# IssuableFinder # # Used to filter Issues and MergeRequests collections by set of params # # Arguments: # klass - actual class like Issue or MergeRequest # current_user - which user use # params: # scope: 'created-by-me' or 'assigned-to-me' or 'all' # state: 'opened' or 'closed' or 'all' # group_id: integer # project_id: integer # milestone_title: string # author_id: integer # assignee_id: integer # search: string # label_name: string # sort: string # non_archived: boolean # iids: integer[] # my_reaction_emoji: string # class IssuableFinder include CreatedAtFilter NONE = '0'.freeze attr_accessor :current_user, :params def initialize(current_user, params = {}) @current_user = current_user @params = params end def execute items = init_collection items = by_scope(items) items = by_created_at(items) items = by_state(items) items = by_group(items) items = by_search(items) items = by_assignee(items) items = by_author(items) items = by_due_date(items) items = by_non_archived(items) items = by_iids(items) items = by_milestone(items) items = by_label(items) items = by_my_reaction_emoji(items) # Filtering by project HAS TO be the last because we use the project IDs yielded by the issuable query thus far items = by_project(items) sort(items) end def find(*params) execute.find(*params) end def find_by(*params) execute.find_by(*params) end def row_count Gitlab::IssuablesCountForState.new(self).for_state_or_opened(params[:state]) end # We often get counts for each state by running a query per state, and # counting those results. This is typically slower than running one query # (even if that query is slower than any of the individual state queries) and # grouping and counting within that query. # def count_by_state count_params = params.merge(state: nil, sort: nil) labels_count = label_names.any? ? label_names.count : 1 finder = self.class.new(current_user, count_params) counts = Hash.new(0) # Searching by label includes a GROUP BY in the query, but ours will be last # because it is added last. Searching by multiple labels also includes a row # per issuable, so we have to count those in Ruby - which is bad, but still # better than performing multiple queries. # finder.execute.reorder(nil).group(:state).count.each do |key, value| counts[Array(key).last.to_sym] += value / labels_count end counts[:all] = counts.values.sum counts end def find_by!(*params) execute.find_by!(*params) end def group return @group if defined?(@group) @group = if params[:group_id].present? Group.find(params[:group_id]) else nil end end def project? params[:project_id].present? end def project return @project if defined?(@project) project = Project.find(params[:project_id]) project = nil unless Ability.allowed?(current_user, :"read_#{klass.to_ability_name}", project) @project = project end def projects(items = nil) return @projects = project if project? projects = if current_user && params[:authorized_only].presence && !current_user_related? current_user.authorized_projects elsif group GroupProjectsFinder.new(group: group, current_user: current_user).execute else ProjectsFinder.new(current_user: current_user, project_ids_relation: item_project_ids(items)).execute end @projects = projects.with_feature_available_for_user(klass, current_user).reorder(nil) end def search params[:search].presence end def milestones? params[:milestone_title].present? end def filter_by_no_milestone? milestones? && params[:milestone_title] == Milestone::None.title end def milestones return @milestones if defined?(@milestones) @milestones = if milestones? if project? group_id = project.group&.id project_id = project.id end group_id = group.id if group search_params = { title: params[:milestone_title], project_ids: project_id, group_ids: group_id } MilestonesFinder.new(search_params).execute else Milestone.none end end def labels? params[:label_name].present? end def filter_by_no_label? labels? && params[:label_name].include?(Label::None.title) end def labels return @labels if defined?(@labels) @labels = if labels? && !filter_by_no_label? LabelsFinder.new(current_user, project_ids: projects, title: label_names).execute(skip_authorization: true) else Label.none end end def assignee_id? params[:assignee_id].present? && params[:assignee_id] != NONE end def assignee_username? params[:assignee_username].present? && params[:assignee_username] != NONE end def no_assignee? # Assignee_id takes precedence over assignee_username params[:assignee_id] == NONE || params[:assignee_username] == NONE end def assignee return @assignee if defined?