# frozen_string_literal: true module ProtectedRefAccess extend ActiveSupport::Concern HUMAN_ACCESS_LEVELS = { Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER => "Maintainers", Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER => "Developers + Maintainers", Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS => "No one" }.freeze class_methods do def allowed_access_levels [ Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER, Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER, Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS ] end end included do scope :maintainer, -> { where(access_level: Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER) } scope :developer, -> { where(access_level: Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER) } scope :by_user, -> (user) { where(user_id: user ) } scope :by_group, -> (group) { where(group_id: group ) } scope :for_role, -> { where(user_id: nil, group_id: nil) } scope :for_user, -> { where.not(user_id: nil) } scope :for_group, -> { where.not(group_id: nil) } validates :access_level, presence: true, if: :role?, inclusion: { in: self.allowed_access_levels } end def humanize HUMAN_ACCESS_LEVELS[self.access_level] end def type :role end def role? type == :role end def check_access(user) return false unless user return true if user.admin? user.can?(:push_code, project) && project.team.max_member_access(user.id) >= access_level end end ProtectedRefAccess.include_if_ee('EE::ProtectedRefAccess::Scopes') ProtectedRefAccess.prepend_if_ee('EE::ProtectedRefAccess') # When using `prepend` (or `include` for that matter), the `ClassMethods` # constants are not merged. This means that `class_methods` in # `EE::ProtectedRefAccess` would be ignored. # # To work around this, we prepend the `ClassMethods` constant manually. ProtectedRefAccess::ClassMethods.prepend_if_ee('EE::ProtectedRefAccess::ClassMethods')