Remove references to the vendored copies of At.js and jquery.carat as well as the legacy rails wrapper gem.
253 lines
7.7 KiB
253 lines
7.7 KiB
/* eslint no-param-reassign: "off" */
import $ from 'jquery';
import GfmAutoComplete from '~/gfm_auto_complete';
import 'jquery.caret';
import 'at.js';
describe('GfmAutoComplete', () => {
const gfmAutoCompleteCallbacks = GfmAutoComplete.prototype.getDefaultCallbacks.call({
fetchData: () => {},
let atwhoInstance;
let items;
let sorterValue;
describe('DefaultOptions.sorter', () => {
describe('assets loading', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(GfmAutoComplete, 'isLoading').mockReturnValue(true);
atwhoInstance = { setting: {} };
items = [];
sorterValue = gfmAutoCompleteCallbacks.sorter.call(atwhoInstance, '', items);
it('should disable highlightFirst', () => {
it('should return the passed unfiltered items', () => {
describe('assets finished loading', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(GfmAutoComplete, 'isLoading').mockReturnValue(false);
jest.spyOn($.fn.atwho.default.callbacks, 'sorter').mockImplementation(() => {});
it('should enable highlightFirst if alwaysHighlightFirst is set', () => {
atwhoInstance = { setting: { alwaysHighlightFirst: true } };
it('should enable highlightFirst if a query is present', () => {
atwhoInstance = { setting: {} };
gfmAutoCompleteCallbacks.sorter.call(atwhoInstance, 'query');
it('should call the default atwho sorter', () => {
atwhoInstance = { setting: {} };
const query = 'query';
items = [];
const searchKey = 'searchKey';
gfmAutoCompleteCallbacks.sorter.call(atwhoInstance, query, items, searchKey);
expect($.fn.atwho.default.callbacks.sorter).toHaveBeenCalledWith(query, items, searchKey);
describe('DefaultOptions.beforeInsert', () => {
const beforeInsert = (context, value) =>
gfmAutoCompleteCallbacks.beforeInsert.call(context, value);
beforeEach(() => {
atwhoInstance = { setting: { skipSpecialCharacterTest: false } };
it('should not quote if value only contains alphanumeric charecters', () => {
expect(beforeInsert(atwhoInstance, '@user1')).toBe('@user1');
expect(beforeInsert(atwhoInstance, '~label1')).toBe('~label1');
it('should quote if value contains any non-alphanumeric characters', () => {
expect(beforeInsert(atwhoInstance, '~label-20')).toBe('~"label\\-20"');
expect(beforeInsert(atwhoInstance, '~label 20')).toBe('~"label 20"');
it('should quote integer labels', () => {
expect(beforeInsert(atwhoInstance, '~1234')).toBe('~"1234"');
it('should escape Markdown emphasis characters, except in the first character', () => {
expect(beforeInsert(atwhoInstance, '@_group')).toEqual('@\\_group');
expect(beforeInsert(atwhoInstance, '~_bug')).toEqual('~\\_bug');
expect(beforeInsert(atwhoInstance, '~a `bug`')).toEqual('~"a \\`bug\\`"');
expect(beforeInsert(atwhoInstance, '~a ~bug')).toEqual('~"a \\~bug"');
expect(beforeInsert(atwhoInstance, '~a **bug')).toEqual('~"a \\*\\*bug"');
describe('DefaultOptions.matcher', () => {
const defaultMatcher = (context, flag, subtext) =>
gfmAutoCompleteCallbacks.matcher.call(context, flag, subtext);
const flagsUseDefaultMatcher = ['@', '#', '!', '~', '%', '$'];
const otherFlags = ['/', ':'];
const flags = flagsUseDefaultMatcher.concat(otherFlags);
const flagsHash = flags.reduce((hash, el) => {
hash[el] = null;
return hash;
}, {});
beforeEach(() => {
atwhoInstance = { setting: {}, app: { controllers: flagsHash } };
const minLen = 1;
const maxLen = 20;
const argumentSize = [minLen, maxLen / 2, maxLen];
const allowedSymbols = [
const jointAllowedSymbols = allowedSymbols.join('');
describe('should match regular symbols', () => {
flagsUseDefaultMatcher.forEach(flag => {
allowedSymbols.forEach(symbol => {
argumentSize.forEach(size => {
const query = new Array(size + 1).join(symbol);
const subtext = flag + query;
it(`matches argument "${flag}" with query "${subtext}"`, () => {
expect(defaultMatcher(atwhoInstance, flag, subtext)).toBe(query);
it(`matches combination of allowed symbols for flag "${flag}"`, () => {
const subtext = flag + jointAllowedSymbols;
expect(defaultMatcher(atwhoInstance, flag, subtext)).toBe(jointAllowedSymbols);
describe('should not match special sequences', () => {
const shouldNotBeFollowedBy = flags.concat(['\x00', '\x10', '\x3f', '\n', ' ']);
const shouldNotBePrependedBy = ['`'];
flagsUseDefaultMatcher.forEach(atSign => {
shouldNotBeFollowedBy.forEach(followedSymbol => {
const seq = atSign + followedSymbol;
it(`should not match ${JSON.stringify(seq)}`, () => {
expect(defaultMatcher(atwhoInstance, atSign, seq)).toBe(null);
shouldNotBePrependedBy.forEach(prependedSymbol => {
const seq = prependedSymbol + atSign;
it(`should not match "${seq}"`, () => {
expect(defaultMatcher(atwhoInstance, atSign, seq)).toBe(null);
describe('isLoading', () => {
it('should be true with loading data object item', () => {
expect(GfmAutoComplete.isLoading({ name: 'loading' })).toBe(true);
it('should be true with loading data array', () => {
it('should be true with loading data object array', () => {
expect(GfmAutoComplete.isLoading([{ name: 'loading' }])).toBe(true);
it('should be false with actual array data', () => {
GfmAutoComplete.isLoading([{ title: 'Foo' }, { title: 'Bar' }, { title: 'Qux' }]),
it('should be false with actual data item', () => {
expect(GfmAutoComplete.isLoading({ title: 'Foo' })).toBe(false);
describe('Issues.insertTemplateFunction', () => {
it('should return default template', () => {
expect(GfmAutoComplete.Issues.insertTemplateFunction({ id: 5, title: 'Some Issue' })).toBe(
'${atwho-at}${id}', // eslint-disable-line no-template-curly-in-string
it('should return reference when reference is set', () => {
id: 5,
title: 'Some Issue',
reference: 'grp/proj#5',
describe('Issues.templateFunction', () => {
it('should return html with id and title', () => {
expect(GfmAutoComplete.Issues.templateFunction({ id: 5, title: 'Some Issue' })).toBe(
'<li><small>5</small> Some Issue</li>',
it('should replace id with reference if reference is set', () => {
id: 5,
title: 'Some Issue',
reference: 'grp/proj#5',
).toBe('<li><small>grp/proj#5</small> Some Issue</li>');