# frozen_string_literal: true # Module providing methods for dealing with separating a tree-ish string and a # file path string when combined in a request parameter module ExtractsPath extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override include ExtractsRef # If we have an ID of 'foo.atom', and the controller provides Atom and HTML # formats, then we have to check if the request was for the Atom version of # the ID without the '.atom' suffix, or the HTML version of the ID including # the suffix. We only check this if the version including the suffix doesn't # match, so it is possible to create a branch which has an unroutable Atom # feed. def extract_ref_without_atom(id) id_without_atom = id.sub(/\.atom$/, '') valid_refs = ref_names.select { |v| "#{id_without_atom}/".start_with?("#{v}/") } valid_refs.max_by(&:length) end # Extends the method to handle if there is no path and the ref doesn't # exist in the repo, try to resolve the ref without an '.atom' suffix. # If _that_ ref is found, set the request's format to Atom manually. # # Automatically renders `not_found!` if a valid tree path could not be # resolved (e.g., when a user inserts an invalid path or ref). # # rubocop:disable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables override :assign_ref_vars def assign_ref_vars super if @path.empty? && !@commit && @id.ends_with?('.atom') @id = @ref = extract_ref_without_atom(@id) @commit = @repo.commit(@ref) request.format = :atom if @commit end raise InvalidPathError unless @commit @hex_path = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(@path) @logs_path = logs_file_project_ref_path(@project, @ref, @path) rescue RuntimeError, NoMethodError, InvalidPathError render_404 end # rubocop:enable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables def lfs_blob_ids blob_ids = tree.blobs.map(&:id) # When current endpoint is a Blob then `tree.blobs` will be empty, it means we need to analyze # the current Blob in order to determine if it's a LFS object blob_ids = Array.wrap(@repo.blob_at(@commit.id, @path)&.id) if blob_ids.empty? # rubocop:disable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables @lfs_blob_ids = Gitlab::Git::Blob.batch_lfs_pointers(repository_container.repository, blob_ids).map(&:id) # rubocop:disable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables end private override :repository_container def repository_container @project end end