(@assignee) @assignee = if assignee_id? User.find_by(id: params[:assignee_id]) elsif assignee_username? User.find_by(username: params[:assignee_username]) else nil end end def author_id? params[:author_id].present? && params[:author_id] != NONE end def author_username? params[:author_username].present? && params[:author_username] != NONE end def no_author? # author_id takes precedence over author_username params[:author_id] == NONE || params[:author_username] == NONE end def author return @author if defined?(@author) @author = if author_id? User.find_by(id: params[:author_id]) elsif author_username? User.find_by(username: params[:author_username]) else nil end end private def init_collection klass.all end def by_scope(items) return items.none if current_user_related? && !current_user case params[:scope] when 'created-by-me', 'authored' items.where(author_id: current_user.id) when 'assigned-to-me' items.assigned_to(current_user) else items end end def by_state(items) case params[:state].to_s when 'closed' items.closed when 'merged' items.respond_to?(:merged) ? items.merged : items.closed when 'opened' items.opened else items end end def by_group(items) # Selection by group is already covered by `by_project` and `projects` items end def by_project(items) items = if project? items.of_projects(projects(items)).references_project elsif projects(items) items.merge(projects(items).reorder(nil)).join_project else items.none end items end def by_search(items) search ? items.full_search(search) : items end def by_iids(items) params[:iids].present? ? items.where(iid: params[:iids]) : items end def sort(items) # Ensure we always have an explicit sort order (instead of inheriting # multiple orders when combining ActiveRecord::Relation objects). params[:sort] ? items.sort(params[:sort], excluded_labels: label_names) : items.reorder(id: :desc) end def by_assignee(items) if assignee items = items.where(assignee_id: assignee.id) elsif no_assignee? items = items.where(assignee_id: nil) elsif assignee_id? || assignee_username? # assignee not found items = items.none end items end def by_author(items) if author items = items.where(author_id: author.id) elsif no_author? items = items.where(author_id: nil) elsif author_id? || author_username? # author not found items = items.none end items end def filter_by_upcoming_milestone? params[:milestone_title] == Milestone::Upcoming.name end def filter_by_started_milestone? params[:milestone_title] == Milestone::Started.name end def by_milestone(items) if milestones? if filter_by_no_milestone? items = items.left_joins_milestones.where(milestone_id: [-1, nil]) elsif filter_by_upcoming_milestone? upcoming_ids = Milestone.upcoming_ids_by_projects(projects(items)) items = items.left_joins_milestones.where(milestone_id: upcoming_ids) elsif filter_by_started_milestone? items = items.left_joins_milestones.where('milestones.start_date <= NOW()') else items = items.with_milestone(params[:milestone_title]) end end items end def by_label(items) if labels? if filter_by_no_label? items = items.without_label else items = items.with_label(label_names, params[:sort]) items_projects = projects(items) if items_projects label_ids = LabelsFinder.new(current_user, project_ids: items_projects).execute(skip_authorization: true).select(:id) items = items.where(labels: { id: label_ids }) end end end items end def by_my_reaction_emoji(items) if params[:my_reaction_emoji].present? && current_user items = items.awarded(current_user, params[:my_reaction_emoji]) end items end def by_due_date(items) if due_date? if filter_by_no_due_date? items = items.without_due_date elsif filter_by_overdue? items = items.due_before(Date.today) elsif filter_by_due_this_week? items = items.due_between(Date.today.beginning_of_week, Date.today.end_of_week) elsif filter_by_due_this_month? items = items.due_between(Date.today.beginning_of_month, Date.today.end_of_month) end end items end def filter_by_no_due_date? due_date? && params[:due_date] == Issue::NoDueDate.name end def filter_by_overdue? due_date? && params[:due_date] == Issue::Overdue.name end def filter_by_due_this_week? due_date? && params[:due_date] == Issue::DueThisWeek.name end def filter_by_due_this_month? due_date? && params[:due_date] == Issue::DueThisMonth.name end def due_date? params[:due_date].present? && klass.column_names.include?('due_date') end def label_names if labels? params[:label_name].is_a?(String) ? params[:label_name].split(',') : params[:label_name] else [] end end def by_non_archived(items) params[:non_archived].present? ? items.non_archived : items end def current_user_related? params[:scope] == 'created-by-me' || params[:scope] == 'authored' || params[:scope] == 'assigned-to-me' end end