# Configuration of your builds with .gitlab-ci.yml This document describes the usage of `.gitlab-ci.yml`, the file that is used by GitLab Runner to manage your project's builds. If you want a quick introduction to GitLab CI, follow our [quick start guide](../quick_start/README.md). ## .gitlab-ci.yml From version 7.12, GitLab CI uses a [YAML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML) file (`.gitlab-ci.yml`) for the project configuration. It is placed in the root of your repository and contains definitions of how your project should be built. The YAML file defines a set of jobs with constraints stating when they should be run. The jobs are defined as top-level elements with a name and always have to contain at least the `script` clause: ```yaml job1: script: "execute-script-for-job1" job2: script: "execute-script-for-job2" ``` The above example is the simplest possible CI configuration with two separate jobs, where each of the jobs executes a different command. Of course a command can execute code directly (`./configure;make;make install`) or run a script (`test.sh`) in the repository. Jobs are used to create builds, which are then picked up by [Runners](../runners/README.md) and executed within the environment of the Runner. What is important, is that each job is run independently from each other. The YAML syntax allows for using more complex job specifications than in the above example: ```yaml image: ruby:2.1 services: - postgres before_script: - bundle install after_script: - rm secrets stages: - build - test - deploy job1: stage: build script: - execute-script-for-job1 only: - master tags: - docker ``` There are a few reserved `keywords` that **cannot** be used as job names: | Keyword | Required | Description | |---------------|----------|-------------| | image | no | Use docker image, covered in [Use Docker](../docker/README.md) | | services | no | Use docker services, covered in [Use Docker](../docker/README.md) | | stages | no | Define build stages | | types | no | Alias for `stages` | | before_script | no | Define commands that run before each job's script | | after_script | no | Define commands that run after each job's script | | variables | no | Define build variables | | cache | no | Define list of files that should be cached between subsequent runs | ### image and services This allows to specify a custom Docker image and a list of services that can be used for time of the build. The configuration of this feature is covered in [a separate document](../docker/README.md). ### before_script `before_script` is used to define the command that should be run before all builds, including deploy builds. This can be an array or a multi-line string. ### after_script > Introduced in GitLab 8.7 and requires Gitlab Runner v1.2 `after_script` is used to define the command that will be run after for all builds. This has to be an array or a multi-line string. ### stages `stages` is used to define build stages that can be used by jobs. The specification of `stages` allows for having flexible multi stage pipelines. The ordering of elements in `stages` defines the ordering of builds' execution: 1. Builds of the same stage are run in parallel. 1. Builds of the next stage are run after the jobs from the previous stage complete successfully. Let's consider the following example, which defines 3 stages: ```yaml stages: - build - test - deploy ``` 1. First all jobs of `build` are executed in parallel. 1. If all jobs of `build` succeed, the `test` jobs are executed in parallel. 1. If all jobs of `test` succeed, the `deploy` jobs are executed in parallel. 1. If all jobs of `deploy` succeed, the commit is marked as `success`. 1. If any of the previous jobs fails, the commit is marked as `failed` and no jobs of further stage are executed. There are also two edge cases worth mentioning: 1. If no `stages` are defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml`, then by default the `build`, `test` and `deploy` are allowed to be used as job's stage by default. 2. If a job doesn't specify a `stage`, the job is assigned the `test` stage. ### types Alias for [stages](#stages). ### variables > Introduced in GitLab Runner v0.5.0. GitLab CI allows you to add variables to `.gitlab-ci.yml` that are set in the build environment. The variables are stored in the Git repository and are meant to store non-sensitive project configuration, for example: ```yaml variables: DATABASE_URL: "postgres://postgres@postgres/my_database" ``` These variables can be later used in all executed commands and scripts. The YAML-defined variables are also set to all created service containers, thus allowing to fine tune them. Variables can be also defined on [job level](#job-variables). [Learn more about variables.](../variables/README.md) ### cache > Introduced in GitLab Runner v0.7.0. `cache` is used to specify a list of files and directories which should be cached between builds. You can only use paths that are within the project workspace. **By default the caching is enabled per-job and per-branch.** If `cache` is defined outside the scope of the jobs, it means it is set globally and all jobs will use its definition. Cache all files in `binaries` and `.config`: ```yaml rspec: script: test cache: paths: - binaries/ - .config ``` Cache all Git untracked files: ```yaml rspec: script: test cache: untracked: true ``` Cache all Git untracked files and files in `binaries`: ```yaml rspec: script: test cache: untracked: true paths: - binaries/ ``` Locally defined cache overwrites globally defined options. This will cache only `binaries/`: ```yaml cache: paths: - my/files rspec: script: test cache: paths: - binaries/ ``` The cache is provided on a best-effort basis, so don't expect that the cache will be always present. For implementation details, please check GitLab Runner. #### cache:key > Introduced in GitLab Runner v1.0.0. The `key` directive allows you to define the affinity of caching between jobs, allowing to have a single cache for all jobs, cache per-job, cache per-branch or any other way you deem proper. This allows you to fine tune caching, allowing you to cache data between different jobs or even different branches. The `cache:key` variable can use any of the [predefined variables](../variables/README.md). --- **Example configurations** To enable per-job caching: ```yaml cache: key: "$CI_BUILD_NAME" untracked: true ``` To enable per-branch caching: ```yaml cache: key: "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" untracked: true ``` To enable per-job and per-branch caching: ```yaml cache: key: "$CI_BUILD_NAME/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" untracked: true ``` To enable per-branch and per-stage caching: ```yaml cache: key: "$CI_BUILD_STAGE/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" untracked: true ``` If you use **Windows Batch** to run your shell scripts you need to replace `$` with `%`: ```yaml cache: key: "%CI_BUILD_STAGE%/%CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%" untracked: true ``` ## Jobs `.gitlab-ci.yml` allows you to specify an unlimited number of jobs. Each job must have a unique name, which is not one of the Keywords mentioned above. A job is defined by a list of parameters that define the build behavior. ```yaml job_name: script: - rake spec - coverage stage: test only: - master except: - develop tags: - ruby - postgres allow_failure: true ``` | Keyword | Required | Description | |---------------|----------|-------------| | script | yes | Defines a shell script which is executed by Runner | | image | no | Use docker image, covered in [Using Docker Images](../docker/using_docker_images.md#define-image-and-services-from-gitlab-ciyml) | | services | no | Use docker services, covered in [Using Docker Images](../docker/using_docker_images.md#define-image-and-services-from-gitlab-ciyml) | | stage | no | Defines a build stage (default: `test`) | | type | no | Alias for `stage` | | variables | no | Define build variables on a job level | | only | no | Defines a list of git refs for which build is created | | except | no | Defines a list of git refs for which build is not created | | tags | no | Defines a list of tags which are used to select Runner | | allow_failure | no | Allow build to fail. Failed build doesn't contribute to commit status | | when | no | Define when to run build. Can be `on_success`, `on_failure`, `always` or `manual` | | dependencies | no | Define other builds that a build depends on so that you can pass artifacts between them| | artifacts | no | Define list of build artifacts | | cache | no | Define list of files that should be cached between subsequent runs | | before_script | no | Override a set of commands that are executed before build | | after_script | no | Override a set of commands that are executed after build | | environment | no | Defines a name of environment to which deployment is done by this build | ### script `script` is a shell script which is executed by the Runner. For example: ```yaml job: script: "bundle exec rspec" ``` This parameter can also contain several commands using an array: ```yaml job: script: - uname -a - bundle exec rspec ``` Sometimes, `script` commands will need to be wrapped in single or double quotes. For example, commands that contain a colon (`:`) need to be wrapped in quotes so that the YAML parser knows to interpret the whole thing as a string rather than a "key: value" pair. Be careful when using special characters (`:`, `{`, `}`, `[`, `]`, `,`, `&`, `*`, `#`, `?`, `|`, `-`, `<`, `>`, `=`, `!