# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ::Integrations::Field do subject(:field) { described_class.new(**attrs) } let(:attrs) { { name: nil, integration_class: test_integration } } let(:test_integration) do Class.new(Integration) do def self.default_placeholder 'my placeholder' end end end describe '#initialize' do it 'sets type password for secret names' do attrs[:name] = 'token' attrs[:type] = 'text' expect(field[:type]).to eq('password') end it 'uses the given type for other names' do attrs[:name] = 'field' attrs[:type] = 'select' expect(field[:type]).to eq('select') end it 'raises an error if an invalid attribute is given' do attrs[:foo] = 'foo' attrs[:bar] = 'bar' attrs[:name] = 'name' attrs[:type] = 'text' expect { field }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Invalid attributes [:foo, :bar]") end it 'raises an error if an invalid type is given' do attrs[:type] = 'other' expect { field }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid type "other"') end end describe '#name' do before do attrs[:name] = :foo end it 'is stringified' do expect(field.name).to eq 'foo' expect(field[:name]).to eq 'foo' end context 'when not set' do before do attrs.delete(:name) end it 'complains' do expect { field }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end described_class::ATTRIBUTES.each do |name| describe "##{name}" do it "responds to #{name}" do expect(field).to be_respond_to(name) end context 'when not set' do before do attrs.delete(name) end let(:have_correct_default) do case name when :api_only be false when :type eq 'text' else be_nil end end it 'has the correct default' do expect(field[name]).to have_correct_default expect(field.public_send(name)).to have_correct_default end end context 'when set to a static value' do before do attrs[name] = :known end it 'is known' do next if name == :type expect(field[name]).to eq(:known) expect(field.public_send(name)).to eq(:known) end end context 'when set to a dynamic value' do it 'is computed' do next if name == :type attrs[name] = -> { Time.current } start = Time.current travel_to(start + 1.minute) do expect(field[name]).to be_after(start) expect(field.public_send(name)).to be_after(start) end end it 'is executed in the class scope' do next if name == :type attrs[name] = -> { default_placeholder } expect(field[name]).to eq('my placeholder') expect(field.public_send(name)).to eq('my placeholder') end end end end described_class::BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES.each do |name| describe "##{name}?" do it 'returns true if the value is truthy' do attrs[name] = '' expect(field.public_send("#{name}?")).to be(true) end it 'returns false if the value is falsey' do attrs[name] = nil expect(field.public_send("#{name}?")).to be(false) end end end described_class::TYPES.each do |type| describe "##{type}?" do it 'returns true if the type matches' do attrs[:type] = type expect(field.public_send("#{type}?")).to be(true) end it 'returns false if the type does not match' do attrs[:type] = (described_class::TYPES - [type]).first expect(field.public_send("#{type}?")).to be(false) end end end describe '#secret?' do context 'when empty' do it { is_expected.not_to be_secret } end context 'when a secret field' do before do attrs[:type] = 'password' end it { is_expected.to be_secret } end %w[token api_token api_key secret_key secret_sauce password passphrase].each do |name| context "when named #{name}" do before do attrs[:name] = name end it { is_expected.to be_secret } end end context "when named url" do before do attrs[:name] = :url end it { is_expected.not_to be_secret } end end end