# Read more about this feature here: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/dast/ # Configure the scanning tool through the environment variables. # List of the variables: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/dast#settings # How to set: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#variables stages: - build - test - deploy - dast variables: DAST_VERSION: 1 dast: stage: dast image: name: "registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/dast:$DAST_VERSION" variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none # URL to scan: # DAST_WEBSITE: https://example.com/ # # Time limit for target availability (scan is attempted even when timeout): # DAST_TARGET_AVAILABILITY_TIMEOUT: 60 # # Set these variables to scan with an authenticated user: # DAST_AUTH_URL: https://example.com/sign-in # DAST_USERNAME: john.doe@example.com # DAST_PASSWORD: john-doe-password # DAST_USERNAME_FIELD: session[user] # the name of username field at the sign-in HTML form # DAST_PASSWORD_FIELD: session[password] # the name of password field at the sign-in HTML form # DAST_AUTH_EXCLUDE_URLS: http://example.com/sign-out,http://example.com/sign-out-2 # optional: URLs to skip during the authenticated scan; comma-separated, no spaces in between # # Perform ZAP Full Scan, which includes both passive and active scanning: # DAST_FULL_SCAN_ENABLED: "true" allow_failure: true script: - export DAST_WEBSITE=${DAST_WEBSITE:-$(cat environment_url.txt)} - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE artifacts: reports: dast: gl-dast-report.json only: refs: - branches variables: - $GITLAB_FEATURES =~ /\bdast\b/ except: variables: - $DAST_DISABLED - $DAST_DISABLED_FOR_DEFAULT_BRANCH && $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH == $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME