# frozen_string_literal: true class Todo < ApplicationRecord include Sortable include FromUnion # Time to wait for todos being removed when not visible for user anymore. # Prevents TODOs being removed by mistake, for example, removing access from a user # and giving it back again. WAIT_FOR_DELETE = 1.hour ASSIGNED = 1 MENTIONED = 2 BUILD_FAILED = 3 MARKED = 4 APPROVAL_REQUIRED = 5 # This is an EE-only feature UNMERGEABLE = 6 DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED = 7 MERGE_TRAIN_REMOVED = 8 # This is an EE-only feature REVIEW_REQUESTED = 9 ACTION_NAMES = { ASSIGNED => :assigned, REVIEW_REQUESTED => :review_requested, MENTIONED => :mentioned, BUILD_FAILED => :build_failed, MARKED => :marked, APPROVAL_REQUIRED => :approval_required, UNMERGEABLE => :unmergeable, DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED => :directly_addressed, MERGE_TRAIN_REMOVED => :merge_train_removed }.freeze belongs_to :author, class_name: "User" belongs_to :note belongs_to :project belongs_to :group belongs_to :target, -> { if self.klass.respond_to?(:with_api_entity_associations) self.with_api_entity_associations else self end }, polymorphic: true, touch: true # rubocop:disable Cop/PolymorphicAssociations belongs_to :user belongs_to :issue, -> { where("target_type = 'Issue'") }, foreign_key: :target_id delegate :name, :email, to: :author, prefix: true, allow_nil: true validates :action, :target_type, :user, presence: true validates :author, presence: true validates :target_id, presence: true, unless: :for_commit? validates :commit_id, presence: true, if: :for_commit? validates :project, presence: true, unless: :group_id validates :group, presence: true, unless: :project_id scope :pending, -> { with_state(:pending) } scope :done, -> { with_state(:done) } scope :for_action, -> (action) { where(action: action) } scope :for_author, -> (author) { where(author: author) } scope :for_user, -> (user) { where(user: user) } scope :for_project, -> (projects) { where(project: projects) } scope :for_undeleted_projects, -> { joins(:project).merge(Project.without_deleted) } scope :for_group, -> (group) { where(group: group) } scope :for_type, -> (type) { where(target_type: type) } scope :for_target, -> (id) { where(target_id: id) } scope :for_commit, -> (id) { where(commit_id: id) } scope :with_entity_associations, -> { preload(:target, :author, :note, group: :route, project: [:route, { namespace: :route }]) } scope :joins_issue_and_assignees, -> { left_joins(issue: :assignees) } enum resolved_by_action: { system_done: 0, api_all_done: 1, api_done: 2, mark_all_done: 3, mark_done: 4 }, _prefix: :resolved_by state_machine :state, initial: :pending do event :done do transition [:pending] => :done end state :pending state :done end after_save :keep_around_commit, if: :commit_id class << self # Returns all todos for the given group ids and their descendants. # # group_ids - Group Ids to retrieve todos for. # # Returns an `ActiveRecord::Relation`. def for_group_ids_and_descendants(group_ids) groups = Group.groups_including_descendants_by(group_ids) from_union([ for_project(Project.for_group(groups)), for_group(groups) ]) end # Returns `true` if the current user has any todos for the given target with the optional given state. # # target - The value of the `target_type` column, such as `Issue`. # state - The value of the `state` column, such as `pending` or `done`. def any_for_target?(target, state = nil) state.nil? ? exists?(target: target) : exists?(target: target, state: state) end # Updates attributes of a relation of todos to the new state. # # new_attributes - The new attributes of the todos. # # Returns an `Array` containing the IDs of the updated todos. def batch_update(**new_attributes) # Only update those that have different state base = where.not(state: new_attributes[:state]).except(:order) ids = base.pluck(:id) base.update_all(new_attributes.merge(updated_at: Time.current)) ids end # Priority sorting isn't displayed in the dropdown, because we don't show # milestones, but still show something if the user has a URL with that # selected. def sort_by_attribute(method) sorted = case method.to_s when 'priority', 'label_priority' then order_by_labels_priority else order_by(method) end # Break ties with the ID column for pagination sorted.order(id: :desc) end # Order by priority depending on which issue/merge request the Todo belongs to # Todos with highest priority first then oldest todos # Need to order by created_at last because of differences on Mysql and Postgres when joining by type "Merge_request/Issue" def order_by_labels_priority highest_priority = highest_label_priority( target_type_column: "todos.target_type", target_column: "todos.target_id", project_column: "todos.project_id" ).to_sql select("#{table_name}.*, (#{highest_priority}) AS highest_priority") .order(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('highest_priority', 'ASC')) .order('todos.created_at') end def distinct_user_ids distinct.pluck(:user_id) end # Count todos grouped by user_id and state, using an UNION query # so we can utilize the partial indexes for each state. def count_grouped_by_user_id_and_state grouped_count = select(:user_id, 'count(id) AS count').group(:user_id) done = grouped_count.where(state: :done).select("'done' AS state") pending = grouped_count.where(state: :pending).select("'pending' AS state") union = unscoped.from_union([done, pending], remove_duplicates: false) connection.select_all(union).each_with_object({}) do |row, counts| counts[[row['user_id'], row['state']]] = row['count'] end end end def resource_parent project end def unmergeable? action == UNMERGEABLE end def build_failed? action == BUILD_FAILED end def assigned? action == ASSIGNED end def review_requested? action == REVIEW_REQUESTED end def merge_train_removed? action == MERGE_TRAIN_REMOVED end def done? state == 'done' end def action_name ACTION_NAMES[action] end def body if note.present? note.note else target.title end end def for_commit? target_type == "Commit" end def for_design? target_type == DesignManagement::Design.name end def for_alert? target_type == AlertManagement::Alert.name end # override to return commits, which are not active record def target if for_commit? project.commit(commit_id) rescue nil else super end end def target_reference if for_commit? target.reference_link_text else target.to_reference end end def self_added? author == user end def self_assigned? self_added? && (assigned? || review_requested?) end private def keep_around_commit project.repository.keep_around(self.commit_id) end end Todo.prepend_if_ee('EE::Todo')