module Peek module Rblineprof module CustomControllerHelpers extend ActiveSupport::Concern def pygmentize(file_name, code, lexer = nil) if lexer.present? Gitlab::Highlight.highlight(file_name, code) else "
" end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def inject_rblineprof ret = nil profile = lineprof(rblineprof_profiler_regex) do ret = yield end if response.content_type =~ %r|text/html| sort = params[:lineprofiler_sort] mode = params[:lineprofiler_mode] || 'cpu' min = (params[:lineprofiler_min] || 5).to_i * 1000 summary = params[:lineprofiler_summary] # Sort each file by the longest calculated time per_file = do |file, lines| total, _child, excl, total_cpu, _child_cpu, excl_cpu = lines[0] wall = summary == 'exclusive' ? excl : total cpu = summary == 'exclusive' ? excl_cpu : total_cpu idle = summary == 'exclusive' ? (excl - excl_cpu) : (total - total_cpu) sort_method = case sort when 'idle' idle when 'cpu' cpu else wall end [ file, lines, wall, cpu, idle, sort_method ] end per_file = per_file.sort_by { |_a, _b, _c, _d, _e, f| -f } output = '' per_file.each do |file_name, lines, file_wall, file_cpu, file_idle, file_sort| output << "
" show_src = file_sort > min tmpl = show_src ? "%s" : "%s" output << if mode == 'cpu' sprintf("% 8.1fms + % 8.1fms #{tmpl}", file_cpu / 1000.0, file_idle / 1000.0, file_name.sub(Rails.root.to_s + '/', '')) else sprintf("% 8.1fms #{tmpl}", file_wall / 1000.0, file_name.sub(Rails.root.to_s + '/', '')) end output << "
" # .heading next unless show_src output << "
" code = [] times = [] File.readlines(file_name).each_with_index do |line, i| code << line wall, cpu, calls = lines[i + 1] if calls && calls > 0 if mode == 'cpu' idle = wall - cpu times << sprintf("% 8.1fms + % 8.1fms (% 5d)", cpu / 1000.0, idle / 1000.0, calls) else times << sprintf("% 8.1fms (% 5d)", wall / 1000.0, calls) end else times << ' ' end end output << "
" # The following line was changed from # output << "
#{pygmentize(file_name, code.join, 'ruby')}
" output << "
" # .data then .peek-rblineprof-file end response.body += "
".html_safe end ret end end end end