--- stage: none group: unassigned info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#designated-technical-writers --- # Rake tasks for developers Rake tasks are available for developers and others contributing to GitLab. ## Set up database with developer seeds Note that if your database user does not have advanced privileges, you must create the database manually before running this command. ```shell bundle exec rake setup ``` The `setup` task is an alias for `gitlab:setup`. This tasks calls `db:reset` to create the database, and calls `db:seed_fu` to seed the database. Note: `db:setup` calls `db:seed` but this does nothing. ### Environment variables **MASS_INSERT**: Create millions of users (2m), projects (5m) and its relations. It's highly recommended to run the seed with it to catch slow queries while developing. Expect the process to take up to 20 extra minutes. See also [Mass inserting Rails models](mass_insert.md). **LARGE_PROJECTS**: Create large projects (through import) from a predefined set of URLs. ### Seeding issues for all or a given project You can seed issues for all or a given project with the `gitlab:seed:issues` task: ```shell # All projects bin/rake gitlab:seed:issues # A specific project bin/rake "gitlab:seed:issues[group-path/project-path]" ``` By default, this seeds an average of 2 issues per week for the last 5 weeks per project. #### Seeding issues for Insights charts **(ULTIMATE)** You can seed issues specifically for working with the [Insights charts](../user/group/insights/index.md) with the `gitlab:seed:insights:issues` task: ```shell # All projects bin/rake gitlab:seed:insights:issues # A specific project bin/rake "gitlab:seed:insights:issues[group-path/project-path]" ``` By default, this seeds an average of 10 issues per week for the last 52 weeks per project. All issues will also be randomly labeled with team, type, severity, and priority. #### Seeding groups with sub-groups You can seed groups with sub-groups that contain milestones/projects/issues with the `gitlab:seed:group_seed` task: ```shell bin/rake "gitlab:seed:group_seed[subgroup_depth, username]" ``` Group are additionally seeded with epics if GitLab instance has epics feature available. #### Seeding custom metrics for the monitoring dashboard A lot of different types of metrics are supported in the monitoring dashboard. To import these metrics, you can run: ```shell bundle exec rake 'gitlab:seed:development_metrics[your_project_id]' ``` ### Automation If you're very sure that you want to **wipe the current database** and refill seeds, you could: ```shell echo 'yes' | bundle exec rake setup ``` To save you from answering `yes` manually. ### Discard `stdout` Since the script would print a lot of information, it could be slowing down your terminal, and it would generate more than 20G logs if you just redirect it to a file. If we don't care about the output, we could just redirect it to `/dev/null`: ```shell echo 'yes' | bundle exec rake setup > /dev/null ``` Note that since you can't see the questions from `stdout`, you might just want to `echo 'yes'` to keep it running. It would still print the errors on `stderr` so no worries about missing errors. ### Extra Project seed options There are a few environment flags you can pass to change how projects are seeded - `SIZE`: defaults to `8`, max: `32`. Amount of projects to create. - `LARGE_PROJECTS`: defaults to false. If set will clone 6 large projects to help with testing. - `FORK`: defaults to false. If set to `true` will fork `torvalds/linux` five times. Can also be set to an existing project full_path and it will fork that instead. ## Run tests In order to run the test you can use the following commands: - `bin/rake spec` to run the RSpec suite - `bin/rake spec:unit` to run only the unit tests - `bin/rake spec:integration` to run only the integration tests - `bin/rake spec:system` to run only the system tests - `bin/rake karma` to run the Karma test suite `bin/rake spec` takes significant time to pass. Instead of running the full test suite locally, you can save a lot of time by running a single test or directory related to your changes. After you submit a merge request, CI will run full test suite for you. Green CI status in the merge request means full test suite is passed. You can't run `rspec .