# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Atlassian::JiraConnect::Client do include StubRequests subject { described_class.new('https://gitlab-test.atlassian.net', 'sample_secret') } let_it_be(:project) { create_default(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:mrs_by_title) { create_list(:merge_request, 4, :unique_branches, :jira_title) } let_it_be(:mrs_by_branch) { create_list(:merge_request, 2, :jira_branch) } let_it_be(:red_herrings) { create_list(:merge_request, 1, :unique_branches) } let_it_be(:pipelines) do (red_herrings + mrs_by_branch + mrs_by_title).map do |mr| create(:ci_pipeline, merge_request: mr) end end around do |example| freeze_time { example.run } end describe '.generate_update_sequence_id' do it 'returns monotonic_time converted it to integer' do allow(Gitlab::Metrics::System).to receive(:monotonic_time).and_return(1.0) expect(described_class.generate_update_sequence_id).to eq(1) end end describe '#send_info' do it 'calls more specific methods as appropriate' do expect(subject).to receive(:store_ff_info).with( project: project, update_sequence_id: :x, feature_flags: :r ).and_return(:ff_stored) expect(subject).to receive(:store_build_info).with( project: project, update_sequence_id: :x, pipelines: :y ).and_return(:build_stored) expect(subject).to receive(:store_deploy_info).with( project: project, update_sequence_id: :x, deployments: :q ).and_return(:deploys_stored) expect(subject).to receive(:store_dev_info).with( project: project, update_sequence_id: :x, commits: :a, branches: :b, merge_requests: :c ).and_return(:dev_stored) args = { project: project, update_sequence_id: :x, commits: :a, branches: :b, merge_requests: :c, pipelines: :y, deployments: :q, feature_flags: :r } expect(subject.send_info(**args)) .to contain_exactly(:dev_stored, :build_stored, :deploys_stored, :ff_stored) end it 'only calls methods that we need to call' do expect(subject).to receive(:store_dev_info).with( project: project, update_sequence_id: :x, commits: :a ).and_return(:dev_stored) args = { project: project, update_sequence_id: :x, commits: :a } expect(subject.send_info(**args)).to contain_exactly(:dev_stored) end it 'raises an argument error if there is nothing to send (probably a typo?)' do expect { subject.send_info(project: project, builds: :x) } .to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end def expected_headers(path) expected_jwt = Atlassian::Jwt.encode( Atlassian::Jwt.build_claims(Atlassian::JiraConnect.app_key, path, 'POST'), 'sample_secret' ) { 'Authorization' => "JWT #{expected_jwt}", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } end describe '#store_deploy_info' do let_it_be(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'DEV', project: project) } let_it_be(:deployments) do pipelines.map do |p| build = create(:ci_build, environment: environment.name, pipeline: p, project: project) create(:deployment, deployable: build, environment: environment) end end let(:schema) do Atlassian::Schemata.deploy_info_payload end let(:body) do matcher = be_valid_json.and match_schema(schema) ->(text) { matcher.matches?(text) } end before do path = '/rest/deployments/0.1/bulk' stub_full_request('https://gitlab-test.atlassian.net' + path, method: :post) .with(body: body, headers: expected_headers(path)) end it "calls the API with auth headers" do subject.send(:store_deploy_info, project: project, deployments: deployments) end it 'only sends information about relevant MRs' do expect(subject).to receive(:post).with('/rest/deployments/0.1/bulk', { deployments: have_attributes(size: 6) }) subject.send(:store_deploy_info, project: project, deployments: deployments) end it 'does not call the API if there is nothing to report' do expect(subject).not_to receive(:post) subject.send(:store_deploy_info, project: project, deployments: deployments.take(1)) end it 'does not call the API if the feature flag is not enabled' do stub_feature_flags(jira_sync_deployments: false) expect(subject).not_to receive(:post) subject.send(:store_deploy_info, project: project, deployments: deployments) end it 'does call the API if the feature flag enabled for the project' do stub_feature_flags(jira_sync_deployments: project) expect(subject).to receive(:post).with('/rest/deployments/0.1/bulk', { deployments: Array }) subject.send(:store_deploy_info, project: project, deployments: deployments) end end describe '#store_ff_info' do let_it_be(:feature_flags) { create_list(:operations_feature_flag, 3, project: project) } let(:schema) do Atlassian::Schemata.ff_info_payload end let(:body) do matcher = be_valid_json.and match_schema(schema) ->(text) { matcher.matches?