# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Suggestions::CreateService do let(:project_with_repo) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, source_project: project_with_repo, target_project: project_with_repo) end def build_position(args = {}) default_args = { old_path: "files/ruby/popen.rb", new_path: "files/ruby/popen.rb", old_line: nil, new_line: 14, diff_refs: merge_request.diff_refs } Gitlab::Diff::Position.new(default_args.merge(args)) end let(:position) { build_position } let(:markdown) do <<-MARKDOWN.strip_heredoc ```suggestion foo bar ``` ``` nothing ``` ```suggestion xpto baz ``` ```thing this is not a suggestion, it's a thing ``` ```suggestion:-3+2 # multi-line suggestion 1 ``` ```suggestion:-5 # multi-line suggestion 1 ``` MARKDOWN end subject { described_class.new(note) } describe '#execute' do context 'should not try to parse suggestions' do context 'when not a diff note for merge requests' do let(:note) do create(:diff_note_on_commit, project: project_with_repo, note: markdown) end it 'does not try to parse suggestions' do expect(Gitlab::Diff::SuggestionsParser).not_to receive(:parse) subject.execute end end context 'when diff note is not for text' do let(:note) do create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project_with_repo, noteable: merge_request, position: position, note: markdown) end it 'does not try to parse suggestions' do allow(note).to receive(:on_text?) { false } expect(Gitlab::Diff::SuggestionsParser).not_to receive(:parse) subject.execute end end end context 'should not create suggestions' do let(:note) do create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project_with_repo, noteable: merge_request, position: position, note: markdown) end it 'creates no suggestion when diff file is not found' do expect_next_instance_of(DiffNote) do |diff_note| expect(diff_note).to receive(:latest_diff_file).twice { nil } end expect { subject.execute }.not_to change(Suggestion, :count) end end context 'should create suggestions' do let(:note) do create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: project_with_repo, noteable: merge_request, position: position, note: markdown) end let(:expected_suggestions) do Gitlab::Diff::SuggestionsParser.parse(markdown, project: note.project, position: note.position) end it 'persists suggestion records' do expect { subject.execute }.to change { note.suggestions.count } .from(0).to(expected_suggestions.size) end it 'persists suggestions data correctly' do subject.execute suggestions = note.suggestions.order(:relative_order) suggestions.zip(expected_suggestions) do |suggestion, expected_suggestion| expected_data = expected_suggestion.to_hash expect(suggestion.from_content).to eq(expected_data[:from_content]) expect(suggestion.to_content).to eq(expected_data[:to_content]) expect(suggestion.lines_above).to eq(expected_data[:lines_above]) expect(suggestion.lines_below).to eq(expected_data[:lines_below]) end end context 'outdated position note' do let!(:outdated_diff) { merge_request.merge_request_diff } let!(:latest_diff) { merge_request.create_merge_request_diff } let(:outdated_position) { build_position(diff_refs: outdated_diff.diff_refs) } let(:position) { build_position(diff_refs: latest_diff.diff_refs) } it 'uses the correct position when creating the suggestion' do expect(Gitlab::Diff::SuggestionsParser).to receive(:parse) .with(note.note, project: note.project, position: note.position) .and_call_original subject.execute end end context 'when a patch removes an empty line' do let(:markdown) do <<-MARKDOWN.strip_heredoc ```suggestion ``` MARKDOWN end let(:position) { build_position(new_line: 13) } it 'creates an appliable suggestion' do subject.execute suggestion = note.suggestions.last expect(suggestion).to be_appliable expect(suggestion.from_content).to eq("\n") expect(suggestion.to_content).to eq("") end end end end end