import { s__, __ } from '~/locale'; export const I18N = { errorMsg: s__('IncidentManagement|There was an error displaying the incidents.'), noIncidents: s__('IncidentManagement|No incidents to display.'), unassigned: s__('IncidentManagement|Unassigned'), createIncidentBtnLabel: s__('IncidentManagement|Create incident'), unPublished: s__('IncidentManagement|Unpublished'), searchPlaceholder: __('Search or filter results…'), emptyState: { title: s__('IncidentManagement|Display your incidents in a dedicated view'), emptyClosedTabTitle: s__('IncidentManagement|There are no closed incidents'), description: s__( 'IncidentManagement|All alerts promoted to incidents will automatically be displayed within the list. You can also create a new incident using the button below.', ), }, }; export const INCIDENT_STATUS_TABS = [ { title: s__('IncidentManagement|Open'), status: 'OPENED', filters: 'opened', }, { title: s__('IncidentManagement|Closed'), status: 'CLOSED', filters: 'closed', }, { title: s__('IncidentManagement|All'), status: 'ALL', filters: 'all', }, ]; export const DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 20; export const TH_CREATED_AT_TEST_ID = { 'data-testid': 'incident-management-created-at-sort' }; export const TH_SEVERITY_TEST_ID = { 'data-testid': 'incident-management-severity-sort' }; export const TH_PUBLISHED_TEST_ID = { 'data-testid': 'incident-management-published-sort' };