` since this will try to run all the `_spec.rb` files it can find, also the ones in `/tmp` You can pass RSpec command line options to the `spec:unit`, `spec:integration`, and `spec:system` tasks. For example, `bin/rake "spec:unit[--tag ~geo --dry-run]"`. For an RSpec test, to run a single test file you can run: ```shell bin/rspec spec/controllers/commit_controller_spec.rb ``` To run several tests inside one directory: - `bin/rspec spec/requests/api/` for the RSpec tests if you want to test API only ### Speed up tests, Rake tasks, and migrations [Spring](https://github.com/rails/spring) is a Rails application pre-loader. It speeds up development by keeping your application running in the background so you don't need to boot it every time you run a test, Rake task or migration. If you want to use it, you'll need to export the `ENABLE_SPRING` environment variable to `1`: ```shell export ENABLE_SPRING=1 ``` Alternatively you can use the following on each spec run, ```shell bundle exec spring rspec some_spec.rb ``` ## Compile Frontend Assets You shouldn't ever need to compile frontend assets manually in development, but if you ever need to test how the assets get compiled in a production environment you can do so with the following command: ```shell RAILS_ENV=production NODE_ENV=production bundle exec rake gitlab:assets:compile ``` This will compile and minify all JavaScript and CSS assets and copy them along with all other frontend assets (images, fonts, etc) into `/public/assets` where they can be easily inspected. ## Emoji tasks To update the Emoji aliases file (used for Emoji autocomplete), run the following: ```shell bundle exec rake gemojione:aliases ``` To update the Emoji digests file (used for Emoji autocomplete), run the following: ```shell bundle exec rake gemojione:digests ``` This will update the file `fixtures/emojis/digests.json` based on the currently available Emoji. To generate a sprite file containing all the Emoji, run: ```shell bundle exec rake gemojione:sprite ``` If new emoji are added, the sprite sheet may change size. To compensate for such changes, first generate the `emoji.png` sprite sheet with the above Rake task, then check the dimensions of the new sprite sheet and update the `SPRITESHEET_WIDTH` and `SPRITESHEET_HEIGHT` constants accordingly. ## Update project templates Starting a project from a template needs this project to be exported. On a up to date master branch run: ```shell gdk start bundle exec rake gitlab:update_project_templates git checkout -b update-project-templates git add vendor/project_templates git commit git push -u origin update-project-templates ``` Now create a merge request and merge that to master. ## Generate route lists To see the full list of API routes, you can run: ```shell bundle exec rake grape:path_helpers ``` The generated list includes a full list of API endpoints and functional RESTful API verbs. For the Rails controllers, run: ```shell bundle exec rake routes ``` Since these take some time to create, it's often helpful to save the output to a file for quick reference. ## Show obsolete `ignored_columns` To see a list of all obsolete `ignored_columns` run: ```shell bundle exec rake db:obsolete_ignored_columns ``` Feel free to remove their definitions from their `ignored_columns` definitions. ## Update GraphQL documentation and schema definitions To generate GraphQL documentation based on the GitLab schema, run: ```shell bundle exec rake gitlab:graphql:compile_docs ``` In its current state, the Rake task: - Generates output for GraphQL objects. - Places the output at `doc/api/graphql/reference/index.md`. This uses some features from `graphql-docs` gem like its schema parser and helper methods. The docs generator code comes from our side giving us more flexibility, like using Haml templates and generating Markdown files. To edit the template used, please take a look at `lib/gitlab/graphql/docs/templates/default.md.haml`. The actual renderer is at `Gitlab::Graphql::Docs::Renderer`. `@parsed_schema` is an instance variable that the `graphql-docs` gem expects to have available. `Gitlab::Graphql::Docs::Helper` defines the `object` method we currently use. This is also where you should implement any new methods for new types you'd like to display. ### Update machine-readable schema files To generate GraphQL schema files based on the GitLab schema, run: ```shell bundle exec rake gitlab:graphql:schema:dump ``` This uses GraphQL Ruby's built-in Rake tasks to generate files in both [IDL](https://www.prisma.io/blog/graphql-sdl-schema-definition-language-6755bcb9ce51) and JSON formats.