stub_tag_digest('Ba', 'sha256:configB') stub_tag_digest('Bb', 'sha256:configB') stub_tag_digest('C', 'sha256:configC') stub_tag_digest('D', 'sha256:configD') stub_tag_digest('E', nil) stub_digest_config('sha256:configA', 1.hour.ago) stub_digest_config('sha256:configB', 5.days.ago) stub_digest_config('sha256:configC', 1.month.ago) stub_digest_config('sha256:configD', nil) end describe '#execute' do subject { service.execute } it_behaves_like 'when regex matching everything is specified', delete_expectations: [%w[A Ba Bb C D E]], service_response_extra: { before_truncate_size: 6, after_truncate_size: 6, before_delete_size: 6, cached_tags_count: 0 }, supports_caching: true it_behaves_like 'when delete regex matching specific tags is used', service_response_extra: { before_truncate_size: 2, after_truncate_size: 2, before_delete_size: 2, cached_tags_count: 0 }, supports_caching: true it_behaves_like 'when delete regex matching specific tags is used with overriding allow regex', service_response_extra: { before_truncate_size: 1, after_truncate_size: 1, before_delete_size: 1, cached_tags_count: 0 }, supports_caching: true it_behaves_like 'with allow regex value', delete_expectations: [%w[A C D E]], service_response_extra: { before_truncate_size: 4, after_truncate_size: 4, before_delete_size: 4, cached_tags_count: 0 }, supports_caching: true it_behaves_like 'when keeping only N tags', delete_expectations: [%w[Bb Ba C]], service_response_extra: { before_truncate_size: 4, after_truncate_size: 4, before_delete_size: 3, cached_tags_count: 0 }, supports_caching: true it_behaves_like 'when not keeping N tags', delete_expectations: [%w[A Ba Bb C]], service_response_extra: { before_truncate_size: 4, after_truncate_size: 4, before_delete_size: 4, cached_tags_count: 0 }, supports_caching: true it_behaves_like 'when removing keeping only 3', delete_expectations: [%w[Bb Ba C]], service_response_extra: { before_truncate_size: 6, after_truncate_size: 6, before_delete_size: 3, cached_tags_count: 0 }, supports_caching: true it_behaves_like 'when removing older than 1 day', delete_expectations: [%w[Ba Bb C]], service_response_extra: { before_truncate_size: 6, after_truncate_size: 6, before_delete_size: 3, cached_tags_count: 0 }, supports_caching: true it_behaves_like 'when combining all parameters', delete_expectations: [%w[Bb Ba C]], service_response_extra: { before_truncate_size: 6, after_truncate_size: 6, before_delete_size: 3, cached_tags_count: 0 }, supports_caching: true it_behaves_like 'when running a container_expiration_policy', delete_expectations: [%w[Bb Ba C]], service_response_extra: { before_truncate_size: 6, after_truncate_size: 6, before_delete_size: 3, cached_tags_count: 0 }, supports_caching: true context 'when running a container_expiration_policy with caching' do let(:user) { nil } let(:params) do { 'name_regex_delete' => '.*', 'keep_n' => 1, 'older_than' => '1 day', 'container_expiration_policy' => true } end it 'expects caching to be used' do expect_delete(%w[Bb Ba C], container_expiration_policy: true) expect_caching subject end context 'when setting set to false' do before do stub_application_setting(container_registry_expiration_policies_caching: false) end it 'does not use caching' do expect_delete(%w[Bb Ba C], container_expiration_policy: true) expect_no_caching subject end end end context 'when truncating the tags list' do let(:params) do { 'name_regex_delete' => '.*', 'keep_n' => 1 } end shared_examples 'returning the response' do |status:, original_size:, before_truncate_size:, after_truncate_size:, before_delete_size:| it 'returns the response' do expect_no_caching result = subject service_response = expected_service_response( status: status, original_size: original_size, deleted: nil ).merge( before_truncate_size: before_truncate_size, after_truncate_size: after_truncate_size, before_delete_size: before_delete_size, cached_tags_count: 0 ) expect(result).to eq(service_response) end end where(:max_list_size, :delete_tags_service_status, :expected_status, :expected_truncated) do 10 | :success | :success | false 10 | :error | :error | false 3 | :success | :error | true 3 | :error | :error | true 0 | :success | :success | false 0 | :error | :error | false end with_them do before do stub_application_setting(container_registry_cleanup_tags_service_max_list_size: max_list_size) allow_next_instance_of(Projects::ContainerRepository::DeleteTagsService) do |service| allow(service).to receive(:execute).and_return(status: delete_tags_service_status) end end original_size = 7 keep_n = 1 it_behaves_like( 'returning the response', status: params[:expected_status], original_size: original_size, before_truncate_size: original_size - keep_n, after_truncate_size: params[:expected_truncated] ? params[:max_list_size] + keep_n : original_size - keep_n, # one tag is filtered out with older_than filter before_delete_size: params[:expected_truncated] ? params[:max_list_size] : original_size - keep_n - 1 ) end end context 'with caching', :freeze_time do let(:params) do { 'name_regex_delete' => '.*', 'keep_n' => 1, 'older_than' => '1 day', 'container_expiration_policy' => true } end let(:tags_and_created_ats) do { 'A' => 1.hour.ago, 'Ba' => 5.days.ago, 'Bb' => 5.days.ago, 'C' => 1.month.ago, 'D' => nil, 'E' => nil } end let(:cacheable_tags) { tags_and_created_ats.reject { |_, value| value.nil? } } before do expect_delete(%w[Bb Ba C], container_expiration_policy: true) # We froze time so we need to set the created_at stubs again stub_digest_config('sha256:configA', 1.hour.ago) stub_digest_config('sha256:configB', 5.days.ago) stub_digest_config('sha256:configC', 1.month.ago) end it 'caches the created_at values' do expect_mget(tags_and_created_ats.keys) expect_set(cacheable_tags) expect(subject).to include(cached_tags_count: 0) end context 'with cached values' do before do ::Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with do |redis| redis.set(cache_key('C'), rfc3339(1.month.ago)) end end it 'uses them' do expect_mget(tags_and_created_ats.keys) # because C is already in cache, it should not be cached again expect_set(cacheable_tags.except('C')) # We will ping the container registry for all tags *except* for C because it's cached expect(ContainerRegistry::Blob) .to receive(:new).with(repository, { "digest" => "sha256:configA" }).and_call_original expect(ContainerRegistry::Blob) .to receive(:new).with(repository, { "digest" => "sha256:configB" }).twice.and_call_original expect(ContainerRegistry::Blob).not_to receive(:new).with(repository, { "digest" => "sha256:configC" }) expect(ContainerRegistry::Blob) .to receive(:new).with(repository, { "digest" => "sha256:configD" }).and_call_original expect(subject).to include(cached_tags_count: 1) end end def expect_mget(keys) Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with do |redis| parameters = keys.map { |k| cache_key(k) } expect(redis).to receive(:mget).with(parameters).and_call_original end end def expect_set(tags) selected_tags = tags.map do |tag_name, created_at| ex = 1.day.seconds - (Time.zone.now - created_at).seconds [tag_name, created_at, ex.to_i] if ex.positive? end.compact return if selected_tags.count.zero? Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with do |redis| expect(redis).to receive(:pipelined).and_call_original expect_next_instance_of(Redis::PipelinedConnection) do |pipeline| selected_tags.each do |tag_name, created_at, ex| expect(pipeline).to receive(:set).with(cache_key(tag_name), rfc3339(created_at), ex: ex) end end end end def cache_key(tag_name) "container_repository:{#{repository.id}}:tag:#{tag_name}:created_at" end def rfc3339(date_time) # DateTime rfc3339 is different ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone rfc3339 # The caching will use DateTime rfc3339 DateTime.rfc3339(date_time.rfc3339).rfc3339 end end end private def stub_tag_digest(tag, digest) allow(repository.client) .to receive(:repository_tag_digest) .with(repository.path, tag) { digest } allow(repository.client) .to receive(:repository_manifest) .with(repository.path, tag) do { 'config' => { 'digest' => digest } } if digest end end def stub_digest_config(digest, created_at) allow(repository.client) .to receive(:blob) .with(repository.path, digest, nil) do { 'created' => created_at.to_datetime.rfc3339 }.to_json if created_at end end def expect_caching ::Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with do |redis| expect(redis).to receive(:mget).and_call_original expect(redis).to receive(:pipelined).and_call_original expect_next_instance_of(Redis::PipelinedConnection) do |pipeline| expect(pipeline).to receive(:set).and_call_original end end end end