.dast_conf: tags: - prm # For scheduling dast job extends: - .reports:schedule-dast image: name: "registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/dast:$DAST_VERSION" resource_group: dast_scan variables: DAST_USERNAME_FIELD: "user[login]" DAST_PASSWORD_FIELD: "user[password]" DAST_FULL_SCAN_ENABLED: "true" DAST_SPIDER_MINS: 0 # TBD pin to a version DAST_VERSION: 1.22.1 # -Xmx is used to set the JVM memory to 6GB to prevent DAST OutOfMemoryError. DAST_ZAP_CLI_OPTIONS: "-Xmx6144m" DAST_RULES: "41,42,43,10027,10032,10041,10042,10045,10047,10052,10053,10057,10061,10096,10097,10104,10106,20012,20014,20015,20016,20017,20018,40019,40020,40021,40024,40025,40027,40029,40032,90001,90019,10109,10026,10028,10029,10030,10031,10033,10034,10035,10036,10038,10039,10043,10044,10048,10050,10051,10058,10062,10095,10107,10108,30003,40013,40022,40023,40028,90021,90023,90024,90025,90027,90028,10003,50003,0,2,3,6,7,10010,10011,10015,10017,10019,10020,10021,10023,10024,10025,10037,10040,10054,10055,10056,10098,10105,10202,20019,30001,30002,40003,40008,40009,40012,40014,40016,40017,40018,50000,50001,90011,90020,90022,90033" before_script: - 'export DAST_WEBSITE="${DAST_WEBSITE:-$(cat environment_url.txt)}"' - 'export DAST_AUTH_URL="${DAST_WEBSITE}/users/sign_in"' - 'export DAST_PASSWORD="${REVIEW_APPS_ROOT_PASSWORD}"' # Below three lines can be removed once https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/230687 is fixed - mkdir -p /zap/xml - 'sed -i "84 s/true/false/" /zap/xml/config.xml' - cat /zap/xml/config.xml # Help pages are excluded from scan as they are static pages. # profile/two_factor_auth is excluded from scan to prevent 2FA from being turned on from user profile, which will reduce coverage. - 'export DAST_AUTH_EXCLUDE_URLS="${DAST_WEBSITE}/help/.*,${DAST_WEBSITE}/profile/two_factor_auth,${DAST_WEBSITE}/users/sign_out"' - enable_rule () { read all_rules; rule=$1; echo $all_rules | sed -r "s/(,)?$rule(,)?/\1-1\2/" ; } # Sort ids in DAST_RULES ascendingly, which is required when using DAST_RULES as argument to enable_rule - 'DAST_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | tr "," "\n" | sort -n | paste -sd ",")' needs: ["review-deploy"] stage: dast # Default job timeout set to 90m and dast rules needs 2h to so that it won't timeout. timeout: 2h artifacts: paths: - gl-dast-report.json # GitLab-specific reports: dast: gl-dast-report.json expire_in: 1 week # GitLab-specific # DAST scan with a subset of Release scan rules. DAST-fullscan-ruleset1: extends: - .dast_conf variables: DAST_USERNAME: "user1" script: - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 10019 | enable_rule 10020 | enable_rule 10021 | enable_rule 10023 | enable_rule 10024 | enable_rule 10025 | enable_rule 10037 | enable_rule 10040 | enable_rule 10054 | enable_rule 10055 | enable_rule 10056) - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # DAST scan with a subset of Release scan rules. DAST-fullscan-ruleset2: extends: - .dast_conf variables: DAST_USERNAME: "user2" script: - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 90011 | enable_rule 90020 | enable_rule 90022 | enable_rule 90033) - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # DAST scan with a subset of Release scan rules. DAST-fullscan-ruleset3: extends: - .dast_conf variables: DAST_USERNAME: "user3" script: - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 40016 | enable_rule 40017 | enable_rule 50000 | enable_rule 50001) - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # DAST scan with a subset of Release scan rules. DAST-fullscan-ruleset4: extends: - .dast_conf variables: DAST_USERNAME: "user4" script: - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 0 | enable_rule 2 | enable_rule 3 | enable_rule 7 ) - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # DAST scan with a subset of Release scan rules. DAST-fullscan-ruleset5: extends: - .dast_conf variables: DAST_USERNAME: "user5" script: - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 10010 | enable_rule 10011 | enable_rule 10015 | enable_rule 10017 | enable_rule 10019) - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # DAST scan with a subset of Release scan rules. DAST-fullscan-ruleset6: extends: - .dast_conf variables: DAST_USERNAME: "user6" script: - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 30001 | enable_rule 40009) - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # Enable when https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/39749 is fixed # DAST scan with a subset of Beta scan rules. # DAST-fullscan-ruleset7: # extends: # - .dast_conf # variables: # DAST_USERNAME: "user7" # script: # - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 10098 | enable_rule 10105 | enable_rule 10202 | enable_rule 30002 | enable_rule 40003 | enable_rule 40008 | enable_rule 40009) # - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES # - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # Enable when https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/39749 is fixed # Below jobs runs DAST scans with one time consuming scan rule. These scan rules are disabled in above jobs so that those jobs won't timeout. # DAST scan with rule - 20019 External Redirect # DAST-fullscan-rule-20019: # extends: # - .dast_conf # variables: # DAST_USERNAME: "user8" # script: # - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 20019) # - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES # - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # Enable when https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/39749 is fixed # DAST scan with rule - 10107 Httpoxy - Proxy Header Misuse - Active/beta # DAST-fullscan-rule-10107: # extends: # - .dast_conf # variables: # DAST_USERNAME: "user9" # script: # - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 10107) # - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES # - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # DAST scan with rule - 90020 Remote OS Command Injection DAST-fullscan-rule-90020: extends: - .dast_conf variables: DAST_USERNAME: "user10" script: - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 90020) - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # DAST scan with rule - 40018 SQL Injection - Active/release DAST-fullscan-rule-40018: extends: - .dast_conf variables: DAST_USERNAME: "user11" script: - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 40018) - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # DAST scan with rule - 40014 Cross Site Scripting (Persistent) - Active/release DAST-fullscan-rule-40014: extends: - .dast_conf variables: DAST_USERNAME: "user12" script: - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 40014) - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # DAST scan with rule - 6 Path travesal DAST-fullscan-rule-6: extends: - .dast_conf variables: DAST_USERNAME: "user13" script: - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 6) - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d # DAST scan with rule - 40012 Cross Site Scripting (Reflected) DAST-fullscan-rule-40012: extends: - .dast_conf variables: DAST_USERNAME: "user14" script: - export DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES=$(echo $DAST_RULES | enable_rule 40012) - echo $DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES - /analyze -t $DAST_WEBSITE -d