require 'carrierwave/orm/activerecord' class Project < ActiveRecord::Base include Gitlab::ConfigHelper include Gitlab::ShellAdapter include Gitlab::VisibilityLevel include AccessRequestable include Avatarable include CacheMarkdownField include Referable include Sortable include AfterCommitQueue include CaseSensitivity include TokenAuthenticatable include ValidAttribute include ProjectFeaturesCompatibility include SelectForProjectAuthorization include Presentable include Routable include GroupDescendant include Gitlab::SQL::Pattern include DeploymentPlatform include ::Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize include ChronicDurationAttribute include FastDestroyAll::Helpers include WithUploads include BatchDestroyDependentAssociations extend Gitlab::ConfigHelper BoardLimitExceeded = NUMBER_OF_PERMITTED_BOARDS = 1 UNKNOWN_IMPORT_URL = 'http://unknown.git'.freeze # Hashed Storage versions handle rolling out new storage to project and dependents models: # nil: legacy # 1: repository # 2: attachments LATEST_STORAGE_VERSION = 2 HASHED_STORAGE_FEATURES = { repository: 1, attachments: 2 }.freeze # Valids ports to import from VALID_IMPORT_PORTS = [22, 80, 443].freeze cache_markdown_field :description, pipeline: :description delegate :feature_available?, :builds_enabled?, :wiki_enabled?, :merge_requests_enabled?, :issues_enabled?, to: :project_feature, allow_nil: true delegate :base_dir, :disk_path, :ensure_storage_path_exists, to: :storage default_value_for :archived, false default_value_for :visibility_level, gitlab_config_features.visibility_level default_value_for :resolve_outdated_diff_discussions, false default_value_for :container_registry_enabled, gitlab_config_features.container_registry default_value_for(:repository_storage) { Gitlab::CurrentSettings.pick_repository_storage } default_value_for(:shared_runners_enabled) { Gitlab::CurrentSettings.shared_runners_enabled } default_value_for :issues_enabled, gitlab_config_features.issues default_value_for :merge_requests_enabled, gitlab_config_features.merge_requests default_value_for :builds_enabled, gitlab_config_features.builds default_value_for :wiki_enabled, default_value_for :snippets_enabled, gitlab_config_features.snippets default_value_for :only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved, false add_authentication_token_field :runners_token before_validation :mark_remote_mirrors_for_removal, if: -> { RemoteMirror.table_exists? } before_save :ensure_runners_token after_save :update_project_statistics, if: :namespace_id_changed? after_save :create_import_state, if: ->(project) { project.import? && project.import_state.nil? } after_create :create_project_feature, unless: :project_feature after_create :create_ci_cd_settings, unless: :ci_cd_settings, if: proc { ProjectCiCdSetting.available? } after_create :set_last_activity_at after_create :set_last_repository_updated_at after_update :update_forks_visibility_level before_destroy :remove_private_deploy_keys use_fast_destroy :build_trace_chunks after_destroy -> { run_after_commit { remove_pages } } after_destroy :remove_exports after_validation :check_pending_delete # Storage specific hooks after_initialize :use_hashed_storage after_create :check_repository_absence! after_create :ensure_storage_path_exists after_save :ensure_storage_path_exists, if: :namespace_id_changed? acts_as_taggable attr_accessor :old_path_with_namespace attr_accessor :template_name attr_writer :pipeline_status attr_accessor :skip_disk_validation alias_attribute :title, :name # Relations belongs_to :creator, class_name: 'User' belongs_to :group, -> { where(type: 'Group') }, foreign_key: 'namespace_id' belongs_to :namespace alias_method :parent, :namespace alias_attribute :parent_id, :namespace_id has_one :last_event, -> {order 'events.created_at DESC'}, class_name: 'Event' has_many :boards, before_add: :validate_board_limit # Project services has_one :campfire_service has_one :drone_ci_service has_one :emails_on_push_service has_one :pipelines_email_service has_one :irker_service has_one :pivotaltracker_service has_one :hipchat_service has_one :flowdock_service has_one :assembla_service has_one :asana_service has_one :gemnasium_service has_one :mattermost_slash_commands_service has_one :mattermost_service has_one :slack_slash_commands_service has_one :slack_service has_one :buildkite_service has_one :bamboo_service has_one :teamcity_service has_one :pushover_service has_one :jira_service has_one :redmine_service has_one :custom_issue_tracker_service has_one :bugzilla_service has_one :gitlab_issue_tracker_service, inverse_of: :project has_one :external_wiki_service has_one :kubernetes_service, inverse_of: :project has_one :prometheus_service, inverse_of: :project has_one :mock_ci_service has_one :mock_deployment_service has_one :mock_monitoring_service has_one :microsoft_teams_service has_one :packagist_service # TODO: replace these relations with the fork network versions has_one :forked_project_link, foreign_key: "forked_to_project_id" has_one :forked_from_project, through: :forked_project_link has_many :forked_project_links, foreign_key: "forked_from_project_id" has_many :forks, through: :forked_project_links, source: :forked_to_project # TODO: replace these relations with the fork network versions has_one :root_of_fork_network, foreign_key: 'root_project_id', inverse_of: :root_project, class_name: 'ForkNetwork' has_one :fork_network_member has_one :fork_network, through: :fork_network_member has_one :import_state, autosave: true, class_name: 'ProjectImportState', inverse_of: :project # Merge Requests for target project should be removed with it has_many :merge_requests, foreign_key: 'target_project_id' has_many :source_of_merge_requests, foreign_key: 'source_project_id', class_name: 'MergeRequest' has_many :issues has_many :labels, class_name: 'ProjectLabel' has_many :services has_many :events has_many :milestones has_many :notes has_many :snippets, class_name: 'ProjectSnippet' has_many :hooks, class_name: 'ProjectHook' has_many :protected_branches has_many :protected_tags has_many :project_authorizations has_many :authorized_users, through: :project_authorizations, source: :user, class_name: 'User' has_many :project_members, -> { where(requested_at: nil) }, as: :source, dependent: :delete_all # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent alias_method :members, :project_members has_many :users, through: :project_members has_many :requesters, -> { where.not(requested_at: nil) }, as: :source, class_name: 'ProjectMember', dependent: :delete_all # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :members_and_requesters, as: :source, class_name: 'ProjectMember' has_many :deploy_keys_projects has_many :deploy_keys, through: :deploy_keys_projects has_many :users_star_projects has_many :starrers, through: :users_star_projects, source: :user has_many :releases has_many :lfs_objects_projects, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :lfs_objects, through: :lfs_objects_projects has_many :lfs_file_locks has_many :project_group_links has_many :invited_groups, through: :project_group_links, source: :group has_many :pages_domains has_many :todos has_many :notification_settings, as: :source, dependent: :delete_all # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :internal_ids has_one :import_data, class_name: 'ProjectImportData', inverse_of: :project, autosave: true has_one :project_feature, inverse_of: :project has_one :statistics, class_name: 'ProjectStatistics' has_one :cluster_project, class_name: 'Clusters::Project' has_many :clusters, through: :cluster_project, class_name: 'Clusters::Cluster' has_many :cluster_ingresses, through: :clusters, source: :application_ingress, class_name: 'Clusters::Applications::Ingress' # Container repositories need to remove data from the container registry, # which is not managed by the DB. Hence we're still using dependent: :destroy # here. has_many :container_repositories, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :commit_statuses has_many :pipelines, class_name: 'Ci::Pipeline', inverse_of: :project has_many :stages, class_name: 'Ci::Stage', inverse_of: :project # Ci::Build objects store data on the file system such as artifact files and # build traces. Currently there's no efficient way of removing this data in # bulk that doesn't involve loading the rows into memory. As a result we're # still using `dependent: :destroy` here. has_many :builds, class_name: 'Ci::Build', inverse_of: :project, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :build_trace_section_names, class_name: 'Ci::BuildTraceSectionName' has_many :build_trace_chunks, class_name: 'Ci::BuildTraceChunk', through: :builds, source: :trace_chunks has_many :runner_projects, class_name: 'Ci::RunnerProject', inverse_of: :project has_many :runners, through: :runner_projects, source: :runner, class_name: 'Ci::Runner' has_many :variables, class_name: 'Ci::Variable' has_many :triggers, class_name: 'Ci::Trigger' has_many :environments has_many :deployments has_many :pipeline_schedules, class_name: 'Ci::PipelineSchedule' has_many :project_deploy_tokens has_many :deploy_tokens, through: :project_deploy_tokens has_one :auto_devops, class_name: 'ProjectAutoDevops' has_many :custom_attributes, class_name: 'ProjectCustomAttribute' has_many :project_badges, class_name: 'ProjectBadge' has_one :ci_cd_settings, class_name: 'ProjectCiCdSetting', inverse_of: :project, autosave: true, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :remote_mirrors, inverse_of: :project accepts_nested_attributes_for :variables, allow_destroy: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :project_feature, update_only: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :import_data accepts_nested_attributes_for :auto_devops, update_only: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :remote_mirrors, allow_destroy: true, reject_if: ->(attrs) { attrs[:id].blank? && attrs[:url].blank? } delegate :name, to: :owner, allow_nil: true, prefix: true delegate :members, to: :team, prefix: true delegate :add_user, :add_users, to: :team delegate :add_guest, :add_reporter, :add_developer, :add_master, :add_role, to: :team delegate :group_runners_enabled, :group_runners_enabled=, :group_runners_enabled?, to: :ci_cd_settings # Validations validates :creator, presence: true, on: :create validates :description, length: { maximum: 2000 }, allow_blank: true validates :ci_config_path, format: { without: %r{(\.{2}|\A/)}, message: 'cannot include leading slash or directory traversal.' }, length: { maximum: 255 }, allow_blank: true validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 }, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.project_name_regex, message: Gitlab::Regex.project_name_regex_message } validates :path, presence: true, project_path: true, length: { maximum: 255 } validates :namespace, presence: true validates :name, uniqueness: { scope: :namespace_id } validates :import_url, url: { protocols: %w(http https ssh git), allow_localhost: false, enforce_user: true, ports: VALID_IMPORT_PORTS }, if: [:external_import?, :import_url_changed?] validates :star_count, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 } validate :check_limit, on: :create validate :check_repository_path_availability, on: :update, if: ->(project) { project.renamed? } validate :visibility_level_allowed_by_group validate :visibility_level_allowed_as_fork validate :check_wiki_path_conflict validate :validate_pages_https_only, if: -> { changes.has_key?(:pages_https_only) } validates :repository_storage, presence: true, inclusion: { in: ->(_object) { Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.keys } } validates :variables, variable_duplicates: { scope: :environment_scope } # Scopes scope :pending_delete, -> { where(pending_delete: true) } scope :without_deleted, -> { where(pending_delete: false) } scope :with_storage_feature, ->(feature) { where('storage_version >= :version', version: HASHED_STORAGE_FEATURES[feature]) } scope :without_storage_feature, ->(feature) { where('storage_version < :version OR storage_version IS NULL', version: HASHED_STORAGE_FEATURES[feature]) } scope :with_unmigrated_storage, -> { where('storage_version < :version OR storage_version IS NULL', version: LATEST_STORAGE_VERSION) } # last_activity_at is throttled every minute, but last_repository_updated_at is updated with every push scope :sorted_by_activity, -> { reorder("GREATEST(COALESCE(last_activity_at, '1970-01-01'), COALESCE(last_repository_updated_at, '1970-01-01')) DESC") } scope :sorted_by_stars, -> { reorder('projects.star_count DESC') } scope :in_namespace, ->(namespace_ids) { where(namespace_id: namespace_ids) } scope :personal, ->(user) { where(namespace_id: user.namespace_id) } scope :joined, ->(user) { where('namespace_id != ?', user.namespace_id) } scope :starred_by, ->(user) { joins(:users_star_projects).where('users_star_projects.user_id': } scope :visible_to_user, ->(user) { where(id: } scope :archived, -> { where(archived: true) } scope :non_archived, -> { where(archived: false) } scope :for_milestones, ->(ids) { joins(:milestones).where('' => ids).distinct } scope :with_push, -> { joins(:events).where('events.action = ?', Event::PUSHED) } scope :with_project_feature, -> { joins('LEFT JOIN project_features ON = project_features.project_id') } scope :with_statistics, -> { includes(:statistics) } scope :with_shared_runners, -> { where(shared_runners_enabled: true) } scope :inside_path, ->(path) do # We need routes alias rs for JOIN so it does not conflict with # includes(:route) which we use in ProjectsFinder. joins("INNER JOIN routes rs ON rs.source_id = AND rs.source_type = 'Project'") .where('rs.path LIKE ?', "#{sanitize_sql_like(path)}/%") end # "enabled" here means "not disabled". It includes private features! scope :with_feature_enabled, ->(feature) { access_level_attribute = ProjectFeature.access_level_attribute(feature) with_project_feature.where(project_features: { access_level_attribute => [nil, ProjectFeature::PRIVATE, ProjectFeature::ENABLED] }) } # Picks a feature where the level is exactly that given. scope :with_feature_access_level, ->(feature, level) { access_level_attribute = ProjectFeature.access_level_attribute(feature) with_project_feature.where(project_features: { access_level_attribute => level }) } scope :with_builds_enabled, -> { with_feature_enabled(:builds) } scope :with_issues_enabled, -> { with_feature_enabled(:issues) } scope :with_issues_available_for_user, ->(current_user) { with_feature_available_for_user(:issues, current_user) } scope :with_merge_requests_enabled, -> { with_feature_enabled(:merge_requests) } scope :with_remote_mirrors, -> { joins(:remote_mirrors).where(remote_mirrors: { enabled: true }).distinct } scope :with_group_runners_enabled, -> do joins(:ci_cd_settings) .where(project_ci_cd_settings: { group_runners_enabled: true }) end enum auto_cancel_pending_pipelines: { disabled: 0, enabled: 1 } chronic_duration_attr :build_timeout_human_readable, :build_timeout, default: 3600 validates :build_timeout, allow_nil: true, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 600, message: 'needs to be at least 10 minutes' } # Returns a collection of projects that is either public or visible to the # logged in user. def self.public_or_visible_to_user(user = nil) if user where('EXISTS (?) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?)', user.authorizations_for_projects, Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.levels_for_user(user)) else public_to_user end end # project features may be "disabled", "internal" or "enabled". If "internal", # they are only available to team members. This scope returns projects where # the feature is either enabled, or internal with permission for the user. # # This method uses an optimised version of `with_feature_access_level` for # logged in users to more efficiently get private projects with the given # feature. def self.with_feature_available_for_user(feature, user) visible = [nil, ProjectFeature::ENABLED] if user&.admin? with_feature_enabled(feature) elsif user column = ProjectFeature.quoted_access_level_column(feature) with_project_feature .where("#{column} IN (?) OR (#{column} = ? AND EXISTS (?))", visible, ProjectFeature::PRIVATE, user.authorizations_for_projects) else with_feature_access_level(feature, visible) end end scope :active, -> { joins(:issues, :notes, :merge_requests).order('issues.created_at, notes.created_at, merge_requests.created_at DESC') } scope :abandoned, -> { where('projects.last_activity_at < ?', 6.months.ago) } scope :excluding_project, ->(project) { where.not(id: project) } scope :joins_import_state, -> { joins("LEFT JOIN project_mirror_data import_state ON import_state.project_id =") } scope :import_started, -> { joins_import_state.where("import_state.status = 'started' OR projects.import_status = 'started'") } class << self # Searches for a list of projects based on the query given in `query`. # # On PostgreSQL this method uses "ILIKE" to perform a case-insensitive # search. On MySQL a regular "LIKE" is used as it's already # case-insensitive. # # query - The search query as a String. def search(query) fuzzy_search(query, [:path, :name, :description]) end def search_by_title(query) non_archived.fuzzy_search(query, [:name]) end def visibility_levels Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.options end def sort_by_attribute(method) case method.to_s when 'storage_size_desc' # storage_size is a joined column so we need to # pass a string to avoid AR adding the table name reorder('project_statistics.storage_size DESC, DESC') when 'latest_activity_desc' reorder(last_activity_at: :desc) when 'latest_activity_asc' reorder(last_activity_at: :asc) else order_by(method) end end def reference_pattern %r{ ((?#{Gitlab::PathRegex::FULL_NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX})\/)? (?#{Gitlab::PathRegex::PROJECT_PATH_FORMAT_REGEX}) }x end def trending joins('INNER JOIN trending_projects ON = trending_projects.project_id') .reorder(' ASC') end def cached_count Rails.cache.fetch('total_project_count', expires_in: 5.minutes) do Project.count end end def group_ids joins(:namespace).where(namespaces: { type: 'Group' }).select(:namespace_id) end end # returns all ancestor-groups upto but excluding the given namespace # when no namespace is given, all ancestors upto the top are returned def ancestors_upto(top = nil) namespace_id)) .base_and_ancestors(upto: top) end def lfs_enabled? return namespace.lfs_enabled? if self[:lfs_enabled].nil? self[:lfs_enabled] && Gitlab.config.lfs.enabled end def auto_devops_enabled? if auto_devops&.enabled.nil? Gitlab::CurrentSettings.auto_devops_enabled? else auto_devops.enabled? end end def has_auto_devops_implicitly_disabled? auto_devops&.enabled.nil? && !Gitlab::CurrentSettings.auto_devops_enabled? end def empty_repo? repository.empty? end def team @team ||= end def repository @repository ||=, self, disk_path: disk_path) end def cleanup @repository&.cleanup @repository = nil end alias_method :reload_repository!, :cleanup def container_registry_url if Gitlab.config.registry.enabled "#{Gitlab.config.registry.host_port}/#{full_path.downcase}" end end def has_container_registry_tags? return @images if defined?(@images) @images = container_repositories.to_a.any?(&:has_tags?) || has_root_container_repository_tags? end def commit(ref = 'HEAD') repository.commit(ref) end def commit_by(oid:) repository.commit_by(oid: oid) end # ref can't be HEAD, can only be branch/tag name or SHA def latest_successful_builds_for(ref = default_branch) latest_pipeline = pipelines.latest_successful_for(ref) if latest_pipeline latest_pipeline.builds.latest.with_artifacts_archive else builds.none end end def merge_base_commit(first_commit_id, second_commit_id) sha = repository.merge_base(first_commit_id, second_commit_id) commit_by(oid: sha) if sha end def saved? id && persisted? end def add_import_job job_id = if forked? RepositoryForkWorker.perform_async(id) elsif gitlab_project_import? # Do not retry on Import/Export until is solved. RepositoryImportWorker.set(retry: false).perform_async( else RepositoryImportWorker.perform_async( end log_import_activity(job_id) job_id end def log_import_activity(job_id, type: :import) job_type = type.to_s.capitalize if job_id"#{job_type} job scheduled for #{full_path} with job ID #{job_id}.") else Rails.logger.error("#{job_type} job failed to create for #{full_path}.") end end def reset_cache_and_import_attrs run_after_commit do ProjectCacheWorker.perform_async( end update(import_error: nil) remove_import_data end # This method is overriden in EE::Project model def remove_import_data import_data&.destroy end def ci_config_path=(value) # Strip all leading slashes so that //foo -> foo super(value&.delete("\0")) end def import_url=(value) return super(value) unless Gitlab::UrlSanitizer.valid?