# frozen_string_literal: true # Finders::Issues class # # Used to filter Issues collections by set of params # # Arguments: # current_user - which user use # params: # scope: 'created_by_me' or 'assigned_to_me' or 'all' # state: 'opened' or 'closed' or 'all' # group_id: integer # project_id: integer # milestone_title: string (cannot be simultaneously used with milestone_wildcard_id) # milestone_wildcard_id: 'none', 'any', 'upcoming', 'started' (cannot be simultaneously used with milestone_title) # assignee_id: integer # search: string # in: 'title', 'description', or a string joining them with comma # label_name: string # sort: string # my_reaction_emoji: string # public_only: boolean # due_date: date or '0', '', 'overdue', 'week', or 'month' # created_after: datetime # created_before: datetime # updated_after: datetime # updated_before: datetime # confidential: boolean # issue_types: array of strings (one of WorkItems::Type.base_types) # class IssuesFinder < IssuableFinder CONFIDENTIAL_ACCESS_LEVEL = Gitlab::Access::REPORTER def self.scalar_params @scalar_params ||= super + [:due_date] end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def klass model_class.includes(:author) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def params_class self.class.const_get(:Params, false) end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def with_confidentiality_access_check return model_class.all if params.user_can_see_all_issues? # Only admins can see hidden issues, so for non-admins, we filter out any hidden issues issues = model_class.without_hidden return issues.all if params.user_can_see_all_confidential_issues? # If already filtering by assignee we can skip confidentiality since a user # can always see confidential issues assigned to them. This is just an # optimization since a very common usecase of this Finder is to load the # count of issues assigned to the user for the header bar. return issues.all if current_user && assignee_filter.includes_user?(current_user) return issues.public_only if params.user_cannot_see_confidential_issues? issues.where(' issues.confidential = FALSE OR (issues.confidential = TRUE AND (issues.author_id = :user_id OR EXISTS (SELECT TRUE FROM issue_assignees WHERE user_id = :user_id AND issue_id = issues.id) OR EXISTS (:authorizations)))', user_id: current_user.id, authorizations: current_user.authorizations_for_projects(min_access_level: CONFIDENTIAL_ACCESS_LEVEL, related_project_column: "issues.project_id")) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord private def init_collection if params.public_only? model_class.public_only else with_confidentiality_access_check end end def filter_items(items) issues = super issues = by_due_date(issues) issues = by_confidential(issues) by_issue_types(issues) end # Negates all params found in `negatable_params` def filter_negated_items(items) issues = super by_negated_issue_types(issues) end def by_confidential(items) return items if params[:confidential].nil? params[:confidential] ? items.confidential_only : items.public_only end def by_due_date(items) return items unless params.due_date? if params.filter_by_no_due_date? items.without_due_date elsif params.filter_by_any_due_date? items.with_due_date elsif params.filter_by_overdue? items.due_before(Date.today) elsif params.filter_by_due_today? items.due_today elsif params.filter_by_due_tomorrow? items.due_tomorrow elsif params.filter_by_due_this_week? items.due_between(Date.today.beginning_of_week, Date.today.end_of_week) elsif params.filter_by_due_this_month? items.due_between(Date.today.beginning_of_month, Date.today.end_of_month) elsif params.filter_by_due_next_month_and_previous_two_weeks? items.due_between(Date.today - 2.weeks, (Date.today + 1.month).end_of_month) else items.none end end def by_issue_types(items) issue_type_params = Array(params[:issue_types]).map(&:to_s) return items if issue_type_params.blank? return model_class.none unless (WorkItems::Type.base_types.keys & issue_type_params).sort == issue_type_params.sort items.with_issue_type(params[:issue_types]) end def by_negated_issue_types(items) issue_type_params = Array(not_params[:issue_types]).map(&:to_s) & WorkItems::Type.base_types.keys return items if issue_type_params.blank? items.without_issue_type(issue_type_params) end def model_class Issue end end IssuesFinder.prepend_mod_with('IssuesFinder')