import BindInOut from '~/behaviors/bind_in_out'; import ClassSpecHelper from '../helpers/class_spec_helper'; describe('BindInOut', function () { describe('.constructor', function () { beforeEach(function () { = {}; this.out = {}; this.bindInOut = new BindInOut(, this.out); }); it('should set .in', function () { expect(; }); it('should set .out', function () { expect(this.bindInOut.out).toBe(this.out); }); it('should set .eventWrapper', function () { expect(this.bindInOut.eventWrapper).toEqual({}); }); describe('if .in is an input', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.bindInOut = new BindInOut({ tagName: 'INPUT' }); }); it('should set .eventType to keyup ', function () { expect(this.bindInOut.eventType).toEqual('keyup'); }); }); describe('if .in is a textarea', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.bindInOut = new BindInOut({ tagName: 'TEXTAREA' }); }); it('should set .eventType to keyup ', function () { expect(this.bindInOut.eventType).toEqual('keyup'); }); }); describe('if .in is not an input or textarea', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.bindInOut = new BindInOut({ tagName: 'SELECT' }); }); it('should set .eventType to change ', function () { expect(this.bindInOut.eventType).toEqual('change'); }); }); }); describe('.addEvents', function () { beforeEach(function () { = jasmine.createSpyObj('in', ['addEventListener']); this.bindInOut = new BindInOut(; this.addEvents = this.bindInOut.addEvents(); }); it('should set .eventWrapper.updateOut', function () { expect(this.bindInOut.eventWrapper.updateOut).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); }); it('should call .addEventListener', function () { expect( .toHaveBeenCalledWith( this.bindInOut.eventType, this.bindInOut.eventWrapper.updateOut, ); }); it('should return the instance', function () { expect(this.addEvents).toBe(this.bindInOut); }); }); describe('.updateOut', function () { beforeEach(function () { = { value: 'the-value' }; this.out = { textContent: 'not-the-value' }; this.bindInOut = new BindInOut(, this.out); this.updateOut = this.bindInOut.updateOut(); }); it('should set .out.textContent to .in.value', function () { expect(this.out.textContent).toBe(; }); it('should return the instance', function () { expect(this.updateOut).toBe(this.bindInOut); }); }); describe('.removeEvents', function () { beforeEach(function () { = jasmine.createSpyObj('in', ['removeEventListener']); this.updateOut = () => {}; this.bindInOut = new BindInOut(; this.bindInOut.eventWrapper.updateOut = this.updateOut; this.removeEvents = this.bindInOut.removeEvents(); }); it('should call .removeEventListener', function () { expect( .toHaveBeenCalledWith( this.bindInOut.eventType, this.updateOut, ); }); it('should return the instance', function () { expect(this.removeEvents).toBe(this.bindInOut); }); }); describe('.initAll', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.ins = [0, 1, 2]; this.instances = []; spyOn(document, 'querySelectorAll').and.returnValue(this.ins); spyOn(Array.prototype, 'map').and.callThrough(); spyOn(BindInOut, 'init'); this.initAll = BindInOut.initAll(); }); ClassSpecHelper.itShouldBeAStaticMethod(BindInOut, 'initAll'); it('should call .querySelectorAll', function () { expect(document.querySelectorAll).toHaveBeenCalledWith('*[data-bind-in]'); }); it('should call .map', function () { expect(; }); it('should call .init for each element', function () { expect(BindInOut.init.calls.count()).toEqual(3); }); it('should return an array of instances', function () { expect(this.initAll).toEqual(jasmine.any(Array)); }); }); describe('.init', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(BindInOut.prototype, 'addEvents').and.callFake(function () { return this; }); spyOn(BindInOut.prototype, 'updateOut').and.callFake(function () { return this; }); this.init = BindInOut.init({}, {}); }); ClassSpecHelper.itShouldBeAStaticMethod(BindInOut, 'init'); it('should call .addEvents', function () { expect(BindInOut.prototype.addEvents).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should call .updateOut', function () { expect(BindInOut.prototype.updateOut).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('if no anOut is provided', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.anIn = { dataset: { bindIn: 'the-data-bind-in' } }; spyOn(document, 'querySelector'); BindInOut.init(this.anIn); }); it('should call .querySelector', function () { expect(document.querySelector) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(`*[data-bind-out="${this.anIn.dataset.bindIn}"]`); }); }); }); });