image: tasks: - name: GDK command: gp sync-await gdk-copied && cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit && gdk help - init: | echo "$(date) – Copying GDK" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log mv $HOME/.rvm-workspace /workspace/.rvm cp -r $HOME/gitlab-development-kit /workspace/ ( set -e cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit [[ ! -L /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab ]] && ln -fs /workspace/gitlab /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab # make webpack static, prevents that GitLab tries to connect to localhost webpack from browser outside the workspace echo "webpack:" >> gdk.yml echo " static: true" >> gdk.yml # reconfigure GDK echo "$(date) – Reconfiguring GDK" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log gdk reconfigure # run DB migrations echo "$(date) – Running DB migrations" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log make gitlab-db-migrate cd - # stop GDK echo "$(date) – Stopping GDK" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log gdk stop echo "$(date) – GDK stopped" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log ) command: | ( set -e gp sync-done gdk-copied SECONDS=0 cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit # update GDK if [ "$GITLAB_UPDATE_GDK" == true ]; then echo "$(date) – Updating GDK" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log gdk update fi # start GDK echo "$(date) – Starting GDK" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log export RAILS_HOSTS=$(gp url 3000 | sed -e 's+^http[s]*://++') gdk start # Run DB migrations if [ "$GITLAB_RUN_DB_MIGRATIONS" == true ]; then make gitlab-db-migrate fi # Fix DB key if [ "$GITLAB_FIX_DB_KEY" = true ]; then echo "$(date) – Fixing DB key" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log cd gitlab # see printf 'ApplicationSetting.last.update_column(:runners_registration_token_encrypted, nil)\nexit\n' | bundle exec rails c cd - fi # Waiting for GitLab ... gp await-port 3000 printf "Waiting for GitLab at $(gp url 3000) ..." until $(curl -sNL $(gp url 3000) | grep -q "GitLab"); do printf '.'; sleep 5; done && echo "" # Give Gitpod a few more seconds to set up everything ... sleep 5 printf "$(date) – GitLab is up (took ~%.1f minutes)\n" "$((10*$SECONDS/60))e-1" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log gp preview $(gp url 3000) || true ) ports: - port: 3000 # rails-web onOpen: ignore - port: 3010 # gitlab-pages onOpen: ignore - port: 3808 # webpack onOpen: ignore - port: 5000 # auto_devops onOpen: ignore - port: 5778 # jaeger onOpen: ignore - port: 9000 # object_store / minio onOpen: ignore vscode: extensions: - rebornix.ruby@0.27.0:QyGBeRyslOfdRgOPRGm6PQ== - wingrunr21.vscode-ruby@0.27.0:beIqQUhLRuJ5Vao4B2Lyng== - karunamurti.haml@1.1.0:twCwOYt3/Ttfb3+iwblPDA== - octref.vetur@0.25.0:UofirBhedyhdx/jCnPeJDg== - dbaeumer.vscode-eslint@2.1.3:1NRvj3UKNTNwmYjptmUmIw== - GitLab.gitlab-workflow@3.3.0:50q1byIi4M01G9qrTCCAYQ==