In the branch graph, uploaded images where not rendered correctly. Fixed this by not filling the rect, instead i've put an image over it
329 lines
8.3 KiB
329 lines
8.3 KiB
class BranchGraph
constructor: (@element, @options) ->
@preparedCommits = {}
@mtime = 0
@mspace = 0
@parents = {}
@colors = ["#000"]
@offsetX = 150
@offsetY = 20
@unitTime = 30
@unitSpace = 10
@prev_start = -1
load: ->
url: @options.url
method: "get"
dataType: "json"
success: $.proxy((data) ->
$(".loading", @element).hide()
@prepareData data.days, data.commits
, this)
prepareData: (@days, @commits) ->
@graphHeight = $(@element).height()
@graphWidth = $(@element).width()
ch = Math.max(@graphHeight, @offsetY + @unitTime * @mtime + 150)
cw = Math.max(@graphWidth, @offsetX + @unitSpace * @mspace + 300)
@r = Raphael(@element.get(0), cw, ch)
@top = @r.set()
@barHeight = Math.max(@graphHeight, @unitTime * @days.length + 320)
for c in @commits
c.isParent = true if c.id of @parents
@preparedCommits[c.id] = c
collectParents: ->
for c in @commits
@mtime = Math.max(@mtime, c.time)
@mspace = Math.max(@mspace, c.space)
for p in c.parents
@parents[p[0]] = true
@mspace = Math.max(@mspace, p[1])
collectColors: ->
k = 0
while k < @mspace
@colors.push Raphael.getColor(.8)
# Skipping a few colors in the spectrum to get more contrast between colors
buildGraph: ->
r = @r
cuday = 0
cumonth = ""
r.rect(0, 0, 40, @barHeight).attr fill: "#222"
r.rect(40, 0, 30, @barHeight).attr fill: "#444"
for day, mm in @days
if cuday isnt day[0]
# Dates
r.text(55, @offsetY + @unitTime * mm, day[0])
font: "12px Monaco, monospace"
fill: "#BBB"
cuday = day[0]
if cumonth isnt day[1]
# Months
r.text(20, @offsetY + @unitTime * mm, day[1])
font: "12px Monaco, monospace"
fill: "#EEE"
cumonth = day[1]
renderPartialGraph: ->
start = Math.floor((@element.scrollTop() - @offsetY) / @unitTime) - 10
start = 0 if start < 0
end = start + 40
end = @commits.length if @commits.length < end
if @prev_start == -1 or Math.abs(@prev_start - start) > 10
i = start
@prev_start = start
while i < end
commit = @commits[i]
i += 1
if commit.hasDrawn isnt true
x = @offsetX + @unitSpace * (@mspace - commit.space)
y = @offsetY + @unitTime * commit.time
@drawDot(x, y, commit)
@drawLines(x, y, commit)
@appendLabel(x, y, commit)
@appendAnchor(x, y, commit)
commit.hasDrawn = true
bindEvents: ->
drag = {}
element = @element
$(element).scroll (event) =>
keydown: (event) =>
# left
element.scrollLeft element.scrollLeft() - 50 if event.keyCode is 37
# top
element.scrollTop element.scrollTop() - 50 if event.keyCode is 38
# right
element.scrollLeft element.scrollLeft() + 50 if event.keyCode is 39
# bottom
element.scrollTop element.scrollTop() + 50 if event.keyCode is 40
appendLabel: (x, y, commit) ->
return unless commit.refs
r = @r
shortrefs = commit.refs
# Truncate if longer than 15 chars
shortrefs = shortrefs.substr(0, 15) + "…" if shortrefs.length > 17
text = r.text(x + 4, y, shortrefs).attr(
"text-anchor": "start"
font: "10px Monaco, monospace"
fill: "#FFF"
title: commit.refs
textbox = text.getBBox()
# Create rectangle based on the size of the textbox
rect = r.rect(x, y - 7, textbox.width + 5, textbox.height + 5, 4).attr(
fill: "#000"
"fill-opacity": .5
stroke: "none"
triangle = r.path(["M", x - 5, y, "L", x - 15, y - 4, "L", x - 15, y + 4, "Z"]).attr(
fill: "#000"
"fill-opacity": .5
stroke: "none"
label = r.set(rect, text)
label.transform(["t", -rect.getBBox().width - 15, 0])
