/* eslint-disable space-before-function-paren, no-unused-expressions, no-var, object-shorthand, comma-dangle, max-len */ import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'underscore'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import 'autosize'; import '~/gl_form'; import '~/lib/utils/text_utility'; import '~/behaviors/markdown/render_gfm'; import Notes from '~/notes'; import timeoutPromise from './helpers/set_timeout_promise_helper'; (function() { window.gon || (window.gon = {}); window.gl = window.gl || {}; gl.utils = gl.utils || {}; const htmlEscape = comment => { const escapedString = comment.replace(/["&'<>]/g, a => { const escapedToken = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''', '`': '`', }[a]; return escapedToken; }); return escapedString; }; describe('Notes', function() { const FLASH_TYPE_ALERT = 'alert'; const NOTES_POST_PATH = /(.*)\/notes\?html=true$/; var commentsTemplate = 'merge_requests/merge_request_with_comment.html.raw'; preloadFixtures(commentsTemplate); beforeEach(function() { loadFixtures(commentsTemplate); gl.utils.disableButtonIfEmptyField = _.noop; window.project_uploads_path = 'http://test.host/uploads'; $('body').attr('data-page', 'projects:merge_requets:show'); }); afterEach(() => { // Undo what we did to the shared $('body').removeAttr('data-page'); }); describe('addBinding', () => { it('calls postComment when comment button is clicked', () => { spyOn(Notes.prototype, 'postComment'); this.notes = new Notes('', []); $('.js-comment-button').click(); expect(Notes.prototype.postComment).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('task lists', function() { let mock; beforeEach(function() { spyOn(axios, 'patch').and.callThrough(); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock .onPatch( `${ gl.TEST_HOST }/frontend-fixtures/merge-requests-project/merge_requests/1.json`, ) .reply(200, {}); $('.js-comment-button').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); this.notes = new Notes('', []); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); it('modifies the Markdown field', function() { const changeEvent = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); changeEvent.initEvent('change', true, true); $('input[type=checkbox]') .attr('checked', true)[1] .dispatchEvent(changeEvent); expect($('.js-task-list-field.original-task-list').val()).toBe( '- [x] Task List Item', ); }); it('submits an ajax request on tasklist:changed', function(done) { $('.js-task-list-container').trigger('tasklist:changed'); setTimeout(() => { expect(axios.patch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `${ gl.TEST_HOST }/frontend-fixtures/merge-requests-project/merge_requests/1.json`, { note: { note: '' }, }, ); done(); }); }); }); describe('comments', function() { var textarea = '.js-note-text'; beforeEach(function() { this.notes = new Notes('', []); this.autoSizeSpy = spyOnEvent($(textarea), 'autosize:update'); spyOn(this.notes, 'renderNote').and.stub(); $(textarea).data('autosave', { reset: function() {}, }); $('.js-comment-button').on('click', e => { const $form = $(this); e.preventDefault(); this.notes.addNote($form); this.notes.reenableTargetFormSubmitButton(e); this.notes.resetMainTargetForm(e); }); }); it('autosizes after comment submission', function() { $(textarea).text('This is an example comment note'); expect(this.autoSizeSpy).not.toHaveBeenTriggered(); $('.js-comment-button').click(); expect(this.autoSizeSpy).toHaveBeenTriggered(); }); it('should not place escaped text in the comment box in case of error', function() { const deferred = $.Deferred(); spyOn($, 'ajax').and.returnValue(deferred.promise()); $(textarea).text('A comment with `markup`.'); deferred.reject(); $('.js-comment-button').click(); expect($(textarea).val()).toEqual('A comment with `markup`.'); }); }); describe('updateNote', () => { let sampleComment; let noteEntity; let $form; let $notesContainer; let mock; beforeEach(() => { this.notes = new Notes('', []); window.gon.current_username = 'root'; window.gon.current_user_fullname = 'Administrator'; sampleComment = 'foo'; noteEntity = { id: 1234, html: `
  • ${sampleComment}
