/* eslint-disable no-new */ import $ from 'jquery'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { setTestTimeout } from 'helpers/timeout'; import BlobViewer from '~/blob/viewer/index'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; describe('Blob viewer', () => { let blob; let mock; const jQueryMock = { tooltip: jest.fn(), }; setTestTimeout(2000); preloadFixtures('blob/show_readme.html'); beforeEach(() => { $.fn.extend(jQueryMock); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); loadFixtures('blob/show_readme.html'); $('#modal-upload-blob').remove(); mock.onGet(/blob\/master\/README\.md/).reply(200, { html: '
', }); blob = new BlobViewer(); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); window.location.hash = ''; }); it('loads source file after switching views', done => { document.querySelector('.js-blob-viewer-switch-btn[data-viewer="simple"]').click(); setImmediate(() => { expect( document .querySelector('.js-blob-viewer-switch-btn[data-viewer="simple"]') .classList.contains('hidden'), ).toBeFalsy(); done(); }); }); it('loads source file when line number is in hash', done => { window.location.hash = '#L1'; new BlobViewer(); setImmediate(() => { expect( document .querySelector('.js-blob-viewer-switch-btn[data-viewer="simple"]') .classList.contains('hidden'), ).toBeFalsy(); done(); }); }); it('doesnt reload file if already loaded', () => { const asyncClick = async () => { document.querySelector('.js-blob-viewer-switch-btn[data-viewer="simple"]').click(); await axios.waitForAll(); }; return asyncClick() .then(() => asyncClick()) .then(() => { expect( document.querySelector('.blob-viewer[data-type="simple"]').getAttribute('data-loaded'), ).toBe('true'); }); }); describe('copy blob button', () => { let copyButton; beforeEach(() => { copyButton = document.querySelector('.js-copy-blob-source-btn'); }); it('disabled on load', () => { expect(copyButton.classList.contains('disabled')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('has tooltip when disabled', () => { expect(copyButton.getAttribute('title')).toBe( 'Switch to the source to copy the file contents', ); }); it('is blurred when clicked and disabled', () => { jest.spyOn(copyButton, 'blur').mockImplementation(() => {}); copyButton.click(); expect(copyButton.blur).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('is not blurred when clicked and not disabled', () => { jest.spyOn(copyButton, 'blur').mockImplementation(() => {}); copyButton.classList.remove('disabled'); copyButton.click(); expect(copyButton.blur).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('enables after switching to simple view', done => { document.querySelector('.js-blob-viewer-switch-btn[data-viewer="simple"]').click(); setImmediate(() => { expect(copyButton.classList.contains('disabled')).toBeFalsy(); done(); }); }); it('updates tooltip after switching to simple view', done => { document.querySelector('.js-blob-viewer-switch-btn[data-viewer="simple"]').click(); setImmediate(() => { expect(copyButton.getAttribute('title')).toBe('Copy file contents'); done(); }); }); }); describe('switchToViewer', () => { it('removes active class from old viewer button', () => { blob.switchToViewer('simple'); expect( document.querySelector('.js-blob-viewer-switch-btn.active[data-viewer="rich"]'), ).toBeNull(); }); it('adds active class to new viewer button', () => { const simpleBtn = document.querySelector('.js-blob-viewer-switch-btn[data-viewer="simple"]'); jest.spyOn(simpleBtn, 'blur').mockImplementation(() => {}); blob.switchToViewer('simple'); expect(simpleBtn.classList.contains('selected')).toBeTruthy(); expect(simpleBtn.blur).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('makes request for initial view', () => { expect(mock.history).toMatchObject({ get: [{ url: expect.stringMatching(/README\.md\?.*viewer=rich/) }], }); }); describe.each` views ${['simple']} ${['simple', 'rich']} `('when view switches to $views', ({ views }) => { beforeEach(async () => { views.forEach(view => blob.switchToViewer(view)); await axios.waitForAll(); }); it('sends 1 AJAX request for new view', async () => { expect(mock.history).toMatchObject({ get: [ { url: expect.stringMatching(/README\.md\?.*viewer=rich/) }, { url: expect.stringMatching(/README\.md\?.*viewer=simple/) }, ], }); }); }); }); });