module API class Templates < Grape::API include PaginationParams GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_TYPES = { gitignores: { klass: Gitlab::Template::GitignoreTemplate, gitlab_version: 8.8 }, gitlab_ci_ymls: { klass: Gitlab::Template::GitlabCiYmlTemplate, gitlab_version: 8.9 }, dockerfiles: { klass: Gitlab::Template::DockerfileTemplate, gitlab_version: 8.15 } }.freeze PROJECT_TEMPLATE_REGEX = /[\<\{\[] (project|description| one\sline\s.+\swhat\sit\sdoes\.) # matching the start and end is enough here [\>\}\]]/xi.freeze YEAR_TEMPLATE_REGEX = /[<{\[](year|yyyy)[>}\]]/i.freeze FULLNAME_TEMPLATE_REGEX = /[\<\{\[] (fullname|name\sof\s(author|copyright\sowner)) [\>\}\]]/xi.freeze helpers do def parsed_license_template # We create a fresh Licensee::License object since we'll modify its # content in place below. template =[:name]) template.content.gsub!(YEAR_TEMPLATE_REGEX, template.content.gsub!(PROJECT_TEMPLATE_REGEX, params[:project]) if params[:project].present? fullname = params[:fullname].presence || current_user.try(:name) template.content.gsub!(FULLNAME_TEMPLATE_REGEX, fullname) if fullname template end def render_response(template_type, template) not_found!(template_type.to_s.singularize) unless template present template, with: Entities::Template end end desc 'Get the list of the available license template' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 8.7.' success ::API::Entities::RepoLicense end params do optional :popular, type: Boolean, desc: 'If passed, returns only popular licenses' use :pagination end get "templates/licenses" do options = { featured: declared(params)[:popular].present? ? true : nil } licences = ::Kaminari.paginate_array(Licensee::License.all(options)) present paginate(licences), with: Entities::RepoLicense end desc 'Get the text for a specific license' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 8.7.' success ::API::Entities::RepoLicense end params do requires :name, type: String, desc: 'The name of the template' end get "templates/licenses/:name", requirements: { name: /[\w\.-]+/ } do not_found!('License') unless Licensee::License.find(declared(params)[:name]) template = parsed_license_template present template, with: ::API::Entities::RepoLicense end GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_TYPES.each do |template_type, properties| klass = properties[:klass] gitlab_version = properties[:gitlab_version] desc 'Get the list of the available template' do detail "This feature was introduced in GitLab #{gitlab_version}." success Entities::TemplatesList end params do use :pagination end get "templates/#{template_type}" do templates = ::Kaminari.paginate_array(klass.all) present paginate(templates), with: Entities::TemplatesList end desc 'Get the text for a specific template present in local filesystem' do detail "This feature was introduced in GitLab #{gitlab_version}." success Entities::Template end params do requires :name, type: String, desc: 'The name of the template' end get "templates/#{template_type}/:name" do new_template = klass.find(declared(params)[:name]) render_response(template_type, new_template) end end end end