import _ from 'underscore'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; import { isScrolledToBottom } from '~/lib/utils/scroll_utils'; export const headerActions = state => { if (state.job.new_issue_path) { return [ { label: __('New issue'), path: state.job.new_issue_path, cssClass: 'js-new-issue btn btn-success btn-inverted d-none d-md-block d-lg-block d-xl-block', type: 'link', }, ]; } return []; }; export const headerTime = state => (state.job.started ? state.job.started : state.job.created_at); export const shouldRenderCalloutMessage = state => !_.isEmpty(state.job.status) && !_.isEmpty(state.job.callout_message); /** * When job has not started the key will be null * When job started the key will be a string with a date. */ export const shouldRenderTriggeredLabel = state => _.isString(state.job.started); export const hasEnvironment = state => !_.isEmpty(state.job.deployment_status); /** * Checks if it the job has trace. * Used to check if it should render the job log or the empty state * @returns {Boolean} */ export const hasTrace = state => state.job.has_trace || (!_.isEmpty(state.job.status) && === 'running'); export const emptyStateIllustration = state => (state.job && state.job.status && state.job.status.illustration) || {}; export const emptyStateAction = state => (state.job && state.job.status && state.job.status.action) || {}; export const isScrollingDown = state => isScrolledToBottom() && !state.isTraceComplete; export const hasRunnersForProject = state => state.job.runners.available && !; // prevent babel-plugin-rewire from generating an invalid default during karma tests export default () => {};