# frozen_string_literal: true class Namespace < ApplicationRecord include CacheMarkdownField include Sortable include Gitlab::VisibilityLevel include Routable include AfterCommitQueue include Storage::LegacyNamespace include Gitlab::SQL::Pattern include FeatureGate include FromUnion include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize include IgnorableColumns include Namespaces::Traversal::Recursive include Namespaces::Traversal::Linear include EachBatch ignore_column :delayed_project_removal, remove_with: '14.1', remove_after: '2021-05-22' # Prevent users from creating unreasonably deep level of nesting. # The number 20 was taken based on maximum nesting level of # Android repo (15) + some extra backup. NUMBER_OF_ANCESTORS_ALLOWED = 20 SHARED_RUNNERS_SETTINGS = %w[disabled_and_unoverridable disabled_with_override enabled].freeze cache_markdown_field :description, pipeline: :description has_many :projects, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :project_statistics has_one :namespace_settings, inverse_of: :namespace, class_name: 'NamespaceSetting', autosave: true has_many :runner_namespaces, inverse_of: :namespace, class_name: 'Ci::RunnerNamespace' has_many :runners, through: :runner_namespaces, source: :runner, class_name: 'Ci::Runner' has_one :onboarding_progress # This should _not_ be `inverse_of: :namespace`, because that would also set # `user.namespace` when this user creates a group with themselves as `owner`. belongs_to :owner, class_name: "User" belongs_to :parent, class_name: "Namespace" has_many :children, class_name: "Namespace", foreign_key: :parent_id has_many :custom_emoji, inverse_of: :namespace has_one :chat_team, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_one :root_storage_statistics, class_name: 'Namespace::RootStorageStatistics' has_one :aggregation_schedule, class_name: 'Namespace::AggregationSchedule' has_one :package_setting_relation, inverse_of: :namespace, class_name: 'PackageSetting' has_one :admin_note, inverse_of: :namespace accepts_nested_attributes_for :admin_note, update_only: true validates :owner, presence: true, unless: ->(n) { n.type == "Group" } validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 } validates :description, length: { maximum: 255 } validates :path, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 }, namespace_path: true # Introduce minimal path length of 2 characters. # Allow change of other attributes without forcing users to # rename their user or group. At the same time prevent changing # the path without complying with new 2 chars requirement. # Issue https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/225214 validates :path, length: { minimum: 2 }, if: :path_changed? validates :max_artifacts_size, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than: 0, allow_nil: true } validate :validate_parent_type, if: -> { Feature.enabled?(:validate_namespace_parent_type) } validate :nesting_level_allowed validate :changing_shared_runners_enabled_is_allowed validate :changing_allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners_is_allowed delegate :name, to: :owner, allow_nil: true, prefix: true delegate :avatar_url, to: :owner, allow_nil: true after_commit :refresh_access_of_projects_invited_groups, on: :update, if: -> { previous_changes.key?('share_with_group_lock') } before_create :sync_share_with_group_lock_with_parent before_update :sync_share_with_group_lock_with_parent, if: :parent_changed? after_update :force_share_with_group_lock_on_descendants, if: -> { saved_change_to_share_with_group_lock? && share_with_group_lock? } # Legacy Storage specific hooks after_update :move_dir, if: :saved_change_to_path_or_parent? before_destroy(prepend: true) { prepare_for_destroy } after_destroy :rm_dir after_commit :expire_child_caches, on: :update, if: -> { Feature.enabled?(:cached_route_lookups, self, type: :ops, default_enabled: :yaml) && saved_change_to_name? || saved_change_to_path? || saved_change_to_parent_id? } scope :for_user, -> { where(type: nil) } scope :sort_by_type, -> { order(Gitlab::Database.nulls_first_order(:type)) } scope :include_route, -> { includes(:route) } scope :by_parent, -> (parent) { where(parent_id: parent) } scope :filter_by_path, -> (query) { where('lower(path) = :query', query: query.downcase) } scope :with_statistics, -> do joins('LEFT JOIN project_statistics ps ON ps.namespace_id = namespaces.id') .group('namespaces.id') .select( 'namespaces.