# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab class SidekiqMigrateJobs LOG_FREQUENCY = 1_000 attr_reader :logger, :mappings # mappings is a hash of WorkerClassName => target_queue_name def initialize(mappings, logger: nil) @mappings = mappings @logger = logger end # Migrate jobs in SortedSets, i.e. scheduled and retry sets. def migrate_set(sidekiq_set) source_queues_regex = Regexp.union(mappings.keys) cursor = 0 scanned = 0 migrated = 0 estimated_size = Sidekiq.redis { |c| c.zcard(sidekiq_set) } logger&.info("Processing #{sidekiq_set} set. Estimated size: #{estimated_size}.") begin cursor, jobs = Sidekiq.redis { |c| c.zscan(sidekiq_set, cursor) } jobs.each do |(job, score)| if scanned > 0 && scanned % LOG_FREQUENCY == 0 logger&.info("In progress. Scanned records: #{scanned}. Migrated records: #{migrated}.") end scanned += 1 next unless job.match?(source_queues_regex) job_hash = Gitlab::Json.load(job) destination_queue = mappings[job_hash['class']] next unless mappings.has_key?(job_hash['class']) next if job_hash['queue'] == destination_queue job_hash['queue'] = destination_queue migrated += migrate_job_in_set(sidekiq_set, job, score, job_hash) end end while cursor.to_i != 0 logger&.info("Done. Scanned records: #{scanned}. Migrated records: #{migrated}.") { scanned: scanned, migrated: migrated } end # Migrates jobs from queues that are outside the mappings def migrate_queues routing_rules_queues = mappings.values.uniq logger&.info("List of queues based on routing rules: #{routing_rules_queues}") Sidekiq.redis do |conn| # Redis 6 supports conn.scan_each(match: "queue:*", type: 'list') conn.scan_each(match: "queue:*") do |key| # Redis 5 compatibility next unless conn.type(key) == 'list' queue_from = key.split(':', 2).last next if routing_rules_queues.include?(queue_from) logger&.info("Migrating #{queue_from} queue") migrated = 0 while queue_length(queue_from) > 0 begin if migrated >= 0 && migrated % LOG_FREQUENCY == 0 logger&.info("Migrating from #{queue_from}. Total: #{queue_length(queue_from)}. Migrated: #{migrated}.") end job = conn.rpop "queue:#{queue_from}" job_hash = Gitlab::Json.load(job) next unless mappings.has_key?(job_hash['class']) destination_queue = mappings[job_hash['class']] job_hash['queue'] = destination_queue conn.lpush("queue:#{destination_queue}", Gitlab::Json.dump(job_hash)) migrated += 1 rescue JSON::ParserError logger&.error("Unmarshal JSON payload from SidekiqMigrateJobs failed. Job: #{job}") next end end logger&.info("Finished migrating #{queue_from} queue") end end end private def migrate_job_in_set(sidekiq_set, job, score, job_hash) Sidekiq.redis do |connection| removed = connection.zrem(sidekiq_set, job) if removed connection.zadd(sidekiq_set, score, Gitlab::Json.dump(job_hash)) 1 else 0 end end end def queue_length(queue_name) Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.llen("queue:#{queue_name}") end end end end