# ANSI color library # # Implementation per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code module Ci module Ansi2html # keys represent the trailing digit in color changing command (30-37, 40-47, 90-97. 100-107) COLOR = { 0 => 'black', # not that this is gray in the intense color table 1 => 'red', 2 => 'green', 3 => 'yellow', 4 => 'blue', 5 => 'magenta', 6 => 'cyan', 7 => 'white', # not that this is gray in the dark (aka default) color table } STYLE_SWITCHES = { bold: 0x01, italic: 0x02, underline: 0x04, conceal: 0x08, cross: 0x10, } def self.convert(ansi, state = nil) Converter.new.convert(ansi, state) end class Converter def on_0(s) reset() end def on_1(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:bold]) end def on_3(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:italic]) end def on_4(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:underline]) end def on_8(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:conceal]) end def on_9(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:cross]) end def on_21(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:bold]) end def on_22(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:bold]) end def on_23(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:italic]) end def on_24(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:underline]) end def on_28(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:conceal]) end def on_29(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:cross]) end def on_30(s) set_fg_color(0) end def on_31(s) set_fg_color(1) end def on_32(s) set_fg_color(2) end def on_33(s) set_fg_color(3) end def on_34(s) set_fg_color(4) end def on_35(s) set_fg_color(5) end def on_36(s) set_fg_color(6) end def on_37(s) set_fg_color(7) end def on_38(s) set_fg_color_256(s) end def on_39(s) set_fg_color(9) end def on_40(s) set_bg_color(0) end def on_41(s) set_bg_color(1) end def on_42(s) set_bg_color(2) end def on_43(s) set_bg_color(3) end def on_44(s) set_bg_color(4) end def on_45(s) set_bg_color(5) end def on_46(s) set_bg_color(6) end def on_47(s) set_bg_color(7) end def on_48(s) set_bg_color_256(s) end def on_49(s) set_bg_color(9) end def on_90(s) set_fg_color(0, 'l') end def on_91(s) set_fg_color(1, 'l') end def on_92(s) set_fg_color(2, 'l') end def on_93(s) set_fg_color(3, 'l') end def on_94(s) set_fg_color(4, 'l') end def on_95(s) set_fg_color(5, 'l') end def on_96(s) set_fg_color(6, 'l') end def on_97(s) set_fg_color(7, 'l') end def on_99(s) set_fg_color(9, 'l') end def on_100(s) set_bg_color(0, 'l') end def on_101(s) set_bg_color(1, 'l') end def on_102(s) set_bg_color(2, 'l') end def on_103(s) set_bg_color(3, 'l') end def on_104(s) set_bg_color(4, 'l') end def on_105(s) set_bg_color(5, 'l') end def on_106(s) set_bg_color(6, 'l') end def on_107(s) set_bg_color(7, 'l') end def on_109(s) set_bg_color(9, 'l') end attr_accessor :offset, :n_open_tags, :fg_color, :bg_color, :style_mask STATE_PARAMS = [:offset, :n_open_tags, :fg_color, :bg_color, :style_mask] def convert(raw, new_state) reset_state restore_state(raw, new_state) if new_state.present? start = @offset ansi = raw[@offset..-1] open_new_tag s = StringScanner.new(ansi) until s.eos? if s.scan(/\e([@-_])(.*?)([@-~])/) handle_sequence(s) elsif s.scan(/\e(([@-_])(.*?)?)?$/) break elsif s.scan(/' else @out << s.scan(/./m) end @offset += s.matched_size end close_open_tags() { state: state, html: @out, text: ansi[0, @offset - start], append: start > 0 } end def handle_sequence(s) indicator = s[1] commands = s[2].split ';' terminator = s[3] # We are only interested in color and text style changes - triggered by # sequences starting with '\e[' and ending with 'm'. Any other control # sequence gets stripped (including stuff like "delete last line") return unless indicator == '[' && terminator == 'm' close_open_tags() if commands.empty?() reset() return end evaluate_command_stack(commands) open_new_tag end def evaluate_command_stack(stack) return unless command = stack.shift() if self.respond_to?("on_#{command}", true) self.send("on_#{command}", stack) end evaluate_command_stack(stack) end def open_new_tag css_classes = [] unless @fg_color.nil? fg_color = @fg_color # Most terminals show bold colored text in the light color variant # Let's mimic that here if @style_mask & STYLE_SWITCHES[:bold] != 0 fg_color.sub!(/fg-(\w{2,}+)/, 'fg-l-\1') end css_classes << fg_color end css_classes << @bg_color unless @bg_color.nil? STYLE_SWITCHES.each do |css_class, flag| css_classes << "term-#{css_class}" if @style_mask & flag != 0 end return if css_classes.empty? @out << %{} @n_open_tags += 1 end def close_open_tags while @n_open_tags > 0 @out << %{} @n_open_tags -= 1 end end def reset_state @offset = 0 @n_open_tags = 0 @out = '' reset end def state state = STATE_PARAMS.inject({}) do |h, param| h[param] = send(param) h end Base64.urlsafe_encode64(state.to_json) end def restore_state(raw, new_state) state = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(new_state) state = JSON.parse(state, symbolize_names: true) return if state[:offset].to_i > raw.length STATE_PARAMS.each do |param| send("#{param}=".to_sym, state[param]) end end def reset @fg_color = nil @bg_color = nil @style_mask = 0 end def enable(flag) @style_mask |= flag end def disable(flag) @style_mask &= ~flag end def set_fg_color(color_index, prefix = nil) @fg_color = get_term_color_class(color_index, ["fg", prefix]) end def set_bg_color(color_index, prefix = nil) @bg_color = get_term_color_class(color_index, ["bg", prefix]) end def get_term_color_class(color_index, prefix) color_name = COLOR[color_index] return nil if color_name.nil? get_color_class(["term", prefix, color_name]) end def set_fg_color_256(command_stack) css_class = get_xterm_color_class(command_stack, "fg") @fg_color = css_class unless css_class.nil? end def set_bg_color_256(command_stack) css_class = get_xterm_color_class(command_stack, "bg") @bg_color = css_class unless css_class.nil? end def get_xterm_color_class(command_stack, prefix) # the 38 and 48 commands have to be followed by "5" and the color index return unless command_stack.length >= 2 return unless command_stack[0] == "5" command_stack.shift() # ignore the "5" command color_index = command_stack.shift().to_i return unless color_index >= 0 return unless color_index <= 255 get_color_class(["xterm", prefix, color_index]) end def get_color_class(segments) [segments].flatten.compact.join('-') end end end end