# Set text to front
appendAnchor: (x, y, commit) ->
r = @r
top = @top
options = @options
anchor = r.circle(x, y, 10).attr(
fill: "#000"
opacity: 0
cursor: "pointer"
window.open options.commit_url.replace("%s", commit.id), "_blank"
@tooltip = r.commitTooltip(x + 5, y, commit)
top.push @tooltip.insertBefore(this)
, ->
@tooltip and @tooltip.remove() and delete @tooltip
top.push anchor
drawDot: (x, y, commit) ->
r = @r
r.circle(x, y, 3).attr(
fill: @colors[commit.space]
stroke: "none"
avatar_box_x = @offsetX + @unitSpace * @mspace + 10
avatar_box_y = y - 10
r.rect(avatar_box_x, avatar_box_y, 20, 20).attr(
stroke: @colors[commit.space]
"stroke-width": 2
r.image(commit.author.icon, avatar_box_x, avatar_box_y, 20, 20)
r.text(@offsetX + @unitSpace * @mspace + 35, y, commit.message.split("\n")[0]).attr(
"text-anchor": "start"
font: "14px Monaco, monospace"
drawLines: (x, y, commit) ->
r = @r
for parent, i in commit.parents
parentCommit = @preparedCommits[parent[0]]
parentY = @offsetY + @unitTime * parentCommit.time
parentX1 = @offsetX + @unitSpace * (@mspace - parentCommit.space)
parentX2 = @offsetX + @unitSpace * (@mspace - parent[1])
# Set line color
if parentCommit.space <= commit.space
color = @colors[commit.space]
color = @colors[parentCommit.space]
# Build line shape
if parent[1] is commit.space
offset = [0, 5]
arrow = "l-2,5,4,0,-2,-5,0,5"
else if parent[1] < commit.space
offset = [3, 3]
arrow = "l5,0,-2,4,-3,-4,4,2"
offset = [-3, 3]
arrow = "l-5,0,2,4,3,-4,-4,2"
# Start point
route = ["M", x + offset[0], y + offset[1]]
# Add arrow if not first parent
if i > 0
# Circumvent if overlap
if commit.space isnt parentCommit.space or commit.space isnt parent[1]
"L", parentX2, y + 10,
"L", parentX2, parentY - 5,
# End point
route.push("L", parentX1, parentY)
stroke: color
"stroke-width": 2)
markCommit: (commit) ->
if commit.id is @options.commit_id
r = @r
x = @offsetX + @unitSpace * (@mspace - commit.space)
y = @offsetY + @unitTime * commit.time
r.path(["M", x + 5, y, "L", x + 15, y + 4, "L", x + 15, y - 4, "Z"]).attr(
fill: "#000"
"fill-opacity": .5
stroke: "none"
# Displayed in the center
@element.scrollTop(y - @graphHeight / 2)
Raphael::commitTooltip = (x, y, commit) ->
boxWidth = 300
boxHeight = 200
icon = @image(commit.author.icon, x, y, 20, 20)
nameText = @text(x + 25, y + 10, commit.author.name)
idText = @text(x, y + 35, commit.id)
messageText = @text(x, y + 50, commit.message)
textSet = @set(icon, nameText, idText, messageText).attr(
"text-anchor": "start"
font: "12px Monaco, monospace"
font: "14px Arial"
"font-weight": "bold"
idText.attr fill: "#AAA"
@textWrap messageText, boxWidth - 50
rect = @rect(x - 10, y - 10, boxWidth, 100, 4).attr(
fill: "#FFF"
stroke: "#000"
"stroke-linecap": "round"
"stroke-width": 2
tooltip = @set(rect, textSet)
height: tooltip.getBBox().height + 10
width: tooltip.getBBox().width + 10
tooltip.transform ["t", 20, 20]
Raphael::textWrap = (t, width) ->
content = t.attr("text")
abc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
t.attr text: abc
letterWidth = t.getBBox().width / abc.length
t.attr text: content
words = content.split(" ")
x = 0
s = []
for word in words
if x + (word.length * letterWidth) > width
s.push "\n"
x = 0
x += word.length * letterWidth
s.push word + " "
t.attr text: s.join("")
b = t.getBBox()
h = Math.abs(b.y2) - Math.abs(b.y) + 1
t.attr y: b.y + h
@BranchGraph = BranchGraph