(text) } end before do feature_flags.first.update!(description: 'RELEVANT-123') feature_flags.second.update!(description: 'RELEVANT-123') path = '/rest/featureflags/0.1/bulk' stub_full_request('https://gitlab-test.atlassian.net' + path, method: :post) .with(body: body, headers: expected_headers(path)) end it "calls the API with auth headers" do subject.send(:store_ff_info, project: project, feature_flags: feature_flags) end it 'only sends information about relevant MRs' do expect(subject).to receive(:post).with('/rest/featureflags/0.1/bulk', { flags: have_attributes(size: 2), properties: Hash }) subject.send(:store_ff_info, project: project, feature_flags: feature_flags) end it 'does not call the API if there is nothing to report' do expect(subject).not_to receive(:post) subject.send(:store_ff_info, project: project, feature_flags: [feature_flags.last]) end it 'does not call the API if the feature flag is not enabled' do stub_feature_flags(jira_sync_feature_flags: false) expect(subject).not_to receive(:post) subject.send(:store_ff_info, project: project, feature_flags: feature_flags) end it 'does call the API if the feature flag enabled for the project' do stub_feature_flags(jira_sync_feature_flags: project) expect(subject).to receive(:post).with('/rest/featureflags/0.1/bulk', { flags: Array, properties: Hash }) subject.send(:store_ff_info, project: project, feature_flags: feature_flags) end end describe '#store_build_info' do let(:build_info_payload_schema) do Atlassian::Schemata.build_info_payload end let(:body) do matcher = be_valid_json.and match_schema(build_info_payload_schema) ->(text) { matcher.matches?(text) } end before do path = '/rest/builds/0.1/bulk' stub_full_request('https://gitlab-test.atlassian.net' + path, method: :post) .with(body: body, headers: expected_headers(path)) end it "calls the API with auth headers" do subject.send(:store_build_info, project: project, pipelines: pipelines) end it 'only sends information about relevant MRs' do expect(subject).to receive(:post).with('/rest/builds/0.1/bulk', { builds: have_attributes(size: 6) }) subject.send(:store_build_info, project: project, pipelines: pipelines) end it 'does not call the API if there is nothing to report' do expect(subject).not_to receive(:post) subject.send(:store_build_info, project: project, pipelines: pipelines.take(1)) end it 'does not call the API if the feature flag is not enabled' do stub_feature_flags(jira_sync_builds: false) expect(subject).not_to receive(:post) subject.send(:store_build_info, project: project, pipelines: pipelines) end it 'does call the API if the feature flag enabled for the project' do stub_feature_flags(jira_sync_builds: project) expect(subject).to receive(:post).with('/rest/builds/0.1/bulk', { builds: Array }) subject.send(:store_build_info, project: project, pipelines: pipelines) end it 'avoids N+1 database queries' do pending 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/292818' baseline = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do subject.send(:store_build_info, project: project, pipelines: pipelines) end pipelines << create(:ci_pipeline, head_pipeline_of: create(:merge_request, :jira_branch)) expect { subject.send(:store_build_info, project: project, pipelines: pipelines) }.not_to exceed_query_limit(baseline) end end describe '#store_dev_info' do let_it_be(:merge_requests) { create_list(:merge_request, 2, :unique_branches) } before do path = '/rest/devinfo/0.10/bulk' stub_full_request('https://gitlab-test.atlassian.net' + path, method: :post) .with(headers: expected_headers(path)) end it "calls the API with auth headers" do subject.send(:store_dev_info, project: project) end it 'avoids N+1 database queries' do control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { subject.send(:store_dev_info, project: project, merge_requests: merge_requests) }.count merge_requests << create(:merge_request, :unique_branches) expect { subject.send(:store_dev_info, project: project, merge_requests: merge_requests) }.not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count) end end end