  • `, note: sampleComment, valid: true, }; $form = $('form.js-main-target-form'); $notesContainer = $('ul.main-notes-list'); $form.find('textarea.js-note-text').val(sampleComment); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onPost(NOTES_POST_PATH).reply(200, noteEntity); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); it('updates note and resets edit form', done => { spyOn(this.notes, 'revertNoteEditForm'); spyOn(this.notes, 'setupNewNote'); $('.js-comment-button').click(); setTimeout(() => { const $targetNote = $notesContainer.find(`#note_${noteEntity.id}`); const updatedNote = Object.assign({}, noteEntity); updatedNote.note = 'bar'; this.notes.updateNote(updatedNote, $targetNote); expect(this.notes.revertNoteEditForm).toHaveBeenCalledWith( $targetNote, ); expect(this.notes.setupNewNote).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); }); describe('updateNoteTargetSelector', () => { const hash = 'note_foo'; let $note; beforeEach(() => { $note = $(`
    `); spyOn($note, 'filter').and.callThrough(); spyOn($note, 'toggleClass').and.callThrough(); }); it('sets target when hash matches', () => { spyOnDependency(Notes, 'getLocationHash').and.returnValue(hash); Notes.updateNoteTargetSelector($note); expect($note.filter).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`#${hash}`); expect($note.toggleClass).toHaveBeenCalledWith('target', true); }); it('unsets target when hash does not match', () => { spyOnDependency(Notes, 'getLocationHash').and.returnValue('note_doesnotexist'); Notes.updateNoteTargetSelector($note); expect($note.toggleClass).toHaveBeenCalledWith('target', false); }); it('unsets target when there is not a hash fragment anymore', () => { spyOnDependency(Notes, 'getLocationHash').and.returnValue(null); Notes.updateNoteTargetSelector($note); expect($note.toggleClass).toHaveBeenCalledWith('target', false); }); }); describe('renderNote', () => { let notes; let note; let $notesList; beforeEach(() => { note = { id: 1, valid: true, note: 'heya', html: '
    ', }; $notesList = jasmine.createSpyObj('$notesList', ['find', 'append']); notes = jasmine.createSpyObj('notes', [ 'setupNewNote', 'refresh', 'collapseLongCommitList', 'updateNotesCount', 'putConflictEditWarningInPlace', ]); notes.taskList = jasmine.createSpyObj('tasklist', ['init']); notes.note_ids = []; notes.updatedNotesTrackingMap = {}; spyOn(Notes, 'isNewNote').and.callThrough(); spyOn(Notes, 'isUpdatedNote').and.callThrough(); spyOn(Notes, 'animateAppendNote').and.callThrough(); spyOn(Notes, 'animateUpdateNote').and.callThrough(); }); describe('when adding note', () => { it('should call .animateAppendNote', () => { Notes.isNewNote.and.returnValue(true); Notes.prototype.renderNote.call(notes, note, null, $notesList); expect(Notes.animateAppendNote).toHaveBeenCalledWith( note.html, $notesList, ); }); }); describe('when note was edited', () => { it('should call .animateUpdateNote', () => { Notes.isNewNote.and.returnValue(false); Notes.isUpdatedNote.and.returnValue(true); const $note = $('
    '); $notesList.find.and.returnValue($note); const $newNote = $(note.html); Notes.animateUpdateNote.and.returnValue($newNote); Notes.prototype.renderNote.call(notes, note, null, $notesList); expect(Notes.animateUpdateNote).toHaveBeenCalledWith( note.html, $note, ); expect(notes.setupNewNote).toHaveBeenCalledWith($newNote); }); describe('while editing', () => { it('should update textarea if nothing has been touched', () => { Notes.isNewNote.and.returnValue(false); Notes.isUpdatedNote.and.returnValue(true); const $note = $(`
    `); $notesList.find.and.returnValue($note); Notes.prototype.renderNote.call(notes, note, null, $notesList); expect($note.find('.js-note-text').val()).toEqual(note.note); }); it('should call .putConflictEditWarningInPlace', () => { Notes.isNewNote.and.returnValue(false); Notes.isUpdatedNote.and.returnValue(true); const $note = $(`
    `); $notesList.find.and.returnValue($note); Notes.prototype.renderNote.call(notes, note, null, $notesList); expect(notes.putConflictEditWarningInPlace).toHaveBeenCalledWith( note, $note, ); }); }); }); }); describe('isUpdatedNote', () => { it('should consider same note text as the same', () => { const result = Notes.isUpdatedNote( { note: 'initial', }, $(`
    `), ); expect(result).toEqual(false); }); it('should consider same note with trailing newline as the same', () => { const result = Notes.isUpdatedNote( { note: 'initial\n', }, $(`