*', 'COALESCE(SUM(ps.storage_size), 0) AS storage_size', 'COALESCE(SUM(ps.repository_size), 0) AS repository_size', 'COALESCE(SUM(ps.wiki_size), 0) AS wiki_size', 'COALESCE(SUM(ps.snippets_size), 0) AS snippets_size', 'COALESCE(SUM(ps.lfs_objects_size), 0) AS lfs_objects_size', 'COALESCE(SUM(ps.build_artifacts_size), 0) AS build_artifacts_size', 'COALESCE(SUM(ps.packages_size), 0) AS packages_size', 'COALESCE(SUM(ps.uploads_size), 0) AS uploads_size' ) end scope :sorted_by_similarity_and_parent_id_desc, -> (search) do order_expression = Gitlab::Database::SimilarityScore.build_expression(search: search, rules: [ { column: arel_table["path"], multiplier: 1 }, { column: arel_table["name"], multiplier: 0.7 } ]) reorder(order_expression.desc, Namespace.arel_table['parent_id'].desc.nulls_last, Namespace.arel_table['id'].desc) end # Make sure that the name is same as strong_memoize name in root_ancestor # method attr_writer :root_ancestor, :emails_disabled_memoized class << self def by_path(path) find_by('lower(path) = :value', value: path.downcase) end # Case insensitive search for namespace by path or name def find_by_path_or_name(path) find_by("lower(path) = :path OR lower(name) = :path", path: path.downcase) end # Searches for namespaces matching the given query. # # This method uses ILIKE on PostgreSQL. # # query - The search query as a String. # # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation. def search(query, include_parents: false) if include_parents where(id: Route.for_routable_type(Namespace.name).fuzzy_search(query, [Route.arel_table[:path], Route.arel_table[:name]]).select(:source_id)) else fuzzy_search(query, [:path, :name]) end end def clean_path(path) path = path.dup # Get the email username by removing everything after an `@` sign. path.gsub!(/@.*\z/, "") # Remove everything that's not in the list of allowed characters. path.gsub!(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]/, "") # Remove trailing violations ('.atom', '.git', or '.') path.gsub!(/(\.atom|\.git|\.)*\z/, "") # Remove leading violations ('-') path.gsub!(/\A\-+/, "") # Users with the great usernames of "." or ".." would end up with a blank username. # Work around that by setting their username to "blank", followed by a counter. path = "blank" if path.blank? uniquify = Uniquify.new uniquify.string(path) { |s| Namespace.find_by_path_or_name(s) } end def clean_name(value) value.scan(Gitlab::Regex.group_name_regex_chars).join(' ') end def find_by_pages_host(host) gitlab_host = "." + Settings.pages.host.downcase host = host.downcase return unless host.ends_with?(gitlab_host) name = host.delete_suffix(gitlab_host) Namespace.where(parent_id: nil).by_path(name) end def top_most where(parent_id: nil) end end def package_settings package_setting_relation || build_package_setting_relation end def default_branch_protection super || Gitlab::CurrentSettings.default_branch_protection end def visibility_level_field :visibility_level end def to_param full_path end def human_name owner_name end def any_project_has_container_registry_tags? all_projects.includes(:container_repositories).any?(&:has_container_registry_tags?) end def first_project_with_container_registry_tags all_projects.find(&:has_container_registry_tags?) end def send_update_instructions projects.each do |project| project.send_move_instructions("#{full_path_before_last_save}/#{project.path}") end end def kind type == 'Group' ? 'group' : 'user' end def user? kind == 'user' end def group? type == 'Group' end def find_fork_of(project) return unless project.fork_network if Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.active? forks_in_namespace = Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.fetch("namespaces:#{id}:forked_projects") do Hash.new do |found_forks, project| found_forks[project] = project.fork_network.find_forks_in(projects).first end end forks_in_namespace[project] else project.fork_network.find_forks_in(projects).first end end # any ancestor can disable emails for all descendants def emails_disabled? strong_memoize(:emails_disabled_memoized) do if parent_id self_and_ancestors.where(emails_disabled: true).exists? else !!emails_disabled end end end def lfs_enabled? # User namespace will always default to the global setting Gitlab.config.lfs.enabled end def any_project_with_shared_runners_enabled? projects.with_shared_runners.any? end def user_ids_for_project_authorizations [owner_id] end # Includes projects from this namespace and projects from all subgroups # that belongs to this namespace def all_projects if Feature.enabled?(:recursive_approach_for_all_projects, default_enabled: :yaml) namespace = user? ? self : self_and_descendants Project.where(namespace: namespace) else Project.inside_path(full_path) end end def has_parent? parent_id.present? || parent.present? end def subgroup? has_parent? end # Overridden on EE module def multiple_issue_boards_available? false end # Deprecated, use #licensed_feature_available? instead. Remove once Namespace#feature_available? isn't used anymore. def feature_available?(feature) licensed_feature_available?(feature) end # Overridden in EE::Namespace def licensed_feature_available?