(value) import_url = super(import_url.sanitized_url) create_or_update_import_data(credentials: import_url.credentials) end def import_url if import_data && super.present? import_url =, credentials: import_data.credentials) import_url.full_url else super end end def valid_import_url? valid?(:import_url) || errors.messages[:import_url].nil? end def create_or_update_import_data(data: nil, credentials: nil) return if data.nil? && credentials.nil? project_import_data = import_data || build_import_data if data ||= {} = end if credentials project_import_data.credentials ||= {} project_import_data.credentials = project_import_data.credentials.merge(credentials) end end def import? external_import? || forked? || gitlab_project_import? || bare_repository_import? end def external_import? import_url.present? end def imported? import_finished? end def import_in_progress? import_started? || import_scheduled? end def import_state_args { status: self[:import_status], jid: self[:import_jid], last_error: self[:import_error] } end def ensure_import_state(force: false) return if !force && (self[:import_status] == 'none' || self[:import_status].nil?) return unless import_state.nil? if persisted? create_import_state(import_state_args) update_column(:import_status, 'none') else build_import_state(import_state_args) self[:import_status] = 'none' end end def human_import_status_name ensure_import_state import_state.human_status_name end def import_schedule ensure_import_state(force: true) import_state.schedule end def force_import_start ensure_import_state(force: true) import_state.force_start end def import_start ensure_import_state(force: true) import_state.start end def import_fail ensure_import_state(force: true) import_state.fail_op end def import_finish ensure_import_state(force: true) import_state.finish end def import_jid=(new_jid) ensure_import_state(force: true) import_state.jid = new_jid end def import_jid ensure_import_state import_state&.jid end def import_error=(new_error) ensure_import_state(force: true) import_state.last_error = new_error end def import_error ensure_import_state import_state&.last_error end def import_status=(new_status) ensure_import_state(force: true) import_state.status = new_status end def import_status ensure_import_state import_state&.status || 'none' end def no_import? import_status == 'none' end def import_started? # import? does SQL work so only run it if it looks like there's an import running import_status == 'started' && import? end def import_scheduled? import_status == 'scheduled' end def import_failed? import_status == 'failed' end def import_finished? import_status == 'finished' end def safe_import_url end def bare_repository_import? import_type == 'bare_repository' end def gitlab_project_import? import_type == 'gitlab_project' end def gitea_import? import_type == 'gitea' end def has_remote_mirror? remote_mirror_available? && remote_mirrors.enabled.exists? end def updating_remote_mirror? remote_mirrors.enabled.started.exists? end def update_remote_mirrors return unless remote_mirror_available? remote_mirrors.enabled.each(&:sync) end def mark_stuck_remote_mirrors_as_failed! remote_mirrors.stuck.update_all( update_status: :failed, last_error: 'The remote mirror took to long to complete.', last_update_at: ) end def mark_remote_mirrors_for_removal remote_mirrors.each(&:mark_for_delete_if_blank_url) end def remote_mirror_available? remote_mirror_available_overridden || ::Gitlab::CurrentSettings.mirror_available end def check_limit unless creator.can_create_project? || namespace.kind == 'group' projects_limit = creator.projects_limit if projects_limit == 0 self.errors.add(:limit_reached, "Personal project creation is not allowed. Please contact your administrator with questions") else self.errors.add(:limit_reached, "Your project limit is #{projects_limit} projects! Please contact your administrator to increase it") end end rescue self.errors.add(:base, "Can't check your ability to create project") end def visibility_level_allowed_by_group return if visibility_level_allowed_by_group? level_name = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.level_name(self.visibility_level).downcase group_level_name = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.level_name( self.errors.add(:visibility_level, "#{level_name} is not allowed in a #{group_level_name} group.") end def visibility_level_allowed_as_fork return if visibility_level_allowed_as_fork? level_name = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.level_name(self.visibility_level).downcase self.errors.add(:visibility_level, "#{level_name} is not allowed since the fork source project has lower visibility.") end def check_wiki_path_conflict return if path.blank? path_to_check = path.ends_with?('.wiki') ? path.chomp('.wiki') : "#{path}.wiki" if Project.where(namespace_id: namespace_id, path: path_to_check).exists? errors.add(:name, 'has already been taken') end end def pages_https_only return false unless Gitlab.config.pages.external_https super end def pages_https_only? return false unless Gitlab.config.pages.external_https super end def validate_pages_https_only return unless pages_https_only? unless pages_domains.all?(&:https?) errors.add(:pages_https_only, "cannot be enabled unless all domains have TLS certificates") end end def to_param if persisted? && errors.include?(:path) path_was else path end end # `from` argument can be a Namespace or Project. def to_reference(from = nil, full: false) if full || cross_namespace_reference?(from) full_path elsif cross_project_reference?(from) path end end def to_human_reference(from = nil) if cross_namespace_reference?(from) name_with_namespace elsif cross_project_reference?(from) name end end def web_url Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_url(self) end def readme_url readme = repository.readme if readme Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_blob_url(self, File.join(default_branch, readme.path)) end end def new_issuable_address(author, address_type) return unless Gitlab::IncomingEmail.supports_issue_creation? && author author.ensure_incoming_email_token! suffix = address_type == 'merge_request' ? '+merge-request' : '' Gitlab::IncomingEmail.reply_address( "#{full_path}#{suffix}+#{author.incoming_email_token}") end def build_commit_note(commit), noteable_type: 'Commit') end def last_activity last_event end def last_activity_date [last_activity_at, last_repository_updated_at, updated_at].compact.max end def project_id end def get_issue(issue_id, current_user) issue =, project_id: id).find_by(iid: issue_id) if issues_enabled? if issue issue elsif external_issue_tracker, self) end end def issue_exists?(issue_id) get_issue(issue_id) end def default_issue_tracker gitlab_issue_tracker_service || create_gitlab_issue_tracker_service end def issues_tracker if external_issue_tracker external_issue_tracker else default_issue_tracker end end def external_issue_reference_pattern external_issue_tracker.class.reference_pattern(only_long: issues_enabled?) end def default_issues_tracker? !external_issue_tracker end def external_issue_tracker if has_external_issue_tracker.nil? # To populate existing projects cache_has_external_issue_tracker end if has_external_issue_tracker? return @external_issue_tracker if defined?