    `), ); expect(result).toEqual(false); }); it('should consider different notes as different', () => { const result = Notes.isUpdatedNote( { note: 'foo', }, $(`
    `), ); expect(result).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('renderDiscussionNote', () => { let discussionContainer; let note; let notes; let $form; let row; beforeEach(() => { note = { html: '
  • ', discussion_html: '
    ', discussion_id: 1, discussion_resolvable: false, diff_discussion_html: false, }; $form = jasmine.createSpyObj('$form', ['closest', 'find']); $form.length = 1; row = jasmine.createSpyObj('row', ['prevAll', 'first', 'find']); notes = jasmine.createSpyObj('notes', [ 'isParallelView', 'updateNotesCount', ]); notes.note_ids = []; spyOn(Notes, 'isNewNote'); spyOn(Notes, 'animateAppendNote'); Notes.isNewNote.and.returnValue(true); notes.isParallelView.and.returnValue(false); row.prevAll.and.returnValue(row); row.first.and.returnValue(row); row.find.and.returnValue(row); }); describe('Discussion root note', () => { let body; beforeEach(() => { body = jasmine.createSpyObj('body', ['attr']); discussionContainer = { length: 0 }; $form.closest.and.returnValues(row, $form); $form.find.and.returnValues(discussionContainer); body.attr.and.returnValue(''); }); it('should call Notes.animateAppendNote', () => { Notes.prototype.renderDiscussionNote.call(notes, note, $form); expect(Notes.animateAppendNote).toHaveBeenCalledWith( note.discussion_html, $('.main-notes-list'), ); }); it('should append to row selected with line_code', () => { $form.length = 0; note.discussion_line_code = 'line_code'; note.diff_discussion_html = ''; const line = document.createElement('div'); line.id = note.discussion_line_code; document.body.appendChild(line); $form.closest.and.returnValues($form); Notes.prototype.renderDiscussionNote.call(notes, note, $form); expect(line.nextSibling.outerHTML).toEqual(note.diff_discussion_html); }); }); describe('Discussion sub note', () => { beforeEach(() => { discussionContainer = { length: 1 }; $form.closest.and.returnValues(row, $form); $form.find.and.returnValues(discussionContainer); Notes.prototype.renderDiscussionNote.call(notes, note, $form); }); it('should call Notes.animateAppendNote', () => { expect(Notes.animateAppendNote).toHaveBeenCalledWith( note.html, discussionContainer, ); }); }); }); describe('animateAppendNote', () => { let noteHTML; let $notesList; let $resultantNote; beforeEach(() => { noteHTML = '
    '; $notesList = jasmine.createSpyObj('$notesList', ['append']); $resultantNote = Notes.animateAppendNote(noteHTML, $notesList); }); it('should have `fade-in-full` class', () => { expect($resultantNote.hasClass('fade-in-full')).toEqual(true); }); it('should append note to the notes list', () => { expect($notesList.append).toHaveBeenCalledWith($resultantNote); }); }); describe('animateUpdateNote', () => { let noteHTML; let $note; let $updatedNote; beforeEach(() => { noteHTML = '
    '; $note = jasmine.createSpyObj('$note', ['replaceWith']); $updatedNote = Notes.animateUpdateNote(noteHTML, $note); }); it('should have `fade-in` class', () => { expect($updatedNote.hasClass('fade-in')).toEqual(true); }); it('should call replaceWith on $note', () => { expect($note.replaceWith).toHaveBeenCalledWith($updatedNote); }); }); describe('putEditFormInPlace', () => { it('should call GLForm with GFM parameter passed through', () => { const notes = new Notes('', []); const $el = $(`
    `); notes.putEditFormInPlace($el); expect(notes.glForm.enableGFM).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('postComment & updateComment', () => { const sampleComment = 'foo'; const updatedComment = 'bar'; const note = { id: 1234, html: `
  • ${sampleComment}