(_feature) false end def full_path_before_last_save if parent_id_before_last_save.nil? path_before_last_save else previous_parent = Group.find_by(id: parent_id_before_last_save) previous_parent.full_path + '/' + path_before_last_save end end def refresh_project_authorizations owner.refresh_authorized_projects end def auto_devops_enabled? first_auto_devops_config[:status] end def first_auto_devops_config return { scope: :group, status: auto_devops_enabled } unless auto_devops_enabled.nil? strong_memoize(:first_auto_devops_config) do if has_parent? parent.first_auto_devops_config else { scope: :instance, status: Gitlab::CurrentSettings.auto_devops_enabled? } end end end def aggregation_scheduled? aggregation_schedule.present? end def pages_virtual_domain Pages::VirtualDomain.new( all_projects_with_pages.includes(:route, :project_feature, pages_metadatum: :pages_deployment), trim_prefix: full_path ) end def any_project_with_pages_deployed? all_projects.with_pages_deployed.any? end def closest_setting(name) self_and_ancestors(hierarchy_order: :asc) .find { |n| !n.read_attribute(name).nil? } .try(name) end def actual_plan Plan.default end def paid? root? && actual_plan.paid? end def actual_limits # We default to PlanLimits.new otherwise a lot of specs would fail # On production each plan should already have associated limits record # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/36037 actual_plan.actual_limits end def actual_plan_name actual_plan.name end def changing_shared_runners_enabled_is_allowed return unless new_record? || changes.has_key?(:shared_runners_enabled) if shared_runners_enabled && has_parent? && parent.shared_runners_setting == 'disabled_and_unoverridable' errors.add(:shared_runners_enabled, _('cannot be enabled because parent group has shared Runners disabled')) end end def changing_allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners_is_allowed return unless new_record? || changes.has_key?(:allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners) if shared_runners_enabled && !new_record? errors.add(:allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners, _('cannot be changed if shared runners are enabled')) end if allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners && has_parent? && parent.shared_runners_setting == 'disabled_and_unoverridable' errors.add(:allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners, _('cannot be enabled because parent group does not allow it')) end end def shared_runners_setting if shared_runners_enabled 'enabled' else if allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners 'disabled_with_override' else 'disabled_and_unoverridable' end end end def shared_runners_setting_higher_than?(other_setting) if other_setting == 'enabled' false elsif other_setting == 'disabled_with_override' shared_runners_setting == 'enabled' elsif other_setting == 'disabled_and_unoverridable' shared_runners_setting == 'enabled' || shared_runners_setting == 'disabled_with_override' else raise ArgumentError end end def root? !has_parent? end def recent? created_at >= 90.days.ago end def issue_repositioning_disabled? Feature.enabled?(:block_issue_repositioning, self, type: :ops, default_enabled: :yaml) end private def expire_child_caches Namespace.where(id: descendants).each_batch do |namespaces| namespaces.touch_all end all_projects.each_batch do |projects| projects.touch_all end end def all_projects_with_pages all_projects.with_pages_deployed end def parent_changed? parent_id_changed? end def saved_change_to_parent? saved_change_to_parent_id? end def saved_change_to_path_or_parent? saved_change_to_path? || saved_change_to_parent_id? end def refresh_access_of_projects_invited_groups Group .joins(project_group_links: :project) .where(projects: { namespace_id: id }) .find_each(&:refresh_members_authorized_projects) end def nesting_level_allowed if ancestors.count > Group::NUMBER_OF_ANCESTORS_ALLOWED errors.add(:parent_id, 'has too deep level of nesting') end end def validate_parent_type return unless has_parent? if user? errors.add(:parent_id, 'a user namespace cannot have a parent') elsif group? errors.add(:parent_id, 'a group cannot have a user namespace as its parent') if parent.user? end end def sync_share_with_group_lock_with_parent if parent&.share_with_group_lock? self.share_with_group_lock = true end end def force_share_with_group_lock_on_descendants # We can't use `descendants.update_all` since Rails will throw away the WITH # RECURSIVE statement. We also can't use WHERE EXISTS since we can't use # different table aliases, hence we're just using WHERE IN. Since we have a # maximum of 20 nested groups this should be fine. Namespace.where(id: descendants.select(:id)) .update_all(share_with_group_lock: true) end def write_projects_repository_config all_projects.find_each do |project| project.write_repository_config project.track_project_repository end end end Namespace.prepend_mod_with('Namespace')