# coding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Profiler FILTERED_STRING = '[FILTERED]'.freeze IGNORE_BACKTRACES = %w[ lib/gitlab/i18n.rb lib/gitlab/request_context.rb config/initializers lib/gitlab/database/load_balancing/ lib/gitlab/etag_caching/ lib/gitlab/metrics/ lib/gitlab/middleware/ ee/lib/gitlab/middleware/ lib/gitlab/performance_bar/ lib/gitlab/request_profiler/ lib/gitlab/query_limiting/ lib/gitlab/tracing/ lib/gitlab/profiler.rb lib/gitlab/correlation_id.rb lib/gitlab/webpack/dev_server_middleware.rb lib/gitlab/sidekiq_status/ lib/gitlab/sidekiq_logging/ lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/ ].freeze # Takes a URL to profile (can be a fully-qualified URL, or an absolute path) # and returns the ruby-prof profile result. Formatting that result is the # caller's responsibility. Requests are GET requests unless post_data is # passed. # # Optional arguments: # - logger: will be used for SQL logging, including a summary at the end of # the log file of the total time spent per model class. # # - post_data: a string of raw POST data to use. Changes the HTTP verb to # POST. # # - user: a user to authenticate as. Only works if the user has a valid # personal access token. # # - private_token: instead of providing a user instance, the token can be # given as a string. Takes precedence over the user option. def self.profile(url, logger: nil, post_data: nil, user: nil, private_token: nil) app = ActionDispatch::Integration::Session.new(Rails.application) verb = :get headers = {} if post_data verb = :post headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end if private_token headers['Private-Token'] = private_token user = nil # private_token overrides user end logger = create_custom_logger(logger, private_token: private_token) RequestStore.begin! # Make an initial call for an asset path in development mode to avoid # sprockets dominating the profiler output. ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path('katex.css') if Rails.env.development? # Rails loads internationalization files lazily the first time a # translation is needed. Running this prevents this overhead from showing # up in profiles. ::I18n.t('.')[:test_string] # Remove API route mounting from the profile. app.get('/api/v4/users') result = with_custom_logger(logger) do with_user(user) do RubyProf.profile { app.public_send(verb, url, params: post_data, headers: headers) } # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end end RequestStore.end! log_load_times_by_model(logger) result end def self.create_custom_logger(logger, private_token: nil) return unless logger logger.dup.tap do |new_logger| new_logger.instance_variable_set(:@private_token, private_token) class << new_logger attr_reader :load_times_by_model, :private_token def debug(message, *) message = message.gsub(private_token, FILTERED_STRING) if private_token _, type, time = *message.match(/(\w+) Load \(([0-9.]+)ms\)/) if type && time @load_times_by_model ||= {} @load_times_by_model[type] ||= [] @load_times_by_model[type] << time.to_f end super Gitlab::Profiler.clean_backtrace(caller).each do |caller_line| stripped_caller_line = caller_line.sub("#{Rails.root}/", '') super(" ↳ #{stripped_caller_line}") end end end end end def self.clean_backtrace(backtrace) Array(Rails.backtrace_cleaner.clean(backtrace)).reject do |line| line.match(Regexp.union(IGNORE_BACKTRACES)) end end def self.with_custom_logger(logger) original_colorize_logging = ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.colorize_logging original_activerecord_logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger original_actioncontroller_logger = ActionController::Base.logger if logger ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.colorize_logging = false ActiveRecord::Base.logger = logger ActionController::Base.logger = logger end yield.tap do ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.colorize_logging = original_colorize_logging ActiveRecord::Base.logger = original_activerecord_logger ActionController::Base.logger = original_actioncontroller_logger end end def self.with_user(user) if user API::Helpers::CommonHelpers.send(:define_method, :find_current_user!) { user } # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend ApplicationController.send(:define_method, :current_user) { user } # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend ApplicationController.send(:define_method, :authenticate_user!) { } # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end yield.tap do remove_method(API::Helpers::CommonHelpers, :find_current_user!) remove_method(ApplicationController, :current_user) remove_method(ApplicationController, :authenticate_user!) end end def self.remove_method(klass, meth) klass.send(:remove_method, meth) if klass.instance_methods(false).include?(meth) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def self.log_load_times_by_model(logger) return unless logger.respond_to?(:load_times_by_model) summarised_load_times = logger.load_times_by_model.to_a.map do |(model, times)| [model, times.count, times.sum] end summarised_load_times.sort_by(&:last).reverse_each do |(model, query_count, time)| logger.info("#{model} total (#{query_count}): #{time.round(2)}ms") end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def self.print_by_total_time(result, options = {}) default_options = { sort_method: :total_time } Gitlab::Profiler::TotalTimeFlatPrinter.new(result).print(STDOUT, default_options.merge(options)) end end end