(@external_issue_tracker) @external_issue_tracker = services.external_issue_trackers.first else nil end end def cache_has_external_issue_tracker update_column(:has_external_issue_tracker, services.external_issue_trackers.any?) if Gitlab::Database.read_write? end def has_wiki? wiki_enabled? || has_external_wiki? end def external_wiki if has_external_wiki.nil? cache_has_external_wiki # Populate end if has_external_wiki @external_wiki ||= services.external_wikis.first else nil end end def cache_has_external_wiki update_column(:has_external_wiki, services.external_wikis.any?) if Gitlab::Database.read_write? end def find_or_initialize_services(exceptions: []) services_templates = Service.where(template: true) available_services_names = Service.available_services_names - exceptions available_services = do |service_name| service = find_service(services, service_name) if service service else # We should check if template for the service exists template = find_service(services_templates, service_name) if template.nil? # If no template, we should create an instance. Ex `build_gitlab_ci_service` public_send("build_#{service_name}_service") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend else Service.build_from_template(id, template) end end end available_services.reject do |service| disabled_services.include?(service.to_param) end end def disabled_services [] end def find_or_initialize_service(name) find_or_initialize_services.find { |service| service.to_param == name } end def create_labels Label.templates.each do |label| params = label.attributes.except('id', 'template', 'created_at', 'updated_at'), self, params).execute(skip_authorization: true) end end def find_service(list, name) list.find { |service| service.to_param == name } end def ci_services services.where(category: :ci) end def ci_service @ci_service ||= ci_services.reorder(nil).find_by(active: true) end def monitoring_services services.where(category: :monitoring) end def monitoring_service @monitoring_service ||= monitoring_services.reorder(nil).find_by(active: true) end def jira_tracker? issues_tracker.to_param == 'jira' end def avatar_in_git repository.avatar end def avatar_url(**args) Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_avatar_url(self) if avatar_in_git end # For compatibility with old code def code path end def items_for(entity) case entity when 'issue' then issues when 'merge_request' then merge_requests end end def send_move_instructions(old_path_with_namespace) # New project path needs to be committed to the DB or notification will # retrieve stale information run_after_commit do, old_path_with_namespace) end end def owner if group group else namespace.try(:owner) end end def execute_hooks(data, hooks_scope = :push_hooks) run_after_commit_or_now do hooks.hooks_for(hooks_scope).each do |hook| hook.async_execute(data, hooks_scope.to_s) end, hooks_scope) end end def execute_services(data, hooks_scope = :push_hooks) # Call only service hooks that are active for this scope run_after_commit_or_now do services.public_send(hooks_scope).each do |service| # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend service.async_execute(data) end end end def valid_repo? repository.exists? rescue errors.add(:path, 'Invalid repository path') false end def url_to_repo gitlab_shell.url_to_repo(full_path) end def repo_exists? strong_memoize(:repo_exists) do begin repository.exists? rescue false end end end def root_ref?(branch) repository.root_ref == branch end def ssh_url_to_repo url_to_repo end def http_url_to_repo "#{web_url}.git" end def forked? return true if fork_network && fork_network.root_project != self # TODO: Use only the above conditional using the `fork_network` # This is the old conditional that looks at the `forked_project_link`, we # fall back to this while we're migrating the new models !(forked_project_link.nil? || forked_project_link.forked_from_project.nil?) end def fork_source return nil unless forked? forked_from_project || fork_network&.root_project end def lfs_storage_project @lfs_storage_project ||= begin result = self # TODO: Make this go to the fork_network root immeadiatly # dependant on the discussion in: result = result.fork_source while result&.forked? result || self end end # This will return all `lfs_objects` that are accessible to the project. # So this might be `self.lfs_objects` if the project is not part of a fork # network, or it is the base of the fork network. # # TODO: refactor this to get the correct lfs objects when implementing # def all_lfs_objects lfs_storage_project.lfs_objects end def personal? !group end # Expires various caches before a project is renamed. def expire_caches_before_rename(old_path) repo =, self) wiki ="#{old_path}.wiki", self) if repo.exists? repo.before_delete end if wiki.exists? wiki.before_delete end end # Check if repository already exists on disk def check_repository_path_availability return true if skip_disk_validation return false unless repository_storage expires_full_path_cache # we need to clear cache to validate renames correctly # Check if repository with same path already exists on disk we can # skip this for the hashed storage because the path does not change if legacy_storage? && repository_with_same_path_already_exists? errors.add(:base, 'There is already a repository with that name on disk') return false end true rescue GRPC::Internal # if the path is too long false end def create_repository(force: false) # Forked import is handled asynchronously return if forked? && !force if gitlab_shell.create_repository(repository_storage, disk_path) repository.after_create true else errors.add(:base, 'Failed to create repository via gitlab-shell') false end end def hook_attrs(backward: true) attrs = { id: id, name: name, description: description, web_url: web_url, avatar_url: avatar_url(only_path: false), git_ssh_url: ssh_url_to_repo, git_http_url: http_url_to_repo, namespace:, visibility_level: visibility_level, path_with_namespace: full_path, default_branch: default_branch, ci_config_path: ci_config_path } # Backward compatibility if backward attrs.merge!({ homepage: web_url, url: url_to_repo, ssh_url: ssh_url_to_repo, http_url: http_url_to_repo }) end attrs end def project_member(user) if project_members.loaded? project_members.find { |member| member.user_id == } else project_members.find_by(user_id: user) end end def default_branch @default_branch ||= repository.root_ref if repository.exists? end def reload_default_branch @default_branch = nil default_branch end def visibility_level_field :visibility_level end def archive! update_attribute(:archived, true) end def unarchive! update_attribute(:archived, false) end def change_head(branch) if repository.branch_exists?