# The ReactiveCaching concern is used to fetch some data in the background and # store it in the Rails cache, keeping it up-to-date for as long as it is being # requested. If the data hasn't been requested for +reactive_cache_lifetime+, # it stop being refreshed, and then be removed. # # Example of use: # # class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base # include ReactiveCaching # # self.reactive_cache_key = ->(thing) { ["foo", thing.id] } # # after_save :clear_reactive_cache! # # def calculate_reactive_cache # # Expensive operation here. The return value of this method is cached # end # # def result # with_reactive_cache do |data| # # ... # end # end # end # # In this example, the first time `#result` is called, it will return `nil`. # However, it will enqueue a background worker to call `#calculate_reactive_cache` # and set an initial cache lifetime of ten minutes. # # Each time the background job completes, it stores the return value of # `#calculate_reactive_cache`. It is also re-enqueued to run again after # `reactive_cache_refresh_interval`, so keeping the stored value up to date. # Calculations are never run concurrently. # # Calling `#result` while a value is in the cache will call the block given to # `#with_reactive_cache`, yielding the cached value. It will also extend the # lifetime by `reactive_cache_lifetime`. # # Once the lifetime has expired, no more background jobs will be enqueued and # calling `#result` will again return `nil` - starting the process all over # again module ReactiveCaching extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :reactive_cache_lease_timeout class_attribute :reactive_cache_key class_attribute :reactive_cache_lifetime class_attribute :reactive_cache_refresh_interval # defaults self.reactive_cache_lease_timeout = 2.minutes self.reactive_cache_refresh_interval = 1.minute self.reactive_cache_lifetime = 10.minutes def calculate_reactive_cache(*args) raise NotImplementedError end def with_reactive_cache(*args, &blk) bootstrap = !within_reactive_cache_lifetime?(*args) Rails.cache.write(alive_reactive_cache_key(*args), true, expires_in: self.class.reactive_cache_lifetime) if bootstrap ReactiveCachingWorker.perform_async(self.class, id, *args) nil else data = Rails.cache.read(full_reactive_cache_key(*args)) yield data if data.present? end end def clear_reactive_cache!(*args) Rails.cache.delete(full_reactive_cache_key(*args)) Rails.cache.delete(alive_reactive_cache_key(*args)) end def exclusively_update_reactive_cache!(*args) locking_reactive_cache(*args) do if within_reactive_cache_lifetime?(*args) enqueuing_update(*args) do value = calculate_reactive_cache(*args) Rails.cache.write(full_reactive_cache_key(*args), value) end end end end private def full_reactive_cache_key(*qualifiers) prefix = self.class.reactive_cache_key prefix = prefix.call(self) if prefix.respond_to?(:call) ([prefix].flatten + qualifiers).join(':') end def alive_reactive_cache_key(*qualifiers) full_reactive_cache_key(*(qualifiers + ['alive'])) end def locking_reactive_cache(*args) lease = Gitlab::ExclusiveLease.new(full_reactive_cache_key(*args), timeout: reactive_cache_lease_timeout) uuid = lease.try_obtain yield if uuid ensure Gitlab::ExclusiveLease.cancel(full_reactive_cache_key(*args), uuid) end def within_reactive_cache_lifetime?(*args) !!Rails.cache.read(alive_reactive_cache_key(*args)) end def enqueuing_update(*args) yield ensure ReactiveCachingWorker.perform_in(self.class.reactive_cache_refresh_interval, self.class, id, *args) end end end