  • `, note: sampleComment, valid: true, }; let $form; let $notesContainer; let mock; function mockNotesPost() { mock.onPost(NOTES_POST_PATH).reply(200, note); } function mockNotesPostError() { mock.onPost(NOTES_POST_PATH).networkError(); } beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); this.notes = new Notes('', []); window.gon.current_username = 'root'; window.gon.current_user_fullname = 'Administrator'; $form = $('form.js-main-target-form'); $notesContainer = $('ul.main-notes-list'); $form.find('textarea.js-note-text').val(sampleComment); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); it('should show placeholder note while new comment is being posted', () => { mockNotesPost(); $('.js-comment-button').click(); expect($notesContainer.find('.note.being-posted').length > 0).toEqual( true, ); }); it('should remove placeholder note when new comment is done posting', done => { mockNotesPost(); $('.js-comment-button').click(); setTimeout(() => { expect($notesContainer.find('.note.being-posted').length).toEqual(0); done(); }); }); describe('postComment', () => { it('disables the submit button', done => { const $submitButton = $form.find('.js-comment-submit-button'); expect($submitButton).not.toBeDisabled(); const dummyEvent = { preventDefault() {}, target: $submitButton, }; mock.onPost(NOTES_POST_PATH).replyOnce(() => { expect($submitButton).toBeDisabled(); return [200, note]; }); this.notes .postComment(dummyEvent) .then(() => { expect($submitButton).not.toBeDisabled(); }) .then(done) .catch(done.fail); }); }); it('should show actual note element when new comment is done posting', done => { mockNotesPost(); $('.js-comment-button').click(); setTimeout(() => { expect($notesContainer.find(`#note_${note.id}`).length > 0).toEqual( true, ); done(); }); }); it('should reset Form when new comment is done posting', done => { mockNotesPost(); $('.js-comment-button').click(); setTimeout(() => { expect($form.find('textarea.js-note-text').val()).toEqual(''); done(); }); }); it('should show flash error message when new comment failed to be posted', done => { mockNotesPostError(); $('.js-comment-button').click(); setTimeout(() => { expect( $notesContainer .parent() .find('.flash-container .flash-text') .is(':visible'), ).toEqual(true); done(); }); }); it('should show flash error message when comment failed to be updated', done => { mockNotesPost(); $('.js-comment-button').click(); timeoutPromise() .then(() => { const $noteEl = $notesContainer.find(`#note_${note.id}`); $noteEl.find('.js-note-edit').click(); $noteEl.find('textarea.js-note-text').val(updatedComment); mock.restore(); mockNotesPostError(); $noteEl.find('.js-comment-save-button').click(); }) .then(timeoutPromise) .then(() => { const $updatedNoteEl = $notesContainer.find(`#note_${note.id}`); expect($updatedNoteEl.hasClass('.being-posted')).toEqual(false); // Remove being-posted visuals expect( $updatedNoteEl .find('.note-text') .text() .trim(), ).toEqual(sampleComment); // See if comment reverted back to original expect($('.flash-container').is(':visible')).toEqual(true); // Flash error message shown done(); }) .catch(done.fail); }); }); describe('postComment with Slash commands', () => { const sampleComment = '/assign @root\n/award :100:'; const note = { commands_changes: { assignee_id: 1, emoji_award: '100', }, errors: { commands_only: ['Commands applied'], }, valid: false, }; let $form; let $notesContainer; let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onPost(NOTES_POST_PATH).reply(200, note); this.notes = new Notes('', []); window.gon.current_username = 'root'; window.gon.current_user_fullname = 'Administrator'; gl.awardsHandler = { addAwardToEmojiBar: () => {}, scrollToAwards: () => {}, }; gl.GfmAutoComplete = { dataSources: { commands: '/root/test-project/autocomplete_sources/commands', }, }; $form = $('form.js-main-target-form'); $notesContainer = $('ul.main-notes-list'); $form.find('textarea.js-note-text').val(sampleComment); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); it('should remove slash command placeholder when comment with slash commands is done posting', done => { spyOn(gl.awardsHandler, 'addAwardToEmojiBar').and.callThrough(); $('.js-comment-button').click(); expect( $notesContainer.find('.system-note.being-posted').length, ).toEqual(1); // Placeholder shown setTimeout(() => { expect( $notesContainer.find('.system-note.being-posted').length, ).toEqual(0); // Placeholder removed done(); }); }); }); describe('update comment with script tags', () => { const sampleComment = ''; const updatedComment = ''; const note = { id: 1234, html: `
  • ${sampleComment}