(branch) repository.before_change_head repository.raw_repository.write_ref('HEAD', "refs/heads/#{branch}", shell: false) repository.copy_gitattributes(branch) repository.after_change_head reload_default_branch else errors.add(:base, "Could not change HEAD: branch '#{branch}' does not exist") false end end def forked_from?(other_project) forked? && forked_from_project == other_project end def in_fork_network_of?(other_project) # TODO: Remove this in a next release when all fork_networks are populated # This makes sure all MergeRequests remain valid while the projects don't # have a fork_network yet. return true if forked_from?(other_project) return false if fork_network.nil? || other_project.fork_network.nil? fork_network == other_project.fork_network end def origin_merge_requests merge_requests.where(source_project_id: end def ensure_repository create_repository(force: true) unless repository_exists? end def repository_exists? !!repository.exists? end def wiki_repository_exists? wiki.repository_exists? end # update visibility_level of forks def update_forks_visibility_level return unless visibility_level < visibility_level_was forks.each do |forked_project| if forked_project.visibility_level > visibility_level forked_project.visibility_level = visibility_level! end end end def create_wiki, self.owner).wiki true rescue ProjectWiki::CouldNotCreateWikiError errors.add(:base, 'Failed create wiki') false end def wiki @wiki ||=, self.owner) end def jira_tracker_active? jira_tracker? && end def allowed_to_share_with_group? !namespace.share_with_group_lock end def pipeline_for(ref, sha = nil) sha ||= commit(ref).try(:sha) return unless sha pipelines.order(id: :desc).find_by(sha: sha, ref: ref) end def latest_successful_pipeline_for_default_branch if defined?(@latest_successful_pipeline_for_default_branch) return @latest_successful_pipeline_for_default_branch end @latest_successful_pipeline_for_default_branch = pipelines.latest_successful_for(default_branch) end def latest_successful_pipeline_for(ref = nil) if ref && ref != default_branch pipelines.latest_successful_for(ref) else latest_successful_pipeline_for_default_branch end end def enable_ci project_feature.update_attribute(:builds_access_level, ProjectFeature::ENABLED) end def shared_runners_available? shared_runners_enabled? end def shared_runners @shared_runners ||= shared_runners_available? ? Ci::Runner.shared : Ci::Runner.none end def group_runners @group_runners ||= group_runners_enabled? ? Ci::Runner.belonging_to_parent_group_of_project( : Ci::Runner.none end def all_runners union =[runners, group_runners, shared_runners]) Ci::Runner.from("(#{union.to_sql}) ci_runners") end def active_runners strong_memoize(:active_runners) do end end def any_runners?(&block) active_runners.any?(&block) end def valid_runners_token?(token) self.runners_token && ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.variable_size_secure_compare(token, self.runners_token) end def open_issues_count(current_user = nil), current_user).count end def open_merge_requests_count end def visibility_level_allowed_as_fork?(level = self.visibility_level) return true unless forked? # self.forked_from_project will be nil before the project is saved, so # we need to go through the relation original_project = forked_project_link&.forked_from_project return true unless original_project level <= original_project.visibility_level end def visibility_level_allowed_by_group?(level = self.visibility_level) return true unless group level <= group.visibility_level end def visibility_level_allowed?(level = self.visibility_level) visibility_level_allowed_as_fork?(level) && visibility_level_allowed_by_group?(level) end def runners_token ensure_runners_token! end def pages_deployed? Dir.exist?(public_pages_path) end def pages_group_url # The host in URL always needs to be downcased Gitlab.config.pages.url.sub(%r{^https?://}) do |prefix| "#{prefix}#{pages_subdomain}." end.downcase end def pages_url url = pages_group_url url_path = full_path.partition('/').last # If the project path is the same as host, we serve it as group page return url if url == "#{Settings.pages.protocol}://#{url_path}" "#{url}/#{url_path}" end def pages_subdomain full_path.partition('/').first end def pages_path # TODO: when we migrate Pages to work with new storage types, change here to use disk_path File.join(Settings.pages.path, full_path) end def public_pages_path File.join(pages_path, 'public') end def pages_available? Gitlab.config.pages.enabled && !namespace.subgroup? end def remove_private_deploy_keys exclude_keys_linked_to_other_projects = <<-SQL NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM deploy_keys_projects dkp2 WHERE dkp2.deploy_key_id = deploy_keys_projects.deploy_key_id AND dkp2.project_id != deploy_keys_projects.project_id ) SQL deploy_keys.where(public: false) .where(exclude_keys_linked_to_other_projects) .delete_all end # TODO: what to do here when not using Legacy Storage? Do we still need to rename and delay removal? def remove_pages # Projects with a missing namespace cannot have their pages removed return unless namespace # 1. We rename pages to temporary directory # 2. We wait 5 minutes, due to NFS caching # 3. We asynchronously remove pages with force temp_path = "#{path}.#{SecureRandom.hex}.deleted" if, temp_path, namespace.full_path) PagesWorker.perform_in(5.minutes, :remove, namespace.full_path, temp_path) end end def rename_repo new_full_path = build_full_path Rails.logger.error "Attempting to rename #{full_path_was} -> #{new_full_path}" if has_container_registry_tags? Rails.logger.error "Project #{full_path_was} cannot be renamed because container registry tags are present!" # we currently doesn't support renaming repository if it contains images in container registry raise'Project cannot be renamed, because images are present in its container registry') end expire_caches_before_rename(full_path_was) if storage.rename_repo "Project was renamed: #{full_path_was} -> #{new_full_path}" rename_repo_notify! after_rename_repo else Rails.logger.error "Repository could not be renamed: #{full_path_was} -> #{new_full_path}" # if we cannot move namespace directory we should rollback # db changes in order to prevent out of sync between db and fs raise'repository cannot be renamed') end end def after_rename_repo write_repository_config path_before_change = previous_changes['path'].first # We need to check if project had been rolled out to move resource to hashed storage or not and decide # if we need execute any take action or no-op. unless hashed_storage?