- form = local_assigns.fetch(:f) - commits = local_assigns[:commits] - project = @target_project || @project = form_errors(issuable) - if @conflict .alert.alert-danger Someone edited the #{issuable.class.model_name.human.downcase} the same time you did. Please check out = link_to "the #{issuable.class.model_name.human.downcase}", polymorphic_path([@project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, issuable]), target: "_blank" and make sure your changes will not unintentionally remove theirs .form-group = form.label :title, class: 'control-label' = render 'shared/issuable/form/template_selector', issuable: issuable = render 'shared/issuable/form/title', issuable: issuable, form: form, has_wip_commits: commits && commits.detect(&:work_in_progress?) = render 'shared/issuable/form/description', issuable: issuable, form: form - if issuable.respond_to?(:confidential) .form-group .col-sm-offset-2.col-sm-10 .checkbox = form.label :confidential do = form.check_box :confidential This issue is confidential and should only be visible to team members with at least Reporter access. = render 'shared/issuable/form/metadata', issuable: issuable, form: form - if issuable.can_move?(current_user) %hr .form-group = label_tag :move_to_project_id, 'Move', class: 'control-label' .col-sm-10 .issuable-form-select-holder = hidden_field_tag :move_to_project_id, nil, class: 'js-move-dropdown', data: { placeholder: 'Select project', projects_url: autocomplete_projects_path(project_id: @project.id), page_size: MoveToProjectFinder::PAGE_SIZE }   %span{ data: { toggle: 'tooltip', placement: 'auto top' }, style: 'cursor: default', title: 'Moving an issue will copy the discussion to a different project and close it here. All participants will be notified of the new location.' } = icon('question-circle') = render 'shared/issuable/form/branch_chooser', issuable: issuable, form: form - if @merge_request_for_resolving_discussions .form-group .col-sm-10.col-sm-offset-2 - if @merge_request_for_resolving_discussions.discussions_can_be_resolved_by?(current_user) = icon('exclamation-triangle') Creating this issue will mark all discussions in = link_to @merge_request_for_resolving_discussions.to_reference, merge_request_path(@merge_request_for_resolving_discussions) as resolved. = hidden_field_tag 'merge_request_for_resolving_discussions', @merge_request_for_resolving_discussions.iid - else = icon('exclamation-triangle') You can't automatically mark all discussions in = link_to @merge_request_for_resolving_discussions.to_reference, merge_request_path(@merge_request_for_resolving_discussions) as resolved. Ask someone with sufficient rights to resolve the them. - is_footer = !(issuable.is_a?(MergeRequest) && issuable.new_record?) .row-content-block{ class: (is_footer ? "footer-block" : "middle-block") } - if issuable.new_record? = form.submit "Submit #{issuable.class.model_name.human.downcase}", class: 'btn btn-create' - else = form.submit 'Save changes', class: 'btn btn-save' - if !issuable.persisted? && !issuable.project.empty_repo? && (guide_url = contribution_guide_path(issuable.project)) .inline.prepend-left-10 Please review the %strong #{link_to 'contribution guidelines', guide_url} for this project. - if issuable.new_record? = link_to 'Cancel', polymorphic_path([@project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, issuable.class]), class: 'btn btn-cancel' - else .pull-right - if can?(current_user, :"destroy_#{issuable.to_ability_name}", @project) = link_to 'Delete', polymorphic_path([@project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, issuable]), data: { confirm: "#{issuable.human_class_name} will be removed! Are you sure?" }, method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger btn-grouped' = link_to 'Cancel', polymorphic_path([@project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, issuable]), class: 'btn btn-grouped btn-cancel' = form.hidden_field :lock_version