# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require_migration! RSpec.describe UpdateRoutesForLostAndFoundGroupAndOrphanedProjects, :migration do let(:users) { table(:users) } let(:namespaces) { table(:namespaces) } let(:members) { table(:members) } let(:projects) { table(:projects) } let(:routes) { table(:routes) } before do # Create a Ghost User and its namnespace, but skip the route ghost_user = users.create!( name: 'Ghost User', username: 'ghost', email: 'ghost@example.com', user_type: described_class::User::USER_TYPE_GHOST, projects_limit: 100, state: :active, bio: 'This is a "Ghost User"' ) namespaces.create!( name: 'Ghost User', path: 'ghost', owner_id: ghost_user.id, visibility_level: 20 ) # Create the 'lost-and-found', owned by the Ghost user, but with no route lost_and_found_group = namespaces.create!( name: described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP, path: described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP, type: 'Group', description: 'Group to store orphaned projects', visibility_level: 0 ) members.create!( type: 'GroupMember', source_id: lost_and_found_group.id, user_id: ghost_user.id, source_type: 'Namespace', access_level: described_class::User::ACCESS_LEVEL_OWNER, notification_level: 3 ) # Add an orphaned project under 'lost-and-found' but with the wrong path in its route orphaned_project = projects.create!( name: 'orphaned_project', path: 'orphaned_project', visibility_level: 20, archived: false, namespace_id: lost_and_found_group.id ) routes.create!( source_id: orphaned_project.id, source_type: 'Project', path: 'orphaned_project', name: 'orphaned_project', created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current ) # Create another user named ghost which is not the Ghost User # Also create a 'lost-and-found' group for them and add projects to it # Purpose: test that the routes added for the 'lost-and-found' group and # its projects are unique fake_ghost_user = users.create!( name: 'Ghost User', username: 'ghost1', email: 'ghost1@example.com', user_type: nil, projects_limit: 100, state: :active, bio: 'This is NOT a "Ghost User"' ) fake_ghost_user_namespace = namespaces.create!( name: 'Ghost User', path: 'ghost1', owner_id: fake_ghost_user.id, visibility_level: 20 ) routes.create!( source_id: fake_ghost_user_namespace.id, source_type: 'Namespace', path: 'ghost1', name: 'Ghost User', created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current ) fake_lost_and_found_group = namespaces.create!( name: 'Lost and Found', path: described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP, # same path as the lost-and-found group type: 'Group', description: 'Fake lost and found group with the same path as the real one', visibility_level: 20 ) routes.create!( source_id: fake_lost_and_found_group.id, source_type: 'Namespace', path: described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP, # same path as the lost-and-found group name: 'Lost and Found', created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current ) members.create!( type: 'GroupMember', source_id: fake_lost_and_found_group.id, user_id: fake_ghost_user.id, source_type: 'Namespace', access_level: described_class::User::ACCESS_LEVEL_OWNER, notification_level: 3 ) normal_project = projects.create!( name: 'normal_project', path: 'normal_project', visibility_level: 20, archived: false, namespace_id: fake_lost_and_found_group.id ) routes.create!( source_id: normal_project.id, source_type: 'Project', path: "#{described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP}/normal_project", name: 'Lost and Found / normal_project', created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current ) # Add a project whose route conflicts with the ghost username # and should force the data migration to pick a new Ghost username and path ghost_project = projects.create!( name: 'Ghost Project', path: 'ghost', visibility_level: 20, archived: false, namespace_id: fake_lost_and_found_group.id ) routes.create!( source_id: ghost_project.id, source_type: 'Project', path: 'ghost', name: 'Ghost Project', created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current ) end it 'fixes the ghost user username and namespace path' do ghost_user = users.find_by(user_type: described_class::User::USER_TYPE_GHOST) ghost_namespace = namespaces.find_by(owner_id: ghost_user.id) expect(ghost_user.username).to eq('ghost') expect(ghost_namespace.path).to eq('ghost') disable_migrations_output { migrate! } ghost_user = users.find_by(user_type: described_class::User::USER_TYPE_GHOST) ghost_namespace = namespaces.find_by(owner_id: ghost_user.id) ghost_namespace_route = routes.find_by(source_id: ghost_namespace.id, source_type: 'Namespace') expect(ghost_user.username).to eq('ghost2') expect(ghost_namespace.path).to eq('ghost2') expect(ghost_namespace_route.path).to eq('ghost2') end it 'creates the route for the ghost user namespace' do expect(routes.where(path: 'ghost').count).to eq(1) expect(routes.where(path: 'ghost1').count).to eq(1) expect(routes.where(path: 'ghost2').count).to eq(0) disable_migrations_output { migrate! } expect(routes.where(path: 'ghost').count).to eq(1) expect(routes.where(path: 'ghost1').count).to eq(1) expect(routes.where(path: 'ghost2').count).to eq(1) end it 'fixes the path for the lost-and-found group by generating a unique one' do expect(namespaces.where(path: described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP).count).to eq(2) disable_migrations_output { migrate! } expect(namespaces.where(path: described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP).count).to eq(1) lost_and_found_group = namespaces.find_by(name: described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP) expect(lost_and_found_group.path).to eq('lost-and-found1') end it 'creates the route for the lost-and-found group' do expect(routes.where(path: described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP).count).to eq(1) expect(routes.where(path: 'lost-and-found1').count).to eq(0) disable_migrations_output { migrate! } expect(routes.where(path: described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP).count).to eq(1) expect(routes.where(path: 'lost-and-found1').count).to eq(1) end it 'updates the route for the orphaned project' do orphaned_project_route = routes.find_by(path: 'orphaned_project') expect(orphaned_project_route.name).to eq('orphaned_project') disable_migrations_output { migrate! } updated_route = routes.find_by(id: orphaned_project_route.id) expect(updated_route.path).to eq('lost-and-found1/orphaned_project') expect(updated_route.name).to eq("#{described_class::User::LOST_AND_FOUND_GROUP} / orphaned_project") end end