`, `%`, `@`, `` ` ``). ### stage `stage` allows to group build into different stages. Builds of the same `stage` are executed in `parallel`. For more info about the use of `stage` please check [stages](#stages). ### only and except `only` and `except` are two parameters that set a refs policy to limit when jobs are built: 1. `only` defines the names of branches and tags for which the job will be built. 2. `except` defines the names of branches and tags for which the job will **not** be built. There are a few rules that apply to the usage of refs policy: * `only` and `except` are inclusive. If both `only` and `except` are defined in a job specification, the ref is filtered by `only` and `except`. * `only` and `except` allow the use of regular expressions. * `only` and `except` allow the use of special keywords: `branches`, `tags`, and `triggers`. * `only` and `except` allow to specify a repository path to filter jobs for forks. In the example below, `job` will run only for refs that start with `issue-`, whereas all branches will be skipped. ```yaml job: # use regexp only: - /^issue-.*$/ # use special keyword except: - branches ``` In this example, `job` will run only for refs that are tagged, or if a build is explicitly requested via an API trigger. ```yaml job: # use special keywords only: - tags - triggers ``` The repository path can be used to have jobs executed only for the parent repository and not forks: ```yaml job: only: - branches@gitlab-org/gitlab-ce except: - master@gitlab-org/gitlab-ce ``` The above example will run `job` for all branches on `gitlab-org/gitlab-ce`, except master. ### job variables It is possible to define build variables using a `variables` keyword on a job level. It works basically the same way as its global-level equivalent but allows you to define job-specific build variables. When the `variables` keyword is used on a job level, it overrides global YAML build variables and predefined variables. Build variables priority is defined in [variables documentation](../variables/README.md). ### tags `tags` is used to select specific Runners from the list of all Runners that are allowed to run this project. During the registration of a Runner, you can specify the Runner's tags, for example `ruby`, `postgres`, `development`. `tags` allow you to run builds with Runners that have the specified tags assigned to them: ```yaml job: tags: - ruby - postgres ``` The specification above, will make sure that `job` is built by a Runner that has both `ruby` AND `postgres` tags defined. ### allow_failure `allow_failure` is used when you want to allow a build to fail without impacting the rest of the CI suite. Failed builds don't contribute to the commit status. When enabled and the build fails, the pipeline will be successful/green for all intents and purposes, but a "CI build passed with warnings" message will be displayed on the merge request or commit or build page. This is to be used by builds that are allowed to fail, but where failure indicates some other (manual) steps should be taken elsewhere. In the example below, `job1` and `job2` will run in parallel, but if `job1` fails, it will not stop the next stage from running, since it's marked with `allow_failure: true`: ```yaml job1: stage: test script: - execute_script_that_will_fail allow_failure: true job2: stage: test script: - execute_script_that_will_succeed job3: stage: deploy script: - deploy_to_staging ``` ### when `when` is used to implement jobs that are run in case of failure or despite the failure. `when` can be set to one of the following values: 1. `on_success` - execute build only when all builds from prior stages succeed. This is the default. 1. `on_failure` - execute build only when at least one build from prior stages fails. 1. `always` - execute build regardless of the status of builds from prior stages. 1. `manual` - execute build manually (added in GitLab 8.10). Read about [manual actions](#manual-actions) below. For example: ```yaml stages: - build - cleanup_build - test - deploy - cleanup build_job: stage: build script: - make build cleanup_build_job: stage: cleanup_build script: - cleanup build when failed when: on_failure test_job: stage: test script: - make test deploy_job: stage: deploy script: - make deploy when: manual cleanup_job: stage: cleanup script: - cleanup after builds when: always ``` The above script will: 1. Execute `cleanup_build_job` only when `build_job` fails. 2. Always execute `cleanup_job` as the last step in pipeline regardless of success or failure. 