class Upload < ActiveRecord::Base # Upper limit for foreground checksum processing CHECKSUM_THRESHOLD = 100.megabytes belongs_to :model, polymorphic: true # rubocop:disable Cop/PolymorphicAssociations validates :size, presence: true validates :path, presence: true validates :model, presence: true validates :uploader, presence: true scope :with_files_stored_locally, -> { where(store: [nil, ObjectStorage::Store::LOCAL]) } before_save :calculate_checksum!, if: :foreground_checksummable? after_commit :schedule_checksum, if: :checksummable? # as the FileUploader is not mounted, the default CarrierWave ActiveRecord # hooks are not executed and the file will not be deleted after_destroy :delete_file!, if: -> { uploader_class <= FileUploader } def self.hexdigest(path) Digest::SHA256.file(path).hexdigest end def absolute_path raise ObjectStorage::RemoteStoreError, "Remote object has no absolute path." unless local? return path unless relative_path? uploader_class.absolute_path(self) end def calculate_checksum! self.checksum = nil return unless checksummable? self.checksum = Digest::SHA256.file(absolute_path).hexdigest end def build_uploader(mounted_as = nil), mounted_as || mount_point).tap do |uploader| uploader.upload = self uploader.retrieve_from_store!(identifier) end end def exist? File.exist?(absolute_path) end def uploader_context { identifier: identifier, secret: secret }.compact end def local? return true if store.nil? store == ObjectStorage::Store::LOCAL end private def delete_file! build_uploader.remove! end def checksummable? checksum.nil? && local? && exist? end def foreground_checksummable? checksummable? && size <= CHECKSUM_THRESHOLD end def schedule_checksum UploadChecksumWorker.perform_async(id) end def relative_path? !path.start_with?('/') end def uploader_class Object.const_get(uploader) end def identifier File.basename(path) end def mount_point super&.to_sym end end