(:attachments), self.path, namespace.full_path) end, self.path, namespace.full_path) end def write_repository_config(gl_full_path: full_path) # We'd need to keep track of project full path otherwise directory tree # created with hashed storage enabled cannot be usefully imported using # the import rake task. repository.raw_repository.write_config(full_path: gl_full_path) rescue Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository => e Rails.logger.error("Error writing to .git/config for project #{full_path} (#{id}): #{e.message}.") nil end def rename_repo_notify! # When we import a project overwriting the original project, there # is a move operation. In that case we don't want to send the instructions. send_move_instructions(full_path_was) unless import_started? expires_full_path_cache self.old_path_with_namespace = full_path_was, :rename) reload_repository! end def after_import repository.after_import wiki.repository.after_import import_finish remove_import_jid update_project_counter_caches after_create_default_branch refresh_markdown_cache! end def update_project_counter_caches classes = [ Projects::OpenIssuesCountService, Projects::OpenMergeRequestsCountService ] classes.each do |klass| end end def after_create_default_branch return unless default_branch # Ensure HEAD points to the default branch in case it is not master change_head(default_branch) if Gitlab::CurrentSettings.default_branch_protection != Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_NONE && !ProtectedBranch.protected?(self, default_branch) params = { name: default_branch, push_access_levels_attributes: [{ access_level: Gitlab::CurrentSettings.default_branch_protection == Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_DEV_CAN_PUSH ? Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER : Gitlab::Access::MASTER }], merge_access_levels_attributes: [{ access_level: Gitlab::CurrentSettings.default_branch_protection == Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_DEV_CAN_MERGE ? Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER : Gitlab::Access::MASTER }] }, creator, params).execute(skip_authorization: true) end end def remove_import_jid return unless import_jid Gitlab::SidekiqStatus.unset(import_jid) import_state.update_column(:jid, nil) end # Lazy loading of the `pipeline_status` attribute def pipeline_status @pipeline_status ||= Gitlab::Cache::Ci::ProjectPipelineStatus.load_for_project(self) end def mark_import_as_failed(error_message) original_errors = errors.dup sanitized_message = Gitlab::UrlSanitizer.sanitize(error_message) import_fail import_state.update_column(:last_error, sanitized_message) rescue ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError => e Rails.logger.error("Error setting import status to failed: #{e.message}. Original error: #{sanitized_message}") ensure @errors = original_errors end def add_export_job(current_user:, after_export_strategy: nil, params: {}) job_id = ProjectExportWorker.perform_async(,, after_export_strategy, params) if job_id "Export job started for project ID #{} with job ID #{job_id}" else Rails.logger.error "Export job failed to start for project ID #{}" end end def import_export_shared @import_export_shared ||= end def export_path return nil unless namespace.present? || hashed_storage?(:repository) import_export_shared.archive_path end def export_project_path Dir.glob("#{export_path}/*export.tar.gz").max_by { |f| File.ctime(f) } end def export_status if export_in_progress? :started elsif after_export_in_progress? :after_export_action elsif export_project_path :finished else :none end end def export_in_progress? import_export_shared.active_export_count > 0 end def after_export_in_progress? import_export_shared.after_export_in_progress? end def remove_exports return nil unless export_path.present? FileUtils.rm_rf(export_path) end def remove_exported_project_file return unless export_project_path.present? FileUtils.rm_f(export_project_path) end def full_path_slug Gitlab::Utils.slugify(full_path.to_s) end def has_ci? repository.gitlab_ci_yml || auto_devops_enabled? end def predefined_variables visibility = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.string_level(visibility_level) .append(key: 'CI_PROJECT_ID', value: id.to_s) .append(key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAME', value: path) .append(key: 'CI_PROJECT_PATH', value: full_path) .append(key: 'CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG', value: full_path_slug) .append(key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE', value: namespace.full_path) .append(key: 'CI_PROJECT_URL', value: web_url) .append(key: 'CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY', value: visibility) .concat(container_registry_variables) .concat(auto_devops_variables) end def container_registry_variables do |variables| break variables unless Gitlab.config.registry.enabled variables.append(key: 'CI_REGISTRY', value: Gitlab.config.registry.host_port) if container_registry_enabled? variables.append(key: 'CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE', value: container_registry_url) end end end def secret_variables_for(ref:, environment: nil) # EE would use the environment if protected_for?(ref) variables else variables.unprotected end end def protected_for?(ref) if repository.branch_exists?(ref) ProtectedBranch.protected?(self, ref) elsif repository.tag_exists?(ref) ProtectedTag.protected?(self, ref) end end def deployment_variables(environment: nil) deployment_platform(environment: environment)&.predefined_variables || [] end def auto_devops_variables return [] unless auto_devops_enabled? (auto_devops || build_auto_devops)&.predefined_variables end def append_or_update_attribute(name, value) old_values = public_send(name.to_s) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend if Project.reflect_on_association(name).try(:macro) == :has_many && old_values.any? update_attribute(name, old_values + value) else update_attribute(name, value) end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved => e handle_update_attribute_error(e, value) end def pushes_since_gc Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with { |redis| redis.get(pushes_since_gc_redis_shared_state_key).to_i } end def increment_pushes_since_gc Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with { |redis| redis.incr(pushes_since_gc_redis_shared_state_key) } end def reset_pushes_since_gc Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with { |redis| redis.del(pushes_since_gc_redis_shared_state_key) } end def route_map_for(commit_sha) @route_maps_by_commit ||= do |h, sha| h[sha] = begin data = repository.route_map_for(sha) next unless data rescue Gitlab::RouteMap::FormatError nil end end @route_maps_by_commit[commit_sha] end def public_path_for_source_path(path, commit_sha) map = route_map_for(commit_sha) return unless map map.public_path_for_source_path(path) end def parent_changed? namespace_id_changed? end def default_merge_request_target if forked_from_project&.merge_requests_enabled? forked_from_project else self end end # Overridden on EE module def multiple_issue_boards_available? false end def issue_board_milestone_available?(user = nil) feature_available?