3. Allow you to manually execute `deploy_job` from GitLab's UI. #### Manual actions > Introduced in GitLab 8.10. Manual actions are a special type of job that are not executed automatically; they need to be explicitly started by a user. Manual actions can be started from pipeline, build, environment, and deployment views. You can execute the same manual action multiple times. An example usage of manual actions is deployment to production. ### environment > Introduced in GitLab 8.9. `environment` is used to define that a job deploys to a specific [environment]. This allows easy tracking of all deployments to your environments straight from GitLab. If `environment` is specified and no environment under that name exists, a new one will be created automatically. The `environment` name must contain only letters, digits, '-', '_', '/', '$', '{', '}' and spaces. Common names are `qa`, `staging`, and `production`, but you can use whatever name works with your workflow. --- **Example configurations** ``` deploy to production: stage: deploy script: git push production HEAD:master environment: production ``` The `deploy to production` job will be marked as doing deployment to `production` environment. #### dynamic environments > [Introduced][ce-6323] in GitLab 8.12 and GitLab Runner 1.6. `environment` can also represent a configuration hash with `name` and `url`. These parameters can use any of the defined CI [variables](#variables) (including predefined, secure variables and `.gitlab-ci.yml` variables). The common use case is to create dynamic environments for branches and use them as review apps. --- **Example configurations** ``` deploy as review app: stage: deploy script: ... environment: name: review-apps/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME url: https://$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME.review.example.com/ ``` The `deploy as review app` job will be marked as deployment to dynamically create the `review-apps/branch-name` environment. This environment should be accessible under `https://branch-name.review.example.com/`. You can see a simple example at https://gitlab.com/gitlab-examples/review-apps-nginx/. ### artifacts >**Notes:** > > - Introduced in GitLab Runner v0.7.0 for non-Windows platforms. > - Windows support was added in GitLab Runner v.1.0.0. > - Currently not all executors are supported. > - Build artifacts are only collected for successful builds by default. `artifacts` is used to specify a list of files and directories which should be attached to the build after success. You can only use paths that are within the project workspace. To pass artifacts between different builds, see [dependencies](#dependencies). Below are some examples. Send all files in `binaries` and `.config`: ```yaml artifacts: paths: - binaries/ - .config ``` Send all Git untracked files: ```yaml artifacts: untracked: true ``` Send all Git untracked files and files in `binaries`: ```yaml artifacts: untracked: true paths: - binaries/ ``` You may want to create artifacts only for tagged releases to avoid filling the build server storage with temporary build artifacts. Create artifacts only for tags (`default-job` will not create artifacts): ```yaml default-job: script: - mvn test -U except: - tags release-job: script: - mvn package -U artifacts: paths: - target/*.war only: - tags ``` The artifacts will be sent to GitLab after a successful build and will be available for download in the GitLab UI. #### artifacts:name > Introduced in GitLab 8.6 and GitLab Runner v1.1.0. The `name` directive allows you to define the name of the created artifacts archive. That way, you can have a unique name for every archive which could be useful when you'd like to download the archive from GitLab. The `artifacts:name` variable can make use of any of the [predefined variables](../variables/README.md). The default name is `artifacts`, which becomes `artifacts.zip` when downloaded. --- **Example configurations** To create an archive with a name of the current build: ```yaml job: artifacts: name: "$CI_BUILD_NAME" ``` To create an archive with a name of the current branch or tag including only the files that are untracked by Git: ```yaml job: artifacts: name: "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" untracked: true ``` To create an archive with a name of the current build and the current branch or tag including only the files that are untracked by Git: ```yaml job: artifacts: name: "${CI_BUILD_NAME}_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}" untracked: true ``` To create an archive with a name of the current [stage](#stages) and branch name: ```yaml job: artifacts: name: "${CI_BUILD_STAGE}_${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}" untracked: true ``` --- If you use **Windows Batch** to run your shell scripts you need to replace `$` with `%`: ```yaml job: artifacts: name: "%CI_BUILD_STAGE%_%CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%" untracked: true ``` #### artifacts:when > Introduced in GitLab 8.9 and GitLab Runner v1.3.0. `artifacts:when` is used to upload artifacts on build failure or despite the failure. `artifacts:when` can be set to one of the following values: 1. `on_success` - upload artifacts only when the build succeeds. This is the default. 