.qa-job-base: extends: - .default-retry - .qa-cache stage: test needs: [] before_script: - '[ "$FOSS_ONLY" = "1" ] && rm -rf ee/ qa/spec/ee/ qa/qa/specs/features/ee/ qa/qa/ee/ qa/qa/ee.rb' - cd qa/ - gem install bundler -v 1.17.3 - bundle install --clean --jobs=$(nproc) --path=vendor --retry=3 --without=development --quiet - bundle check qa:internal: extends: - .qa-job-base - .qa:rules:ee-and-foss script: - bundle exec rspec qa:internal-as-if-foss: extends: - qa:internal - .qa:rules:as-if-foss - .as-if-foss qa:selectors: extends: - .qa-job-base - .qa:rules:ee-and-foss script: - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Sanity::Selectors qa:selectors-as-if-foss: extends: - qa:selectors - .qa:rules:as-if-foss - .as-if-foss update-qa-cache: extends: - .qa-job-base - .shared:rules:update-cache stage: prepare script: - echo "Cache has been updated and ready to be uploaded." cache: policy: push # We want to rebuild the cache from scratch to ensure stale dependencies are cleaned up. .package-and-qa-base: image: ruby:2.7-alpine stage: qa retry: 0 script: - source scripts/utils.sh - install_gitlab_gem - ./scripts/trigger-build omnibus package-and-qa: extends: - .package-and-qa-base - .qa:rules:package-and-qa # This job often times out, so temporarily use private runners and a long timeout: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/238563 tags: - prm timeout: 4h needs: - job: build-qa-image artifacts: false - job: build-assets-image artifacts: false