import { editor as monacoEditor, languages as monacoLanguages, Uri } from 'monaco-editor'; import { defaultEditorOptions } from '~/ide/lib/editor_options'; import languages from '~/ide/lib/languages'; import { DEFAULT_THEME, themes } from '~/ide/lib/themes'; import { registerLanguages } from '~/ide/utils'; import { joinPaths } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import { uuids } from '~/lib/utils/uuids'; import { EDITOR_LITE_INSTANCE_ERROR_NO_EL, URI_PREFIX, EDITOR_READY_EVENT, EDITOR_TYPE_DIFF, } from './constants'; import { clearDomElement } from './utils'; export default class EditorLite { constructor(options = {}) { this.instances = []; this.options = { extraEditorClassName: 'gl-editor-lite', ...defaultEditorOptions, ...options, }; EditorLite.setupMonacoTheme(); registerLanguages(...languages); } static setupMonacoTheme() { const themeName = window.gon?.user_color_scheme || DEFAULT_THEME; const theme = themes.find((t) => === themeName); if (theme) monacoEditor.defineTheme(themeName,; monacoEditor.setTheme(theme ? themeName : DEFAULT_THEME); } static getModelLanguage(path) { const ext = `.${path.split('.').pop()}`; const language = monacoLanguages .getLanguages() .find((lang) => lang.extensions.indexOf(ext) !== -1); return language ? : 'plaintext'; } static pushToImportsArray(arr, toImport) { arr.push(import(toImport)); } static loadExtensions(extensions) { if (!extensions) { return Promise.resolve(); } const promises = []; const extensionsArray = typeof extensions === 'string' ? extensions.split(',') : extensions; extensionsArray.forEach((ext) => { const prefix = ext.includes('/') ? '' : 'editor/'; const trimmedExt = ext.replace(/^\//, '').trim(); EditorLite.pushToImportsArray(promises, `~/${prefix}${trimmedExt}`); }); return Promise.all(promises); } static mixIntoInstance(source, inst) { if (!inst) { return; } const isClassInstance = source.constructor.prototype !== Object.prototype; const sanitizedSource = isClassInstance ? source.constructor.prototype : source; Object.getOwnPropertyNames(sanitizedSource).forEach((prop) => { if (prop !== 'constructor') { Object.assign(inst, { [prop]: source[prop] }); } }); } static prepareInstance(el) { if (!el) { throw new Error(EDITOR_LITE_INSTANCE_ERROR_NO_EL); } clearDomElement(el); monacoEditor.onDidCreateEditor(() => { delete el.dataset.editorLoading; }); } static manageDefaultExtensions(instance, el, extensions) { EditorLite.loadExtensions(extensions, instance) .then((modules) => { if (modules) { modules.forEach((module) => { instance.use(module.default); }); } }) .then(() => { el.dispatchEvent(new Event(EDITOR_READY_EVENT)); }) .catch((e) => { throw e; }); } static createEditorModel({ blobPath, blobContent, blobOriginalContent, blobGlobalId, instance, isDiff, } = {}) { if (!instance) { return null; } const uriFilePath = joinPaths(URI_PREFIX, blobGlobalId, blobPath); const uri = Uri.file(uriFilePath); const existingModel = monacoEditor.getModel(uri); const model = existingModel || monacoEditor.createModel(blobContent, undefined, uri); if (!isDiff) { instance.setModel(model); return model; } const diffModel = { original: monacoEditor.createModel( blobOriginalContent, EditorLite.getModelLanguage(model.uri.path), ), modified: model, }; instance.setModel(diffModel); return diffModel; } static convertMonacoToELInstance = (inst) => { const editorLiteInstanceAPI = { updateModelLanguage: (path) => { return EditorLite.instanceUpdateLanguage(inst, path); }, use: (exts = []) => { return EditorLite.instanceApplyExtension(inst, exts); }, }; const handler = { get(target, prop, receiver) { if (Reflect.has(editorLiteInstanceAPI, prop)) { return editorLiteInstanceAPI[prop]; } return Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver); }, }; return new Proxy(inst, handler); }; static instanceUpdateLanguage(inst, path) { const lang = EditorLite.getModelLanguage(path); const model = inst.getModel(); return monacoEditor.setModelLanguage(model, lang); } static instanceApplyExtension(inst, exts = []) { const extensions = [].concat(exts); extensions.forEach((extension) => { EditorLite.mixIntoInstance(extension, inst); }); return inst; } static instanceRemoveFromRegistry(editor, instance) { const index = editor.instances.findIndex((inst) => inst === instance); editor.instances.splice(index, 1); } static instanceDisposeModels(editor, instance, model) { const instanceModel = instance.getModel() || model; if (!instanceModel) { return; } if (instance.getEditorType() === EDITOR_TYPE_DIFF) { const { original, modified } = instanceModel; if (original) { original.dispose(); } if (modified) { modified.dispose(); } } else { instanceModel.dispose(); } } /** * Creates a monaco instance with the given options. * * @param {Object} options Options used to initialize monaco. * @param {Element} options.el The element which will be used to create the monacoEditor. * @param {string} options.blobPath The path used as the URI of the model. Monaco uses the extension of this path to determine the language. * @param {string} options.blobContent The content to initialize the monacoEditor. * @param {string} options.blobGlobalId This is used to help globally identify monaco instances that are created with the same blobPath. */ createInstance({ el = undefined, blobPath = '', blobContent = '', blobOriginalContent = '', blobGlobalId = uuids()[0], extensions = [], isDiff = false, ...instanceOptions } = {}) { EditorLite.prepareInstance(el); const createEditorFn = isDiff ? 'createDiffEditor' : 'create'; const instance = EditorLite.convertMonacoToELInstance( monacoEditor[createEditorFn].call(this, el, { ...this.options, ...instanceOptions, }), ); let model; if (instanceOptions.model !== null) { model = EditorLite.createEditorModel({ blobGlobalId, blobOriginalContent, blobPath, blobContent, instance, isDiff, }); } instance.onDidDispose(() => { EditorLite.instanceRemoveFromRegistry(this, instance); EditorLite.instanceDisposeModels(this, instance, model); }); EditorLite.manageDefaultExtensions(instance, el, extensions); this.instances.push(instance); return instance; } createDiffInstance(args) { return this.createInstance({ ...args, isDiff: true, }); } dispose() { this.instances.forEach((instance) => instance.dispose()); } use(exts) { this.instances.forEach((inst) => { inst.use(exts); }); return this; } }