  • `, note: sampleComment, valid: true, }; let $form; let $notesContainer; let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onPost(NOTES_POST_PATH).reply(200, note); this.notes = new Notes('', []); window.gon.current_username = 'root'; window.gon.current_user_fullname = 'Administrator'; $form = $('form.js-main-target-form'); $notesContainer = $('ul.main-notes-list'); $form.find('textarea.js-note-text').html(sampleComment); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); it('should not render a script tag', done => { $('.js-comment-button').click(); setTimeout(() => { const $noteEl = $notesContainer.find(`#note_${note.id}`); $noteEl.find('.js-note-edit').click(); $noteEl.find('textarea.js-note-text').html(updatedComment); $noteEl.find('.js-comment-save-button').click(); const $updatedNoteEl = $notesContainer .find(`#note_${note.id}`) .find('.js-task-list-container'); expect( $updatedNoteEl .find('.note-text') .text() .trim(), ).toEqual(''); done(); }); }); }); describe('getFormData', () => { let $form; let sampleComment; beforeEach(() => { this.notes = new Notes('', []); $form = $('form'); sampleComment = 'foobar'; }); it('should return form metadata object from form reference', () => { $form.find('textarea.js-note-text').val(sampleComment); const { formData, formContent, formAction } = this.notes.getFormData( $form, ); expect(formData.indexOf(sampleComment) > -1).toBe(true); expect(formContent).toEqual(sampleComment); expect(formAction).toEqual($form.attr('action')); }); it('should return form metadata with sanitized formContent from form reference', () => { spyOn(_, 'escape').and.callFake(htmlEscape); sampleComment = ''; $form.find('textarea.js-note-text').val(sampleComment); const { formContent } = this.notes.getFormData($form); expect(_.escape).toHaveBeenCalledWith(sampleComment); expect(formContent).toEqual( '<script>alert("Boom!");</script>', ); }); }); describe('hasQuickActions', () => { beforeEach(() => { this.notes = new Notes('', []); }); it('should return true when comment begins with a quick action', () => { const sampleComment = '/wip\n/milestone %1.0\n/merge\n/unassign Merging this'; const hasQuickActions = this.notes.hasQuickActions(sampleComment); expect(hasQuickActions).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should return false when comment does NOT begin with a quick action', () => { const sampleComment = 'Hey, /unassign Merging this'; const hasQuickActions = this.notes.hasQuickActions(sampleComment); expect(hasQuickActions).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should return false when comment does NOT have any quick actions', () => { const sampleComment = 'Looking good, Awesome!'; const hasQuickActions = this.notes.hasQuickActions(sampleComment); expect(hasQuickActions).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('stripQuickActions', () => { it('should strip quick actions from the comment which begins with a quick action', () => { this.notes = new Notes(); const sampleComment = '/wip\n/milestone %1.0\n/merge\n/unassign Merging this'; const stripedComment = this.notes.stripQuickActions(sampleComment); expect(stripedComment).toBe(''); }); it('should strip quick actions from the comment but leaves plain comment if it is present', () => { this.notes = new Notes(); const sampleComment = '/wip\n/milestone %1.0\n/merge\n/unassign\nMerging this'; const stripedComment = this.notes.stripQuickActions(sampleComment); expect(stripedComment).toBe('Merging this'); }); it('should NOT strip string that has slashes within', () => { this.notes = new Notes(); const sampleComment = ''; const stripedComment = this.notes.stripQuickActions(sampleComment); expect(stripedComment).toBe(sampleComment); }); }); describe('getQuickActionDescription', () => { const availableQuickActions = [ { name: 'close', description: 'Close this issue', params: [] }, { name: 'title', description: 'Change title', params: [{}] }, { name: 'estimate', description: 'Set time estimate', params: [{}] }, ]; beforeEach(() => { this.notes = new Notes(); }); it('should return executing quick action description when note has single quick action', () => { const sampleComment = '/close'; expect( this.notes.getQuickActionDescription( sampleComment, availableQuickActions, ), ).toBe('Applying command to close this issue'); }); it('should return generic multiple quick action description when note has multiple quick