1. `on_failure` - upload artifacts only when the build fails. 1. `always` - upload artifacts regardless of the build status. --- **Example configurations** To upload artifacts only when build fails. ```yaml job: artifacts: when: on_failure ``` #### artifacts:expire_in > Introduced in GitLab 8.9 and GitLab Runner v1.3.0. `artifacts:expire_in` is used to delete uploaded artifacts after the specified time. By default, artifacts are stored on GitLab forever. `expire_in` allows you to specify how long artifacts should live before they expire, counting from the time they are uploaded and stored on GitLab. You can use the **Keep** button on the build page to override expiration and keep artifacts forever. After expiry, artifacts are actually deleted hourly by default (via a cron job), but they are not accessible after expiry. The value of `expire_in` is an elapsed time. Examples of parseable values: - '3 mins 4 sec' - '2 hrs 20 min' - '2h20min' - '6 mos 1 day' - '47 yrs 6 mos and 4d' - '3 weeks and 2 days' --- **Example configurations** To expire artifacts 1 week after being uploaded: ```yaml job: artifacts: expire_in: 1 week ``` ### dependencies > Introduced in GitLab 8.6 and GitLab Runner v1.1.1. This feature should be used in conjunction with [`artifacts`](#artifacts) and allows you to define the artifacts to pass between different builds. Note that `artifacts` from all previous [stages](#stages) are passed by default. To use this feature, define `dependencies` in context of the job and pass a list of all previous builds from which the artifacts should be downloaded. You can only define builds from stages that are executed before the current one. An error will be shown if you define builds from the current stage or next ones. Defining an empty array will skip downloading any artifacts for that job. --- In the following example, we define two jobs with artifacts, `build:osx` and `build:linux`. When the `test:osx` is executed, the artifacts from `build:osx` will be downloaded and extracted in the context of the build. The same happens for `test:linux` and artifacts from `build:linux`. The job `deploy` will download artifacts from all previous builds because of the [stage](#stages) precedence: ```yaml build:osx: stage: build script: make build:osx artifacts: paths: - binaries/ build:linux: stage: build script: make build:linux artifacts: paths: - binaries/ test:osx: stage: test script: make test:osx dependencies: - build:osx test:linux: stage: test script: make test:linux dependencies: - build:linux deploy: stage: deploy script: make deploy ``` ### before_script and after_script It's possible to overwrite globally defined `before_script` and `after_script`: ```yaml before_script: - global before script job: before_script: - execute this instead of global before script script: - my command after_script: - execute this after my script ``` ## Git Strategy > Introduced in GitLab 8.9 as an experimental feature. May change or be removed completely in future releases. `GIT_STRATEGY=none` requires GitLab Runner v1.7+. You can set the `GIT_STRATEGY` used for getting recent application code, either in the global [`variables`](#variables) section or the [`variables`](#job-variables) section for individual jobs. If left unspecified, the default from project settings will be used. There are three possible values: `clone`, `fetch`, and `none`. `clone` is the slowest option. It clones the repository from scratch for every job, ensuring that the project workspace is always pristine. ``` variables: GIT_STRATEGY: clone ``` `fetch` is faster as it re-uses the project workspace (falling back to `clone` if it doesn't exist). `git clean` is used to undo any changes made by the last job, and `git fetch` is used to retrieve commits made since the last job ran. ``` variables: GIT_STRATEGY: fetch ``` `none` also re-uses the project workspace, but skips all Git operations (including GitLab Runner's pre-clone script, if present). It is mostly useful for jobs that operate exclusively on artifacts (e.g., `deploy`). Git repository data may be present, but it is certain to be out of date, so you should only rely on files brought into the project workspace from cache or artifacts. ``` variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none ``` ## Shallow cloning > Introduced in GitLab 8.9 as an experimental feature. May change in future releases or be removed completely. You can specify the depth of fetching and cloning using `GIT_DEPTH`. This allows shallow cloning of the repository which can significantly speed up cloning for