# frozen_string_literal: true module Types module ErrorTracking # rubocop: disable Graphql/AuthorizeTypes class SentryErrorStackTraceEntryType < ::Types::BaseObject graphql_name 'SentryErrorStackTraceEntry' description 'An object containing a stack trace entry for a Sentry error' field :col, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true, description: 'Function in which the Sentry error occurred.' field :file_name, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true, description: 'File in which the Sentry error occurred.' field :function, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true, description: 'Function in which the Sentry error occurred.' field :line, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true, description: 'Function in which the Sentry error occurred.' field :trace_context, [Types::ErrorTracking::SentryErrorStackTraceContextType], null: true, description: 'Context of the Sentry error.' def function object['function'] end def col object['colNo'] end def line object['lineNo'] end def file_name object['filename'] end def trace_context object['context'] end end # rubocop: enable Graphql/AuthorizeTypes end end