# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Database class PostgresPartition < SharedModel self.primary_key = :identifier belongs_to :postgres_partitioned_table, foreign_key: 'parent_identifier', primary_key: 'identifier' scope :for_identifier, ->(identifier) do raise ArgumentError, "Partition name is not fully qualified with a schema: #{identifier}" unless identifier =~ /^\w+\.\w+$/ where(primary_key => identifier) end scope :by_identifier, ->(identifier) do for_identifier(identifier).first! end scope :for_parent_table, ->(name) { where("parent_identifier = concat(current_schema(), '.', ?)", name).order(:name) } def self.partition_exists?(table_name) where("identifier = concat(current_schema(), '.', ?)", table_name).exists? end def self.legacy_partition_exists?(table_name) result = connection.select_value(<<~SQL) SELECT true FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '#{table_name}' AND relispartition = true; SQL !!result end def to_s name end end end end