module Ci class Pipeline < ActiveRecord::Base extend Ci::Model include Statuseable self.table_name = 'ci_commits' belongs_to :project, class_name: '::Project', foreign_key: :gl_project_id belongs_to :user has_many :statuses, class_name: 'CommitStatus', foreign_key: :commit_id has_many :builds, class_name: 'Ci::Build', foreign_key: :commit_id has_many :trigger_requests, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'Ci::TriggerRequest', foreign_key: :commit_id validates_presence_of :sha validates_presence_of :status validate :valid_commit_sha # Invalidate object and save if when touched after_touch :update_state after_save :keep_around_commits def self.truncate_sha(sha) sha[0...8] end def self.stages # We use pluck here due to problems with MySQL which doesn't allow LIMIT/OFFSET in queries CommitStatus.where(pipeline: pluck(:id)).stages end def project_id end def valid_commit_sha if self.sha == Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA self.errors.add(:sha, " cant be 00000000 (branch removal)") end end def git_author_name commit.try(:author_name) end def git_author_email commit.try(:author_email) end def git_commit_message commit.try(:message) end def git_commit_title commit.try(:title) end def short_sha Ci::Pipeline.truncate_sha(sha) end def commit @commit ||= project.commit(sha) rescue nil end def branch? !tag? end def manual_actions builds.latest.manual_actions end def retryable? builds.latest.any? do |build| build.failed? && build.retryable? end end def cancelable? builds.running_or_pending.any? end def cancel_running builds.running_or_pending.each(&:cancel) end def retry_failed(user) do |build| Ci::Build.retry(build, user) end end def latest? return false unless ref commit = project.commit(ref) return false unless commit commit.sha == sha end def triggered? trigger_requests.any? end def create_builds(user, trigger_request = nil) ## # We persist pipeline only if there are builds available # return unless config_processor build_builds_for_stages(config_processor.stages, user, 'success', trigger_request) && save end def create_next_builds(build) return unless config_processor # don't create other builds if this one is retried latest_builds = builds.latest return unless latest_builds.exists?( # get list of stages after this build next_stages = config_processor.stages.drop_while { |stage| stage != build.stage } next_stages.delete(build.stage) # get status for all prior builds prior_builds = latest_builds.where.not(stage: next_stages) prior_status = prior_builds.status # build builds for next stage that has builds available # and save pipeline if we have builds build_builds_for_stages(next_stages, build.user, prior_status, build.trigger_request) && save end def retried @retried ||= (statuses.order(id: :desc) - statuses.latest) end def coverage coverage_array = if coverage_array.size >= 1 '%.2f' % (coverage_array.reduce(:+) / coverage_array.size) end end def config_processor return nil unless ci_yaml_file return @config_processor if defined?(@config_processor) @config_processor ||= begin, project.path_with_namespace) rescue Ci::GitlabCiYamlProcessor::ValidationError, Psych::SyntaxError => e self.yaml_errors = e.message nil rescue self.yaml_errors = 'Undefined error' nil end end def ci_yaml_file return @ci_yaml_file if defined?(@ci_yaml_file) @ci_yaml_file ||= begin blob = project.repository.blob_at(sha, '.gitlab-ci.yml') blob.load_all_data!(project.repository) rescue nil end end def skip_ci? git_commit_message =~ /\[(ci skip|skip ci)\]/i if git_commit_message end def environments builds.where.not(environment: nil).success.pluck(:environment).uniq end # Manually set the notes for a Ci::Pipeline # There is no ActiveRecord relation between Ci::Pipeline and notes # as they are related to a commit sha. This method helps importing # them using the +Gitlab::ImportExport::RelationFactory+ class. def notes=(notes) notes.each do |note| note[:id] = nil note[:commit_id] = sha note[:noteable_id] = self['id']! end end def notes Note.for_commit_id(sha) end private def build_builds_for_stages(stages, user, status, trigger_request) ## # Note that `Array#any?` implements a short circuit evaluation, so we # build builds only for the first stage that has builds available. # stages.any? do |stage| .execute(stage, user, status, trigger_request).present? end end def update_state statuses.reload self.status = if yaml_errors.blank? statuses.latest.status || 'skipped' else 'failed' end self.started_at = statuses.started_at self.finished_at = statuses.finished_at self.duration = statuses.latest.duration save end def keep_around_commits return unless project project.repository.keep_around(self.sha) project.repository.keep_around(self.before_sha) end end end