require 'spec_helper' describe "Builds" do let(:artifacts_file) { fixture_file_upload(Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/banana_sample.gif', 'image/gif') } before do login_as(:user) @commit = FactoryGirl.create :ci_pipeline @build = FactoryGirl.create :ci_build, pipeline: @commit @build2 = FactoryGirl.create :ci_build @project = @commit.project << [@user, :developer] end describe "GET /:project/builds" do context "Pending scope" do before do visit namespace_project_builds_path(@project.namespace, @project, scope: :pending) end it "shows Pending tab builds" do expect(page).to have_link 'Cancel running' expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links', text: 'Pending') expect(page).to have_content @build.short_sha expect(page).to have_content @build.ref expect(page).to have_content end end context "Running scope" do before do! visit namespace_project_builds_path(@project.namespace, @project, scope: :running) end it "shows Running tab builds" do expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links', text: 'Running') expect(page).to have_link 'Cancel running' expect(page).to have_content @build.short_sha expect(page).to have_content @build.ref expect(page).to have_content end end context "Finished scope" do before do! visit namespace_project_builds_path(@project.namespace, @project, scope: :finished) end it "shows Finished tab builds" do expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links', text: 'Finished') expect(page).to have_content 'No builds to show' expect(page).to have_link 'Cancel running' end end context "All builds" do before do @project.builds.running_or_pending.each(&:success) visit namespace_project_builds_path(@project.namespace, @project) end it "shows All tab builds" do expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links', text: 'All') expect(page).to have_content @build.short_sha expect(page).to have_content @build.ref expect(page).to have_content expect(page).not_to have_link 'Cancel running' end end end describe "POST /:project/builds/:id/cancel_all" do before do! visit namespace_project_builds_path(@project.namespace, @project) click_link "Cancel running" end it { expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links', text: 'All') } it { expect(page).to have_content 'canceled' } it { expect(page).to have_content @build.short_sha } it { expect(page).to have_content @build.ref } it { expect(page).to have_content } it { expect(page).not_to have_link 'Cancel running' } end describe "GET /:project/builds/:id" do context "Build from project" do before do visit namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(200) } it { expect(page).to have_content @commit.sha[0..7] } it { expect(page).to have_content @commit.git_commit_message } it { expect(page).to have_content @commit.git_author_name } end context "Build from other project" do before do visit namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build2) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(404) } end context "Download artifacts" do before do @build.update_attributes(artifacts_file: artifacts_file) visit namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build) end it 'has button to download artifacts' do expect(page).to have_content 'Download' end end context 'Artifacts expire date' do before do @build.update_attributes(artifacts_file: artifacts_file, artifacts_expire_at: expire_at) visit namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build) end context 'no expire date defined' do let(:expire_at) { nil } it 'does not have the Keep button' do expect(page).not_to have_content 'Keep' end end context 'when expire date is defined' do let(:expire_at) { + 7.days } it 'keeps artifacts when Keep button is clicked' do expect(page).to have_content 'The artifacts will be removed' click_link 'Keep' expect(page).not_to have_link 'Keep' expect(page).not_to have_content 'The artifacts will be removed' end end context 'when artifacts expired' do let(:expire_at) { - 7.days } it 'does not have the Keep button' do expect(page).to have_content 'The artifacts were removed' expect(page).not_to have_link 'Keep' end end end context 'Build raw trace' do before do! @build.trace = 'BUILD TRACE' visit namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build) end it do expect(page).to have_link 'Raw' end end end describe "POST /:project/builds/:id/cancel" do context "Build from project" do before do! visit namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build) click_link "Cancel" end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(200) } it { expect(page).to have_content 'canceled' } it { expect(page).to have_content 'Retry' } end context "Build from other project" do before do! visit namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build), @project, @build2)) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(404) } end end describe "POST /:project/builds/:id/retry" do context "Build from project" do before do! visit namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build) click_link 'Cancel' click_link 'Retry' end it 'shows the right status and buttons' do expect(page).to have_http_status(200) expect(page).to have_content 'pending' page.within('aside.right-sidebar') do expect(page).to have_content 'Cancel' end end end context "Build from other project" do before do! visit namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build) click_link 'Cancel', @project, @build2)) end it { expect(page).to have_http_status(404) } end context "Build that current user is not allowed to retry" do before do! @build.cancel! @project.update(visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC) logout_direct login_with(create(:user)) visit namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build) end it 'does not show the Retry button' do page.within('aside.right-sidebar') do expect(page).not_to have_content 'Retry' end end end end describe "GET /:project/builds/:id/download" do before do @build.update_attributes(artifacts_file: artifacts_file) visit namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build) click_link 'Download' end context "Build from other project" do before do @build2.update_attributes(artifacts_file: artifacts_file) visit download_namespace_project_build_artifacts_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build2) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(404) } end end describe "GET /:project/builds/:id/raw" do context "Build from project" do before do Capybara.current_session.driver.header('X-Sendfile-Type', 'X-Sendfile')! @build.trace = 'BUILD TRACE' visit namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build) page.within('.js-build-sidebar') { click_link 'Raw' } end it 'sends the right headers' do expect(page.status_code).to eq(200) expect(page.response_headers['Content-Type']).to eq('text/plain; charset=utf-8') expect(page.response_headers['X-Sendfile']).to eq(@build.path_to_trace) end end context "Build from other project" do before do Capybara.current_session.driver.header('X-Sendfile-Type', 'X-Sendfile')! @build2.trace = 'BUILD TRACE' visit raw_namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build2) puts page.status_code puts current_url end it 'sends the right headers' do expect(page.status_code).to eq(404) end end end describe "GET /:project/builds/:id/trace.json" do context "Build from project" do before do visit trace_namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build, format: :json) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(200) } end context "Build from other project" do before do visit trace_namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build2, format: :json) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(404) } end end describe "GET /:project/builds/:id/status" do context "Build from project" do before do visit status_namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(200) } end context "Build from other project" do before do visit status_namespace_project_build_path(@project.namespace, @project, @build2) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(404) } end end end