module Gitlab module Sherlock class Transaction attr_reader :id, :type, :path, :queries, :file_samples, :started_at, :finished_at, :view_counts # type - The type of transaction (e.g. "GET", "POST", etc) # path - The path of the transaction (e.g. the HTTP request path) def initialize(type, path) @id = SecureRandom.uuid @type = type @path = path @queries = [] @file_samples = [] @started_at = nil @finished_at = nil @thread = Thread.current @view_counts = end # Runs the transaction and returns the block's return value. def run @started_at = retval = with_subscriptions do profile_lines { yield } end @finished_at = retval end # Returns the duration in seconds. def duration @duration ||= started_at && finished_at ? finished_at - started_at : 0 end # Returns the total query duration in seconds. def query_duration @query_duration ||= { |q| q.duration }.inject(:+) / 1000.0 end def to_param @id end # Returns the queries sorted in descending order by their durations. def sorted_queries @queries.sort { |a, b| b.duration <=> a.duration } end # Returns the file samples sorted in descending order by their durations. def sorted_file_samples @file_samples.sort { |a, b| b.duration <=> a.duration } end # Finds a query by the given ID. # # id - The query ID as a String. # # Returns a Query object if one could be found, nil otherwise. def find_query(id) @queries.find { |query| == id } end # Finds a file sample by the given ID. # # id - The query ID as a String. # # Returns a FileSample object if one could be found, nil otherwise. def find_file_sample(id) @file_samples.find { |sample| == id } end def profile_lines retval = nil if Sherlock.enable_line_profiler? retval, @file_samples = { yield } else retval = yield end retval end def subscribe_to_active_record ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('sql.active_record') do |_, start, finish, _, data| next unless same_thread? unless data.fetch(:cached, data[:name] == 'CACHE') track_query(data[:sql].strip, data[:binds], start, finish) end end end def subscribe_to_action_view regex = /render_(template|partial)\.action_view/ ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe(regex) do |_, start, finish, _, data| next unless same_thread? track_view(data[:identifier]) end end private def track_query(query, bindings, start, finish) @queries << Query.new_with_bindings(query, bindings, start, finish) end def track_view(path) @view_counts[path] += 1 end def with_subscriptions ar_subscriber = subscribe_to_active_record av_subscriber = subscribe_to_action_view retval = yield ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe(ar_subscriber) ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe(av_subscriber) retval end # In case somebody uses a multi-threaded server locally (e.g. Puma) we # _only_ want to track notifications that originate from the transaction # thread. def same_thread? Thread.current == @thread end end end end