module CacheableAttributes extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do after_commit { self.class.expire } end class_methods do def cache_key "#{name}:#{Gitlab::VERSION}:#{Gitlab.migrations_hash}:#{Rails.version}".freeze end # Can be overriden def current_without_cache last end # Can be overriden def defaults {} end def build_from_defaults(attributes = {}) new(defaults.merge(attributes)) end def cached if RequestStore[:"#{name}_cached_attributes"] ||= retrieve_from_cache else retrieve_from_cache end end def retrieve_from_cache record = ensure_cache_setup if record.present? record end def current cached_record = cached return cached_record if cached_record.present? current_without_cache.tap { |current_record| current_record&.cache! } rescue => e if Rails.env.production? Rails.logger.warn("Cached record for #{name} couldn't be loaded, falling back to uncached record: #{e}") else raise e end # Fall back to an uncached value if there are any problems (e.g. Redis down) current_without_cache end def expire Rails.cache.delete(cache_key) rescue # Gracefully handle when Redis is not available. For example, # omnibus may fail here during gitlab:assets:compile. end def ensure_cache_setup # This is a workaround for a Rails bug that causes attribute methods not # to be loaded when read from cache: define_attribute_methods end end def cache! Rails.cache.write(self.class.cache_key, self) end end