repositories with a large number of commits or old, large binaries. The value is passed to `git fetch` and `git clone`. >**Note:** If you use a depth of 1 and have a queue of builds or retry builds, jobs may fail. Since Git fetching and cloning is based on a ref, such as a branch name, runners can't clone a specific commit SHA. If there are multiple builds in the queue, or you are retrying an old build, the commit to be tested needs to be within the git history that is cloned. Setting too small a value for `GIT_DEPTH` can make it impossible to run these old commits. You will see `unresolved reference` in build logs. You should then reconsider changing `GIT_DEPTH` to a higher value. Builds that rely on `git describe` may not work correctly when `GIT_DEPTH` is set since only part of the git history is present. To fetch or clone only the last 3 commits: ``` variables: GIT_DEPTH: "3" ``` ## Hidden keys > Introduced in GitLab 8.6 and GitLab Runner v1.1.1. Keys that start with a dot (`.`) will be not processed by GitLab CI. You can use this feature to ignore jobs, or use the [special YAML features](#special-yaml-features) and transform the hidden keys into templates. In the following example, `.key_name` will be ignored: ```yaml .key_name: script: - rake spec ``` Hidden keys can be hashes like normal CI jobs, but you are also allowed to use different types of structures to leverage special YAML features. ## Special YAML features It's possible to use special YAML features like anchors (`&`), aliases (`*`) and map merging (`<<`), which will allow you to greatly reduce the complexity of `.gitlab-ci.yml`. Read more about the various [YAML features](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/yaml/). ### Anchors > Introduced in GitLab 8.6 and GitLab Runner v1.1.1. YAML also has a handy feature called 'anchors', which let you easily duplicate content across your document. Anchors can be used to duplicate/inherit properties, and is a perfect example to be used with [hidden keys](#hidden-keys) to provide templates for your jobs. The following example uses anchors and map merging. It will create two jobs, `test1` and `test2`, that will inherit the parameters of `.job_template`, each having their own custom `script` defined: ```yaml .job_template: &job_definition # Hidden key that defines an anchor named 'job_definition' image: ruby:2.1 services: - postgres - redis test1: <<: *job_definition # Merge the contents of the 'job_definition' alias script: - test1 project test2: <<: *job_definition # Merge the contents of the 'job_definition' alias script: - test2 project ``` `&` sets up the name of the anchor (`job_definition`), `<<` means "merge the given hash into the current one", and `*` includes the named anchor (`job_definition` again). The expanded version looks like this: ```yaml .job_template: image: ruby:2.1 services: - postgres - redis test1: image: ruby:2.1 services: - postgres - redis script: - test1 project test2: image: ruby:2.1 services: - postgres - redis script: - test2 project ``` Let's see another one example. This time we will use anchors to define two sets of services. This will create two jobs, `test:postgres` and `test:mysql`, that will share the `script` directive defined in `.job_template`, and the `services` directive defined in `.postgres_services` and `.mysql_services` respectively: ```yaml .job_template: &job_definition script: - test project .postgres_services: services: &postgres_definition - postgres - ruby .mysql_services: services: &mysql_definition - mysql - ruby test:postgres: <<: *job_definition services: *postgres_definition test:mysql: <<: *job_definition services: *mysql_definition ``` The expanded version looks like this: ```yaml .job_template: script: - test project .postgres_services: services: - postgres - ruby .mysql_services: services: - mysql - ruby test:postgres: script: - test project services: - postgres - ruby test:mysql: script: - test project services: - mysql - ruby ``` You can see that the hidden keys are conveniently used as templates. ## Triggers Triggers can be used to force a rebuild of a specific branch, tag or commit, with an API call. [Read more in the triggers documentation.](../triggers/README.md) ## Validate the .gitlab-ci.yml Each instance of GitLab CI has an embedded debug tool called Lint. You can find the link under `/ci/lint` of your gitlab instance. ## Skipping builds If your commit message contains `[ci skip]` or `[skip ci]`, using any capitalization, the commit will be created but the builds will be skipped. ## Examples Visit the [examples README][examples] to see a list of examples using GitLab CI with various languages. [examples]: ../examples/README.md [ce-6323]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/6323 [environment]: ../environments.md