actions', () => { const sampleComment = '/close\n/title [Duplicate] Issue foobar'; expect( this.notes.getQuickActionDescription( sampleComment, availableQuickActions, ), ).toBe('Applying multiple commands'); }); it('should return generic quick action description when available quick actions list is not populated', () => { const sampleComment = '/close\n/title [Duplicate] Issue foobar'; expect(this.notes.getQuickActionDescription(sampleComment)).toBe( 'Applying command', ); }); }); describe('createPlaceholderNote', () => { const sampleComment = 'foobar'; const uniqueId = 'b1234-a4567'; const currentUsername = 'root'; const currentUserFullname = 'Administrator'; const currentUserAvatar = 'avatar_url'; beforeEach(() => { this.notes = new Notes('', []); }); it('should return constructed placeholder element for regular note based on form contents', () => { const $tempNote = this.notes.createPlaceholderNote({ formContent: sampleComment, uniqueId, isDiscussionNote: false, currentUsername, currentUserFullname, currentUserAvatar, }); const $tempNoteHeader = $tempNote.find('.note-header'); expect($tempNote.prop('nodeName')).toEqual('LI'); expect($tempNote.attr('id')).toEqual(uniqueId); expect($tempNote.hasClass('being-posted')).toBeTruthy(); expect($tempNote.hasClass('fade-in-half')).toBeTruthy(); $tempNote .find('.timeline-icon > a, .note-header-info > a') .each(function() { expect($(this).attr('href')).toEqual(`/${currentUsername}`); }); expect($tempNote.find('.timeline-icon .avatar').attr('src')).toEqual( currentUserAvatar, ); expect( $tempNote.find('.timeline-content').hasClass('discussion'), ).toBeFalsy(); expect( $tempNoteHeader .find('.d-none.d-sm-block') .text() .trim(), ).toEqual(currentUserFullname); expect( $tempNoteHeader .find('.note-headline-light') .text() .trim(), ).toEqual(`@${currentUsername}`); expect( $tempNote .find('.note-body .note-text p') .text() .trim(), ).toEqual(sampleComment); }); it('should return constructed placeholder element for discussion note based on form contents', () => { const $tempNote = this.notes.createPlaceholderNote({ formContent: sampleComment, uniqueId, isDiscussionNote: true, currentUsername, currentUserFullname, }); expect($tempNote.prop('nodeName')).toEqual('LI'); expect( $tempNote.find('.timeline-content').hasClass('discussion'), ).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should return a escaped user name', () => { const currentUserFullnameXSS = 'Foo '; const $tempNote = this.notes.createPlaceholderNote({ formContent: sampleComment, uniqueId, isDiscussionNote: false, currentUsername, currentUserFullname: currentUserFullnameXSS, currentUserAvatar, }); const $tempNoteHeader = $tempNote.find('.note-header'); expect( $tempNoteHeader .find('.d-none.d-sm-block') .text() .trim(), ).toEqual('Foo <script>alert("XSS")</script>'); }); }); describe('createPlaceholderSystemNote', () => { const sampleCommandDescription = 'Applying command to close this issue'; const uniqueId = 'b1234-a4567'; beforeEach(() => { this.notes = new Notes('', []); spyOn(_, 'escape').and.callFake(htmlEscape); }); it('should return constructed placeholder element for system note based on form contents', () => { const $tempNote = this.notes.createPlaceholderSystemNote({ formContent: sampleCommandDescription, uniqueId, }); expect($tempNote.prop('nodeName')).toEqual('LI'); expect($tempNote.attr('id')).toEqual(uniqueId); expect($tempNote.hasClass('being-posted')).toBeTruthy(); expect($tempNote.hasClass('fade-in-half')).toBeTruthy(); expect( $tempNote .find('.timeline-content i') .text() .trim(), ).toEqual(sampleCommandDescription); }); }); describe('appendFlash', () => { beforeEach(() => { this.notes = new Notes(); }); it('shows a flash message', () => { this.notes.addFlash( 'Error message', FLASH_TYPE_ALERT, this.notes.parentTimeline.get(0), ); expect($('.flash-alert').is(':visible')).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('clearFlash', () => { beforeEach(() => { $(document).off('ajax:success'); this.notes = new Notes(); }); it('hides visible flash message', () => { this.notes.addFlash( 'Error message 1', FLASH_TYPE_ALERT, this.notes.parentTimeline.get(0), ); this.notes.clearFlash(); expect($('.flash-alert').is(':visible')).toBeFalsy(); }); }); }); }.call(window));