(:issue_board_milestone, user) end def full_path_was File.join(namespace.full_path, previous_changes['path'].first) end alias_method :name_with_namespace, :full_name alias_method :human_name, :full_name # @deprecated cannot remove yet because it has an index with its name in elasticsearch alias_method :path_with_namespace, :full_path def forks_count end def legacy_storage? [nil, 0].include?(self.storage_version) end # Check if Hashed Storage is enabled for the project with at least informed feature rolled out # # @param [Symbol] feature that needs to be rolled out for the project (:repository, :attachments) def hashed_storage?(feature) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid feature" unless HASHED_STORAGE_FEATURES.include?(feature) self.storage_version && self.storage_version >= HASHED_STORAGE_FEATURES[feature] end def renamed? persisted? && path_changed? end def merge_method if self.merge_requests_ff_only_enabled :ff elsif self.merge_requests_rebase_enabled :rebase_merge else :merge end end def merge_method=(method) case method.to_s when "ff" self.merge_requests_ff_only_enabled = true self.merge_requests_rebase_enabled = true when "rebase_merge" self.merge_requests_ff_only_enabled = false self.merge_requests_rebase_enabled = true when "merge" self.merge_requests_ff_only_enabled = false self.merge_requests_rebase_enabled = false end end def ff_merge_must_be_possible? self.merge_requests_ff_only_enabled || self.merge_requests_rebase_enabled end def migrate_to_hashed_storage! return if hashed_storage?(:repository) update!(repository_read_only: true) if repo_reference_count > 0 || wiki_reference_count > 0 ProjectMigrateHashedStorageWorker.perform_in(Gitlab::ReferenceCounter::REFERENCE_EXPIRE_TIME, id) else ProjectMigrateHashedStorageWorker.perform_async(id) end end def storage_version=(value) super @storage = nil if storage_version_changed? end def gl_repository(is_wiki:) Gitlab::GlRepository.gl_repository(self, is_wiki) end def reference_counter(wiki: false) wiki)) end # Refreshes the expiration time of the associated import job ID. # # This method can be used by asynchronous importers to refresh the status, # preventing the StuckImportJobsWorker from marking the import as failed. def refresh_import_jid_expiration return unless import_jid Gitlab::SidekiqStatus .set(import_jid, StuckImportJobsWorker::IMPORT_JOBS_EXPIRATION) end def badges return project_badges unless group group_badges_rel = GroupBadge.where(group: group.self_and_ancestors) union =[,]) Badge.where("id IN (#{union.to_sql})") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/SqlInjection end def merge_requests_allowing_push_to_user(user) return MergeRequest.none unless user developer_access_exists = user.project_authorizations .where('access_level >= ? ', Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER) .where('project_authorizations.project_id = merge_requests.target_project_id') .limit(1) .select(1) source_of_merge_requests.opened .where(allow_collaboration: true) .where('EXISTS (?)', developer_access_exists) end def branch_allows_collaboration?(user, branch_name) return false unless user cache_key = "user:#{}:#{branch_name}:branch_allows_push" memoized_results = strong_memoize(:branch_allows_collaboration) do do |result, cache_key| result[cache_key] = fetch_branch_allows_collaboration?(user, branch_name) end end memoized_results[cache_key] end def licensed_features [] end def toggle_ci_cd_settings!(settings_attribute) ci_cd_settings.toggle!(settings_attribute) end def gitlab_deploy_token @gitlab_deploy_token ||= deploy_tokens.gitlab_deploy_token end private def storage @storage ||= if hashed_storage?(:repository) else end end def use_hashed_storage if self.new_record? && Gitlab::CurrentSettings.hashed_storage_enabled self.storage_version = LATEST_STORAGE_VERSION end end def repo_reference_count reference_counter.value end def wiki_reference_count reference_counter(wiki: true).value end def check_repository_absence! return if skip_disk_validation if repository_storage.blank? || repository_with_same_path_already_exists? errors.add(:base, 'There is already a repository with that name on disk') throw :abort end end def repository_with_same_path_already_exists? gitlab_shell.exists?(repository_storage, "#{disk_path}.git") end # set last_activity_at to the same as created_at def set_last_activity_at update_column(:last_activity_at, self.created_at) end def set_last_repository_updated_at update_column(:last_repository_updated_at, self.created_at) end def cross_namespace_reference?(from) case from when Project namespace != from.namespace when Namespace namespace != from end end # Check if a reference is being done cross-project def cross_project_reference?(from) return true if from.is_a?(Namespace) from && self != from end def pushes_since_gc_redis_shared_state_key "projects/#{id}/pushes_since_gc" end # Similar to the normal callbacks that hook into the life cycle of an # Active Record object, you can also define callbacks that get triggered # when you add an object to an association collection. If any of these # callbacks throw an exception, the object will not be added to the # collection. Before you add a new board to the boards collection if you # already have 1, 2, or n it will fail, but it if you have 0 that is lower # than the number of permitted boards per project it won't fail. def validate_board_limit(board) raise BoardLimitExceeded, 'Number of permitted boards exceeded' if boards.size >= NUMBER_OF_PERMITTED_BOARDS end def update_project_statistics stats = statistics || build_statistics stats.update(namespace_id: namespace_id) end def check_pending_delete return if valid_attribute?(:name) && valid_attribute?(:path) return unless pending_delete_twin %i[route route.path name path].each do |error| errors.delete(error) end errors.add(:base, "The project is still being deleted. Please try again later.") end def pending_delete_twin return false unless path Project.pending_delete.find_by_full_path(full_path) end ## # This method is here because of support for legacy container repository # which has exactly the same path like project does, but which might not be # persisted in `container_repositories` table. # def has_root_container_repository_tags? return false unless Gitlab.config.registry.enabled ContainerRepository.build_root_repository(self).has_tags? end def handle_update_attribute_error(ex, value) if ex.message.start_with?('Failed to replace') if value.respond_to?(:each) invalid = value.detect(&:invalid?) raise ex, ([ex.message] + invalid.errors.full_messages).join(' ') if invalid end end raise ex end def fetch_branch_allows_collaboration?(user, branch_name) check_access = -> do next false if empty_repo? merge_requests = source_of_merge_requests.opened .where(allow_collaboration: true) if branch_name merge_requests.find_by(source_branch: branch_name)&.can_be_merged_by?(user) else merge_requests.any? { |merge_request| merge_request.can_be_merged_by?(user) } end end if RequestStore.fetch("project-#{id}:branch-#{branch_name}:user-#{}:branch_allows_collaboration") do end else end end end